From: Frank Buss
Subject: sound synthesis
Message-ID: <co5sft$bgl$>
For my Lisp CPU ( , still not much to 
see) I need some sound output. I think simple FM synthesis is sufficient. 
For testing it, I've written a WAVE-writer and created a door bell with 
ADSR envelope for the notes. Looks like for this kind of calculations 
LispWorks is much better than CLISP:

CLISP: 17.3 seconds
LispWorks: 1.4 seconds

I hope I can do this in real time on the FPGA.

Output converted to MP3:

The code:

(defun make-samples-array (sample-rate seconds &optional function)
  (declare (float sample-rate seconds))
  (let* ((sample-count (round (* sample-rate seconds)))
         (samples (make-array sample-count 
                              :element-type 'float
                              :initial-element 0.0)))
    (when function
      (dotimes (i sample-count) 
        (let ((time (float (* (/ seconds sample-count) i))))
          (setf (aref samples i) (funcall function time)))))

(defun write-wave (sample-rate samples)
  (with-open-file (s "c:/tmp/test.wav" 
                     :direction :output
                     :if-exists :supersede
                     :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
    (flet ((write-uint-16 (uint-16)
             (write-byte (logand #xff uint-16) s)
             (write-byte (logand #xff (ash uint-16 -8)) s))
           (write-uint-32 (uint-32)
             (write-byte (logand #xff uint-32) s)
             (write-byte (logand #xff (ash uint-32 -8)) s)
             (write-byte (logand #xff (ash uint-32 -16)) s)
             (write-byte (logand #xff (ash uint-32 -24)) s)))
      (write-uint-32 #x46464952)
      (write-uint-32 (+ (* 2 (length samples)) 36))
      (write-uint-32 #x45564157)
      (write-uint-32 #x20746d66)
      (write-uint-32 16)
      (write-uint-16 1)
      (write-uint-16 1)
      (write-uint-32 (round sample-rate))
      (write-uint-32 (round (* 2.0 sample-rate)))
      (write-uint-16 2)
      (write-uint-16 16)
      (write-uint-32 #x61746164)
      (write-uint-32 (* 2 (length samples)))
      (dotimes (i (length samples))
        (write-uint-16 (round (* 32767.0 (aref samples i))))))))

(defun mix (target-samples source-samples start sample-rate)
  (let ((ofs (round (* sample-rate start))))
    (dotimes (i (length source-samples))
      (incf (aref target-samples (+ ofs i))
            (aref source-samples i)))))

(defun normalize (samples)
  (let ((max-sample 0)
        (min-sample 0))
    (dotimes (i (length samples))
      (let ((sample (aref samples i)))
        (when (< sample min-sample) (setf min-sample sample))
        (when (> sample max-sample) (setf max-sample sample))))
    (setf max-sample (max (- min-sample) max-sample))
    (dotimes (i (length samples))
      (setf (aref samples i) (/ (aref samples i) max-sample)))))


(defun adsr-generator (time
  (declare (float time sustain-time 
                  attack-time decay-time sustain-factor release-time))
  (let* ((t1 attack-time)
         (t2 (+ t1 decay-time))
         (t3 (+ t2 sustain-time))
         (t4 (+ t3 release-time)))
    (cond ((< time 0.0) 0.0)
          ((<= time t1) (/ time attack-time))
          ((<= time t2) (+ 1.0
                           (* (/ (- 1.0 sustain-factor) decay-time)
                              (- t1 time))))
          ((<= time t3) sustain-factor)
          ((<= time t4) (+ sustain-factor 
                           (* (/ sustain-factor release-time)
                              (- t3 time))))
          (t 0.0))))

(defun fm-gong (time freq)
  (declare (float time freq))
  (let* ((adsr (adsr-generator time 1.0 0.01 0.1 0.8 1.0))
         (adsr-freq (adsr-generator time .3 0.001 0.3 0.3 1.0))
         (mod-freq (* 1.98 freq))
         (sin-freq (* 5.0 adsr-freq (sin (* 2 pi mod-freq time)))))
    (sin (* adsr (sin (+ (* 2 pi freq time) sin-freq))))))

