From: Frank Buss
Subject: setup of a new challenge
Message-ID: <cn5hr2$l6c$>
I'm designing a new challenge, I'll publish a website in some days. For
a GUI and interactive testing I've written a small Java program, but for
developing solutions Lisp would be better and I want to provide some
useful classes and/or functions for this. 

Below is my first attempt for such a framework (just paste it in your
REPL and try the run-solution-map-list demo call), but before publishing
the website, it would be good to make it more Lisp-like, because
currently it is mostly a straightforward translation of the Java code.

For example to initialize the map array a general function would be
good, with a higher order function for reading the actual content.
And the run-solution could be parametrized with a higher order
function, too, for example to use it for displaying the solution like
I've done or to drive a GUI. And some methods, for example update-robot,
look a bit ugly. 

;;; program for testing a solution
;;; call it like this:
;;; (run-solution-map-list *demo-map* "2644664000000002222220222022222001131003222222202222000000000000")

(defclass mars-map ()
  ((filename :initarg :filename :initform nil)
   (map-list :initarg :map-list :initform nil)
   (width :accessor width)
   (height :accessor height)
   (target-reached :initarg :target-reached :accessor target-reached)
   (won :initarg :won :accessor won)
   (start-x :initarg :start-x :accessor start-x)
   (start-y :initarg :start-y :accessor start-y)
   (robot-x :initarg :robot-x :accessor robot-x)
   (robot-y :initarg :robot-y :accessor robot-y)
   (speed-x :initarg :speed-x :accessor speed-x) 
   (speed-y :initarg :speed-y :accessor speed-y)))

(defun char-to-stone-symbol (char)
  (case char
    (#\O 'start)
    (#\+ 'target)
    (#\Space 'empty)
    (otherwise 'stone)))

(defmethod init-by-list ((this mars-map) map-list)
  (with-slots (map width height start-x start-y) this
    (setf width (length (car map-list)))
    (setf height (length map-list))
    (setf map (make-array (list width height) :initial-element 'empty))
    (loop for y from 0 below height do
          (let ((line (car map-list)))
            (format t "~A~%" line)
            (loop for x from 0 below width do
                  (let ((char (elt line x)))
                    (when (eql 'start (setf (aref map x y)
                                            (char-to-stone-symbol char)))
                      (setf start-x (* 10 x))
                      (setf start-y (* 10 y)))))
            (setf map-list (cdr map-list)))))
  (reset this))

(defmethod init-by-stream ((this mars-map) s)
  (with-slots (map width height start-x start-y) this
    (setf width (parse-integer (read-line s)))
    (setf height (parse-integer (read-line s)))
    (setf map (make-array (list width height) :initial-element 'empty))
    (loop for y from 0 below height do
          (let ((line (read-line s)))
            (format t "~A~%" line)
            (loop for x from 0 below width do
                  (let ((char (elt line x)))
                    (when (eql 'start (setf (aref map x y)
                                            (char-to-stone-symbol char)))
                      (setf start-x (* 10 x))
                      (setf start-y (* 10 y))))))))
  (reset this))

(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((this mars-map) &key)
  (with-slots (filename map-list) this
    (if filename
        (with-open-file (s filename)
          (init-by-stream this s))
      (init-by-list this map-list))))

(defmethod reset ((this mars-map))
  (reinitialize-instance this
                         :target-reached nil
                         :won nil
                         :speed-x 0
                         :speed-y 0
                         :robot-x (start-x this)
                         :robot-y (start-y this)))

(defmethod hit-test-impl ((this mars-map) x y cell-type)
  (with-slots (width height map) this
    (if (or (< x 0) 
            (>= x (* width 10)) 
            (< y 0)
            (>= y (* height 10)))
      (let ((mx (truncate (/ x 10)))
            (my (truncate (/ y 10))))
        (when (and (< mx width) (>= mx 0) (< my height) (>= my 0))
          (eql (aref map mx my) cell-type))))))

(defmethod hit-test ((this mars-map) x y cell-type)
  (let ((right (+ x 9))
        (bottom (+ y 9)))
    (or (hit-test-impl this x y cell-type)
        (hit-test-impl this right y cell-type)
        (hit-test-impl this x bottom cell-type)
        (hit-test-impl this right bottom cell-type))))

(defconstant *speed-delta* 2)

(defmacro bound-10 (x)
  `(progn (when (< ,x -10) (setf ,x -10))
     (when (> ,x 10) (setf ,x 10))))

