From: Kenneth Tilton
Subject: [ANNC] new foster home:
Message-ID: <>
OK, on second thought, I have done enough UFFI that this should be easy 
for me to toss off (converting Vasilis's CLisp FFI work to UFFI so 
everyone can play), in which case Lisp's little orphan baby really 
should have a home of its own. 

The wizards of have smiled on this poor little abandoned 
project. For starters:

I gotta run (literally) but shortly I will slide the source from cells 
over to cells-gtk, then try a quick uffification later today. 

Y'all want some screenshots? Speaking of which, could some Linux user 
fire the thing up and send me some? What I did was take shots under two 
different win32 display>appearance> skin settings to drive home the 
nativity thing. [Note to maintainers: cells-gtk or Clisp or GTk did not 
survive this being done while a window was already open.]

peace. out. kt