(defun make-gong (sample-rate freq)
  (declare (float sample-rate freq))
  (make-samples-array sample-rate 
                      #'(lambda (time) (fm-gong time freq))))

(defun three-gongs ()
  (let* ((note-exp (expt 2 (/ 1 12)))
         (note-base 200)
         (note-1 (float (* note-base (expt note-exp 7))))
         (note-2 (float (* note-base (expt note-exp 4))))
         (note-3 (float (* note-base (expt note-exp 0))))
         (sample-rate 22050.0)
         (samples (make-samples-array sample-rate 4.7))
         (gong1 (make-gong sample-rate note-1))
         (gong2 (make-gong sample-rate note-2))
         (gong3 (make-gong sample-rate note-3)))
    (mix samples gong1 0.0 sample-rate)
    (mix samples gong2 0.8 sample-rate)
    (mix samples gong3 1.6 sample-rate)
    (normalize samples)
    (write-wave sample-rate samples)))

Frank Bu�, ··,

From: Rainer Joswig
Subject: Re: sound synthesis
Message-ID: <>
In article <············>,
 Frank Buss <··> wrote:

> For my Lisp CPU ( , still not much to 
> see) I need some sound output. I think simple FM synthesis is sufficient. 
> For testing it, I've written a WAVE-writer and created a door bell with 
> ADSR envelope for the notes. Looks like for this kind of calculations 
> LispWorks is much better than CLISP:
> CLISP: 17.3 seconds
> LispWorks: 1.4 seconds
> I hope I can do this in real time on the FPGA.

For a more comprehensive system for doing sound synthesis
with Lisp see: Common Lisp Music
From: Frank Buss
Subject: Re: sound synthesis
Message-ID: <co61j8$j0j$>
Rainer Joswig <······> wrote:

> For a more comprehensive system for doing sound synthesis
> with Lisp see: Common Lisp Music

thanks, there are really some good ideas from many other programs
in this library.

I wonder if it is possible to write a cool demo in Lisp, like the ones
at , for example the several minutes long
demo "the product": 

Needs Windows and DirectX 8, but has nice synthesized sound and graphics
and is only 64 kB long! Another good idea for my Lisp CPU :-)

Frank Bu�, ··,
From: Wade Humeniuk
Subject: Re: sound synthesis
Message-ID: <Lhwpd.190460$df2.190346@edtnps89>
Frank Buss wrote:

> For my Lisp CPU ( , still not much to 
> see) I need some sound output. I think simple FM synthesis is sufficient. 
> For testing it, I've written a WAVE-writer and created a door bell with 
> ADSR envelope for the notes. Looks like for this kind of calculations 
> LispWorks is much better than CLISP:
> CLISP: 17.3 seconds
> LispWorks: 1.4 seconds

This is great.  I added a few declarations and changed write-wave slightly.
It now runs twice as fast!  Thanks Frank!  Hope you do not mind.



WAVE 2 > (time (three-gongs))
Timing the evaluation of (THREE-GONGS)
; Loading fasl file C:\Program Files\Xanalys\LispWorks\lib\4-3-0-0\modules\util\callcoun.fsl

user time    =      1.632
system time  =      0.010
Elapsed time =   0:00:02
Allocation   = 94344048 bytes standard / 3542 bytes conses
0 Page faults
Calls to %EVAL    33


WAVE 61 > (time (three-gongs))
Timing the evaluation of (THREE-GONGS)

user time    =      0.711
system time  =      0.000
Elapsed time =   0:00:00
Allocation   = 39908840 bytes standard / 3729 bytes conses
0 Page faults
Calls to %EVAL    33

WAVE 62 >

  (in-package :wave)