(defmethod update-robot ((this mars-map) left bottom right)
  (with-slots (robot-x robot-y speed-x speed-y) this
    (when left (decf speed-x *speed-delta*))
    (when bottom (decf speed-y *speed-delta*))
    (when right (incf speed-x *speed-delta*))
    (incf speed-y)
    (bound-10 speed-x)
    (bound-10 speed-y)
    (do () (nil) 
      (let ((new-x (+ robot-x speed-x))
            (new-y (+ robot-y speed-y)))
        (if (hit-test this new-x new-y 'stone)
              (setf speed-x (truncate (/ speed-x 2)))
              (setf speed-y (truncate (/ speed-y 2))))
            (setf robot-x new-x)
            (setf robot-y new-y)
        (when (and (= speed-x 0) (= speed-y 0)) (return))))))

(defmethod update ((this mars-map) left bottom right)
  (with-slots (target-reached won robot-x robot-y) this
    (update-robot this left bottom right)
    (when (hit-test this robot-x robot-y 'target)
      (setf target-reached t))
    (when (and target-reached 
               (hit-test this robot-x robot-y 'start)) 
      (setf won t))))

(defun run-solution (map solution)
  (let ((steps 0)
        (fuel 0))
    (loop for i from 0 below (length solution) do
          (let* ((jets (char-int (elt solution i)))
                 (left (logbitp 0 jets))
                 (bottom (logbitp 1 jets))
                 (right (logbitp 2 jets)))
            (update map left bottom right)
            (when left (incf fuel))
            (when bottom (incf fuel))
            (when right (incf fuel)))
          (format t "step: ~A, x: ~A, y: ~A, speed-x: ~A, speed-y: ~A~%" 
                  (1+ steps)
                  (robot-x map) (robot-y map) 
                  (speed-x map) (speed-y map))
          (incf steps)
          (when (won map) (return)))
    (if (won map)
        (format t "valid solution, steps: ~A, fuel usage: ~A~%" steps fuel)
      (format t "invalid solution, not won~%"))))

(defun run-solution-map-file (map-filename solution)
  (run-solution (make-instance 'mars-map :filename map-filename) solution))

(defun run-solution-map-list (map-list solution)
  (run-solution (make-instance 'mars-map :map-list map-list) solution))
(defparameter *demo-map* 
    "#                                   #"
    "#                                   #"
    "#                                   #"
    "#                                   #"
    "#   O                               #"
    "############       ##################"
    "#############        ######        ##"
    "#############           ####    + ###"
    "##############                  #####"
    "###################            ######"

