From: Robert Rotstein
Subject: something to think about
Message-ID: <m4upd.7211$hJ6.1470@trndny01>
I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around this.  Can someone explain
just how the following form manages to reproduce itself when executed?


From: Daniel Barlow
Subject: Re: something to think about
Message-ID: <>
"Robert Rotstein" <·········> writes:


Mushroom!  Mushroom!


"please make sure that the person is your friend before you confirm"
From: David Sletten
Subject: Re: something to think about
Message-ID: <aHzpd.109650$>
Robert Rotstein wrote:

> I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around this.  Can someone explain
> just how the following form manages to reproduce itself when executed?
Well, how rudimentary of an explanation are you seeking?

1. Do you understand the use of lambda forms?
((lambda (x) (+ x 2)) 3) => 5
(funcall #'(lambda (x) (+ x 2)) 3) => 5
(defun f (x) (+ x 2))
(f 3) => 5

2. Do you understand backquote and comma?
`(a b ,(+ 1 2)) is basically the same as (list 'a 'b (+ 1 2)), i.e., 
replace the _value_ of expressions marked by comma inside a list of 
otherwise unevaluated elements.

3. Do you understand quote?
'(a b c) == (quote (a b c))

So your example is basically the same as this:
(defun my-lambda (x) 

   (list (list (quote lambda) (list (quote lambda)) x) 

         (list (quote quote) x)))

or simply

(defun my-lambda (x) 

`((lambda (lambda) ,x) ',x))

(my-lambda '`((lambda (lambda) ,lambda) ',lambda)) =>

MY-LAMBDA applies a function to an expression that resembles the 
syntactic structure of the function itself. The use of LAMBDA as a 
parameter name merely ups the obfuscation factor.

This is an example of a Quine (named for WVO Quine)--a program whose 
output replicates its source.

David Sletten
From: Chris Capel
Subject: Re: something to think about
Message-ID: <>
Robert Rotstein wrote:

> I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around this.  Can someone explain
> just how the following form manages to reproduce itself when executed?

I tend to think of composing Quines as analogous to composing magic squares
(without the use of deterministic algorithms that produce them) or anagrams
or such. Things I was never good at.

Chris Capel
From: Gareth McCaughan
Subject: Re: something to think about
Message-ID: <>
Robert Rotstein wrote:

> I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around this.  Can someone explain
> just how the following form manages to reproduce itself when executed?

First of all, some of these instances of LAMBDA are only
formal parameters and we might as well replace them with,
say, X to reduce confusion.

    ((LAMBDA (X) `((LAMBDA (X) ,X) ',X))
         '`((LAMBDA (X) ,X) ',X))

Now, consider the following subform:

    `((LAMBDA (X) ,X) ',X)

Call it E. Note that X plays more than one role in E...
Now, our big scary form has the following structure.

    ((LAMBDA (X) E) 'E)

So, this defines an anonymous function -- (LAMBDA (X) E) --
and applies it to E itself. Let's take a look at that anonymous
function. E is being evaluated here, in a context where X is
bound (since it's a function argument). Call the thing X is
bound to "Y". Then evaluating E does the usual backquote
template-filling-in thing; each instance of ",X" turns into "Y".
Thus, evaluating E produces

    ((LAMBDA (X) Y) 'Y)

But ... the thing X is bound to, as a matter of fact, is E
itself. Thus, evaluating E in *this* context produces

    ((LAMBDA (X) E) 'E)

which, if you look back up a few lines, is exactly the same
thing as our big scary form. We're done.

Gareth McCaughan
.sig under construc