(defun make-samples-array (sample-rate seconds &optional function)
   (declare (float sample-rate seconds))
   (let* ((sample-count (round (* sample-rate seconds)))
          (samples (make-array sample-count
                               :element-type 'float
                               :initial-element 0.0)))
     (when function
       (dotimes (i sample-count)
         (let ((time (float (* (/ seconds sample-count) i))))
           (setf (aref samples i) (funcall function time)))))

(defun write-wave (sample-rate samples)
   (declare (type (simple-array float (*)) samples)
            (optimize (speed 3) #+lispworks(float 0)))
   (with-open-file (s "c:/tmp/test.wav"
                      :direction :output
                      :if-exists :supersede
                      :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
     (flet ((write-uint-16 (uint-16)
              (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 0) uint-16) s)
              (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 8) uint-16) s))
            (write-uint-32 (uint-32)
              (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 0) uint-32) s)
              (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 8) uint-32) s)
              (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 16) uint-32) s)
              (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 24) uint-32) s)))
       (write-uint-32 #x46464952)
       (write-uint-32 (+ (* 2 (length samples)) 36))
       (write-uint-32 #x45564157)
       (write-uint-32 #x20746d66)
       (write-uint-32 16)
       (write-uint-16 1)
       (write-uint-16 1)
       (write-uint-32 (round sample-rate))
       (write-uint-32 (round (* 2.0 sample-rate)))
       (write-uint-16 2)
       (write-uint-16 16)
       (write-uint-32 #x61746164)
       (write-uint-32 (* 2 (length samples)))
       (fdotimes (i (length samples))
         (write-uint-16 (round (* 32767.0s0 (aref samples i))))))))

(defun mix (target-samples source-samples start sample-rate)
   (declare (type (simple-array float (*)))
            (float start sample-rate)
            (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #+lispworks(float 0)))
   (let ((ofs (round (* sample-rate start))))
     (dotimes (i (length source-samples))
       (incf (aref target-samples (+ ofs i))
             (aref source-samples i)))))

(defun normalize (samples)
   (declare (type (simple-array float (*)) samples)
            (optimize (speed 3) #+lispworks(float 0) (safety 0)))
   (let ((max-sample 0.0s0)
         (min-sample 0.0s0))
     (declare (float max-sample min-sample))
     (dotimes (i (length samples))
       (let ((sample (aref samples i)))
         (declare (float sample))
         (when (< sample min-sample) (setf min-sample sample))
         (when (> sample max-sample) (setf max-sample sample))))
     (setf max-sample (max (- min-sample) max-sample))
     (dotimes (i (length samples))
       (setf (aref samples i) (/ (aref samples i) max-sample)))))


(defun adsr-generator (time
   (declare (float time sustain-time
                   attack-time decay-time sustain-factor release-time)
            (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #+lispworks(float 0)))
   (let* ((t1 attack-time)
          (t2 (+ t1 decay-time))
          (t3 (+ t2 sustain-time))
          (t4 (+ t3 release-time)))
     (declare (float t1 t2 t3 t4))
     (cond ((< time 0.0s0) 0.0s0)
           ((<= time t1) (/ time attack-time))
           ((<= time t2) (+ 1.0s0
                            (* (/ (- 1.0s0 sustain-factor) decay-time)
                               (- t1 time))))
           ((<= time t3) sustain-factor)
           ((<= time t4) (+ sustain-factor
                            (* (/ sustain-factor release-time)
                               (- t3 time))))
           (t 0.0s0))))

(defun fm-gong (time freq)
   (declare (float time freq)
            (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #+lispworks(float 0)))
   (let* ((adsr (adsr-generator time 1.0s0 0.01s0 0.1s0 0.8s0 1.0s0))
          (adsr-freq (adsr-generator time .3s0 0.001s0 0.3s0 0.3s0 1.0s0))
          (mod-freq (* 1.98s0 freq))
          (sin-freq (* 5.0s0 adsr-freq (sin (* 2.0s0 pi mod-freq time)))))
     (declare (float asdr asdr-freq mod-freq sin-freq))
     (sin (* adsr (sin (+ (* 2 pi freq time) sin-freq))))))

(defun make-gong (sample-rate freq)
   (declare (float sample-rate freq))
   (make-samples-array sample-rate
                       #'(lambda (time) (fm-gong time freq))))

(defun three-gongs ()
   (let* ((note-exp (expt 2 (/ 1 12)))
          (note-base 200)
          (note-1 (float (* note-base (expt note-exp 7))))
          (note-2 (float (* note-base (expt note-exp 4))))
          (note-3 (float (* note-base (expt note-exp 0))))
          (sample-rate 22050.0s0)
          (samples (make-samples-array sample-rate 4.7))
          (gong1 (make-gong sample-rate note-1))
          (gong2 (make-gong sample-rate note-2))
          (gong3 (make-gong sample-rate note-3)))
     (mix samples gong1 0.0s0 sample-rate)
     (mix samples gong2 0.8s0 sample-rate)
     (mix samples gong3 1.6s0 sample-rate)
     (normalize samples)
     (write-wave sample-rate samples)))
From: Wade Humeniuk
Subject: Re: sound synthesis
Message-ID: <pkwpd.190463$df2.82269@edtnps89>
Oops made some sort of error in the code.  The last few changes I made
broke it somehow.

From: Wade Humeniuk
Subject: Re: sound synthesis
Message-ID: <Oqwpd.190465$df2.174631@edtnps89>
Wade Humeniuk wrote:

> Oops made some sort of error in the code.  The last few changes I made
> broke it somehow.
> Wade

Here is the corrected file.  Not sure what I did wrong.
Changes to write-wave and added declarations.  Thanks
again (if you did not get it the first time).  This
is great!


(in-package :wave)

(defun make-samples-array (sample-rate seconds &optional function)
   (declare (float sample-rate seconds))
   (let* ((sample-count (round (* sample-rate seconds)))
          (samples (make-array sample-count
                               :element-type 'float
                               :initial-element 0.0)))
     (when function
       (dotimes (i sample-count)
         (let ((time (float (* (/ seconds sample-count) i))))
           (setf (aref samples i) (funcall function time)))))

(defun write-wave (sample-rate samples)
   (declare (type (simple-array float (*)) samples)
            (optimize (speed 3) #+lispworks(float 0)))
   (with-open-file (s "c:/tmp/test.wav"
                      :direction :output
                      :if-exists :supersede
                      :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
     (flet ((write-uint-16 (uint-16)
              (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 0) uint-16) s)
              (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 8) uint-16) s))
            (write-uint-32 (uint-32)
              (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 0) uint-32) s)
              (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 8) uint-32) s)
              (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 16) uint-32) s)
              (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 24) uint-32) s)))
       (write-uint-32 #x46464952)
       (write-uint-32 (+ (* 2 (length samples)) 36))
       (write-uint-32 #x45564157)
       (write-uint-32 #x20746d66)
       (write-uint-32 16)
       (write-uint-16 1)
       (write-uint-16 1)
       (write-uint-32 (round sample-rate))
       (write-uint-32 (round (* 2.0 sample-rate)))
       (write-uint-16 2)
       (write-uint-16 16)
       (write-uint-32 #x61746164)
       (write-uint-32 (* 2 (length samples)))
       (dotimes (i (length samples))
         (write-uint-16 (round (* 32767.0s0 (aref samples i))))))))

(defun mix (target-samples source-samples start sample-rate)
   (declare (type (simple-array float (*)))
            (float start sample-rate)
            (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #+lispworks(float 0)))
   (let ((ofs (round (* sample-rate start))))
     (dotimes (i (length source-samples))
       (incf (aref target-samples (+ ofs i))
             (aref source-samples i)))))

(defun normalize (samples)
   (declare (type (simple-array float (*)) samples)
            (optimize (speed 3) #+lispworks(float 0) (safety 0)))
   (let ((max-sample 0.0s0)
         (min-sample 0.0s0))
     (declare (float max-sample min-sample))
     (dotimes (i (length samples))
       (let ((sample (aref samples i)))
         (declare (float sample))
         (when (< sample min-sample) (setf min-sample sample))
         (when (> sample max-sample) (setf max-sample sample))))
     (setf max-sample (max (- min-sample) max-sample))
     (dotimes (i (length samples))
       (setf (aref samples i) (/ (aref samples i) max-sample)))))


(defun adsr-generator (time
   (declare (float time sustain-time
                   attack-time decay-time sustain-factor release-time)
            (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #+lispworks(float 0)))
   (let* ((t1 attack-time)
          (t2 (+ t1 decay-time))
          (t3 (+ t2 sustain-time))
          (t4 (+ t3 release-time)))
     (declare (float t1 t2 t3 t4))
     (cond ((< time 0.0s0) 0.0s0)
           ((<= time t1) (/ time attack-time))
           ((<= time t2) (+ 1.0s0
                            (* (/ (- 1.0s0 sustain-factor) decay-time)
                               (- t1 time))))
           ((<= time t3) sustain-factor)
           ((<= time t4) (+ sustain-factor
                            (* (/ sustain-factor release-time)
                               (- t3 time))))
           (t 0.0s0))))

(defun fm-gong (time freq)
   (declare (float time freq)
            (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #+lispworks(float 0)))
   (let* ((adsr (adsr-generator time 1.0s0 0.01s0 0.1s0 0.8s0 1.0s0))
          (adsr-freq (adsr-generator time .3s0 0.001s0 0.3s0 0.3s0 1.0s0))
          (mod-freq (* 1.98s0 freq))
          (sin-freq (* 5.0s0 adsr-freq (sin (* 2.0s0 pi mod-freq time)))))
     (declare (float asdr asdr-freq mod-freq sin-freq))
     (sin (* adsr (sin (+ (* 2 pi freq time) sin-freq))))))

(defun make-gong (sample-rate freq)
   (declare (float sample-rate freq))
   (make-samples-array sample-rate
                       #'(lambda (time) (fm-gong time freq))))

(defun three-gongs ()
   (let* ((note-exp (expt 2 (/ 1 12)))
          (note-base 200)
          (note-1 (float (* note-base (expt note-exp 7))))
          (note-2 (float (* note-base (expt note-exp 4))))
          (note-3 (float (* note-base (expt note-exp 0))))
          (sample-rate 22050.0s0)
          (samples (make-samples-array sample-rate 4.7))
          (gong1 (make-gong sample-rate note-1))
          (gong2 (make-gong sample-rate note-2))
          (gong3 (make-gong sample-rate note-3)))
     (mix samples gong1 0.0s0 sample-rate)
     (mix samples gong2 0.8s0 sample-rate)
     (mix samples gong3 1.6s0 sample-rate)
     (normalize samples)
     (write-wave sample-rate samples)))
From: Frank Buss
Subject: Re: sound synthesis
Message-ID: <co6sq3$1om$>
Wade Humeniuk <····································> wrote:

> Here is the corrected file.  Not sure what I did wrong.
> Changes to write-wave and added declarations. 

the declarations and using short float helped, now it is much faster:
CLISP 7.80 s and LispWorks 1.0 s. With LispWorks now a GUI should be 
possible, to adjust the values of the FM oscillators and ADSR envelope 

> This is great!


PS: my code is freeware, use it for whatever you want.

Frank Bu�, ··,
From: Wade Humeniuk
Subject: Re: sound synthesis
Message-ID: <aMJpd.8679$VL6.1070@clgrps13>
Frank Buss wrote:
> Wade Humeniuk <····································> wrote:
>>Here is the corrected file.  Not sure what I did wrong.
>>Changes to write-wave and added declarations. 
> the declarations and using short float helped, now it is much faster:
> CLISP 7.80 s and LispWorks 1.0 s. With LispWorks now a GUI should be 
> possible, to adjust the values of the FM oscillators and ADSR envelope 
> interactively.

As an exercise for myself I have massaged the code some more.  I got
another increase in speed.  LW does not have a very good dotimes, so
I replaced that and a few other mods.



WAVE 4 > (time (three-gongs))
Timing the evaluation of (THREE-GONGS)

user time    =      0.941
system time  =      0.000
Elapsed time =   0:00:01
Allocation   = 45042080 bytes standard / 6743 bytes conses
0 Page faults
Calls to %EVAL    33


WAVE 27 > (time (three-gongs))
Timing the evaluation of (THREE-GONGS)

user time    =      0.450
system time  =      0.000
Elapsed time =   0:00:01
Allocation   = 24174736 bytes standard / 3476 bytes conses
0 Page faults
Calls to %EVAL    33

(in-package :wave)

(defmacro fdotimes ((i limit) &body body)
   (let ((block (gensym "block"))
         (iterate (gensym "iterate"))
         (below (gensym "below")))
     `(block ,block
        (prog ((,i 0) (,below ,limit))
          (declare (fixnum ,i ,below))
          (unless (< ,i ,below) (return-from ,block nil))
          (incf ,i)
          (go ,iterate)))))

(defun write-wave (sample-rate samples)
   (declare (type (simple-array float (*)) samples)
            (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #+lispworks(float 0)))
   (with-open-file (s "c:/tmp/test.wav"
                      :direction :output
                      :if-exists :supersede
                      :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
     (flet ((write-uint-16 (uint-16)
              (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 0) uint-16) s)
              (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 8) uint-16) s))
            (write-uint-32 (uint-32)
              (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 0) uint-32) s)
              (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 8) uint-32) s)
              (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 16) uint-32) s)
              (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 24) uint-32) s)))
       (write-uint-32 #x46464952)
       (write-uint-32 (+ (* 2 (length samples)) 36))
       (write-uint-32 #x45564157)
       (write-uint-32 #x20746d66)
       (write-uint-32 16)
       (write-uint-16 1)
       (write-uint-16 1)
       (write-uint-32 (round sample-rate))
       (write-uint-32 (round (* 2.0 sample-rate)))
       (write-uint-16 2)
       (write-uint-16 16)
       (write-uint-32 #x61746164)
       (write-uint-32 (* 2 (length samples)))
       (map nil (lambda (elt)
                  (declare (float elt) (inline write-unit-16))
                  (write-uint-16 (round (* 32767 elt))))

(defun mix (target-samples source-samples start sample-rate)
   (declare (type (simple-array float (*)) target-samples source-samples)
            (float start sample-rate)
            (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #+lispworks(float 0)))
   (let ((ofs (round (* sample-rate start))))
     (fdotimes (i (length source-samples))
       (incf (aref target-samples (+ ofs i))
             (aref source-samples i)))))

(defun normalize (samples)
   (declare (type (simple-array float (*)) samples)
            (optimize (speed 3) #+lispworks(float 0) (safety 0)))
   (let ((max-sample 0.0s0)
         (min-sample 0.0s0))
     (declare (float max-sample min-sample))
     (fdotimes (i (length samples))
       (let ((sample (aref samples i)))
         (declare (float sample))
         (when (< sample min-sample) (setf min-sample sample))
         (when (> sample max-sample) (setf max-sample sample))))
     (setf max-sample (max (- min-sample) max-sample))
     (fdotimes (i (length samples))
       (setf (aref samples i) (/ (aref samples i) max-sample)))))


(declaim (inline adsr-generator)
          (ftype (function (float float float float float float) float) adsr-generator))

(defun adsr-generator (time
   (declare (float time sustain-time
                   attack-time decay-time sustain-factor release-time)
            (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #+lispworks(float 0)))
   (cond ((< time 0.0s0) 0.0s0)
         ((<= time attack-time) (/ time attack-time))
          (let* ((t1 attack-time)
                 (t2 (+ t1 decay-time))
                 (t3 (+ t2 sustain-time))
                 (t4 (+ t3 release-time)))
            (declare (float t2 t3 t4))
            (cond ((<= time t2) (+ 1.0s0
                                   (* (/ (- 1.0s0 sustain-factor) decay-time)
                                      (- t1 time))))
                  ((<= time t3) sustain-factor)
                  ((<= time t4) (+ sustain-factor
                                   (* (/ sustain-factor release-time)
                                      (- t3 time))))
                  (t 0.0s0))))))

(defun make-samples-array (sample-rate seconds &optional function)
   (declare (float sample-rate seconds)
            (optimize (speed 3) #+lispworks(float 0) (safety 0)))
   (let* ((sample-count (round (* sample-rate seconds)))
          (samples (make-array sample-count
                               :element-type 'float
                               :initial-element 0.0s0)))
     (when function
       (fdotimes (i sample-count)
         (setf (aref samples i)
               (funcall function (float (* (/ seconds sample-count) (float i)))))))

(defun fm-gong (time freq)
   (declare (float time freq) (inline adsr-generator)
            (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #+lispworks(float 0)))
   (let* ((adsr (adsr-generator time 1.0s0 0.01s0 0.1s0 0.8s0 1.0s0))
          (adsr-freq (adsr-generator time .3s0 0.001s0 0.3s0 0.3s0 1.0s0))
          (mod-freq (* 1.98s0 freq))
          (sin-freq (* 5.0s0 adsr-freq (sin (* 2.0s0 pi mod-freq time)))))
     (declare (float asdr asdr-freq mod-freq sin-freq))
     (sin (* adsr (sin (+ (* 2 pi freq time) sin-freq))))))

(defun make-gong (sample-rate freq)
   (declare (float sample-rate freq)
            (optimize (speed 3) #+lispworks(float 0) (safety 0)))
   (let* ((samples (make-samples-array sample-rate 3.0s0))
          (sample-count (length samples))
          (fsample-count (float sample-count)))
     (declare (float fsample-count)
              (type (simple-array float (*)) samples))
     (fdotimes (i sample-count)
       (setf (aref samples i)
             (fm-gong (* (/ 3.0s0 fsample-count) (float i)) freq)))

(defun three-gongs ()
   (let* ((note-exp (expt 2 (/ 1 12)))
          (note-base 200)
          (note-1 (float (* note-base (expt note-exp 7))))
          (note-2 (float (* note-base (expt note-exp 4))))
          (note-3 (float (* note-base (expt note-exp 0))))
          (sample-rate 22050.0s0)
          (samples (make-samples-array sample-rate 4.7))
          (gong1 (make-gong sample-rate note-1))
          (gong2 (make-gong sample-rate note-2))
          (gong3 (make-gong sample-rate note-3)))
     (mix samples gong1 0.0s0 sample-rate)
     (mix samples gong2 0.8s0 sample-rate)
     (mix samples gong3 1.6s0 sample-rate)
     (normalize samples)
     (write-wave sample-rate samples)))
From: Frank Buss
Subject: Re: sound synthesis
Message-ID: <co7q8t$2bj$>
Wade Humeniuk <····································> wrote:

> As an exercise for myself I have massaged the code some more.  I got
> another increase in speed.  LW does not have a very good dotimes, so
> I replaced that and a few other mods.

I've tried it with this macro:

(defmacro fdotimes ((i limit) &body body)
  `(dotimes (,i ,limit) ,@body))

and there is no difference in the time, but the "inline" and other 
optimizations helps, now it runs in 0.68 seconds on my computer.

Frank Bu�, ··,