Frank Bu�, ··,

From: Surendra Singhi
Subject: Re: setup of a new challenge
Message-ID: <cn719n$i1t$>
Frank Buss wrote:
> I'm designing a new challenge, I'll publish a website in some days. For
> a GUI and interactive testing I've written a small Java program, but for
> developing solutions Lisp would be better and I want to provide some
> useful classes and/or functions for this. 
> Below is my first attempt for such a framework (just paste it in your
> REPL and try the run-solution-map-list demo call), but before publishing
> the website, it would be good to make it more Lisp-like, because
> currently it is mostly a straightforward translation of the Java code.
> For example to initialize the map array a general function would be
> good, with a higher order function for reading the actual content.
> And the run-solution could be parametrized with a higher order
> function, too, for example to use it for displaying the solution like
> I've done or to drive a GUI. And some methods, for example update-robot,
> look a bit ugly. 
> ;;; program for testing a solution
> ;;; call it like this:
> ;;; (run-solution-map-list *demo-map* "2644664000000002222220222022222001131003222222202222000000000000")
> (defclass mars-map ()
>   ((filename :initarg :filename :initform nil)
>    (map-list :initarg :map-list :initform nil)
>    (map)
>    (width :accessor width)
>    (height :accessor height)
>    (target-reached :initarg :target-reached :accessor target-reached)
>    (won :initarg :won :accessor won)
>    (start-x :initarg :start-x :accessor start-x)
>    (start-y :initarg :start-y :accessor start-y)
>    (robot-x :initarg :robot-x :accessor robot-x)
>    (robot-y :initarg :robot-y :accessor robot-y)
>    (speed-x :initarg :speed-x :accessor speed-x) 
>    (speed-y :initarg :speed-y :accessor speed-y)))
> (defun char-to-stone-symbol (char)
>   (case char
>     (#\O 'start)
>     (#\+ 'target)
>     (#\Space 'empty)
>     (otherwise 'stone)))
> (defmethod init-by-list ((this mars-map) map-list)
>   (with-slots (map width height start-x start-y) this
>     (setf width (length (car map-list)))
>     (setf height (length map-list))
>     (setf map (make-array (list width height) :initial-element 'empty))
>     (loop for y from 0 below height do
>           (let ((line (car map-list)))
>             (format t "~A~%" line)
>             (loop for x from 0 below width do
>                   (let ((char (elt line x)))
>                     (when (eql 'start (setf (aref map x y)
>                                             (char-to-stone-symbol char)))
>                       (setf start-x (* 10 x))
>                       (setf start-y (* 10 y)))))
>             (setf map-list (cdr map-list)))))
>   (reset this))
> (defmethod init-by-stream ((this mars-map) s)
>   (with-slots (map width height start-x start-y) this
>     (setf width (parse-integer (read-line s)))
>     (setf height (parse-integer (read-line s)))
>     (setf map (make-array (list width height) :initial-element 'empty))
>     (loop for y from 0 below height do
>           (let ((line (read-line s)))
>             (format t "~A~%" line)
>             (loop for x from 0 below width do
>                   (let ((char (elt line x)))
>                     (when (eql 'start (setf (aref map x y)
>                                             (char-to-stone-symbol char)))
>                       (setf start-x (* 10 x))
>                       (setf start-y (* 10 y))))))))
>   (reset this))
> (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((this mars-map) &key)
>   (with-slots (filename map-list) this
>     (if filename
>         (with-open-file (s filename)
>           (init-by-stream this s))
>       (init-by-list this map-list))))
> (defmethod reset ((this mars-map))
>   (reinitialize-instance this
>                          :target-reached nil
>                          :won nil
>                          :speed-x 0
>                          :speed-y 0
>                          :robot-x (start-x this)
>                          :robot-y (start-y this)))
> (defmethod hit-test-impl ((this mars-map) x y cell-type)
>   (with-slots (width height map) this
>     (if (or (< x 0) 
>             (>= x (* width 10)) 
>             (< y 0)
>             (>= y (* height 10)))
>         t
>       (let ((mx (truncate (/ x 10)))
>             (my (truncate (/ y 10))))
>         (when (and (< mx width) (>= mx 0) (< my height) (>= my 0))
>           (eql (aref map mx my) cell-type))))))
> (defmethod hit-test ((this mars-map) x y cell-type)
>   (let ((right (+ x 9))
>         (bottom (+ y 9)))
>     (or (hit-test-impl this x y cell-type)
>         (hit-test-impl this right y cell-type)
>         (hit-test-impl this x bottom cell-type)
>         (hit-test-impl this right bottom cell-type))))
> (defconstant *speed-delta* 2)
> (defmacro bound-10 (x)
>   `(progn (when (< ,x -10) (setf ,x -10))
>      (when (> ,x 10) (setf ,x 10))))
> (defmethod update-robot ((this mars-map) left bottom right)
>   (with-slots (robot-x robot-y speed-x speed-y) this
>     (when left (decf speed-x *speed-delta*))
>     (when bottom (decf speed-y *speed-delta*))
>     (when right (incf speed-x *speed-delta*))
>     (incf speed-y)
>     (bound-10 speed-x)
>     (bound-10 speed-y)
>     (do () (nil) 
>       (let ((new-x (+ robot-x speed-x))
>             (new-y (+ robot-y speed-y)))
>         (if (hit-test this new-x new-y 'stone)
>             (progn
>               (setf speed-x (truncate (/ speed-x 2)))
>               (setf speed-y (truncate (/ speed-y 2))))
>           (progn
>             (setf robot-x new-x)
>             (setf robot-y new-y)
>             (return)))
>         (when (and (= speed-x 0) (= speed-y 0)) (return))))))
> (defmethod update ((this mars-map) left bottom right)
>   (with-slots (target-reached won robot-x robot-y) this
>     (update-robot this left bottom right)
>     (when (hit-test this robot-x robot-y 'target)
>       (setf target-reached t))
>     (when (and target-reached 
>                (hit-test this robot-x robot-y 'start)) 
>       (setf won t))))
> (defun run-solution (map solution)
>   (let ((steps 0)
>         (fuel 0))
>     (loop for i from 0 below (length solution) do
>           (let* ((jets (char-int (elt solution i)))
>                  (left (logbitp 0 jets))
>                  (bottom (logbitp 1 jets))
>                  (right (logbitp 2 jets)))
>             (update map left bottom right)
>             (when left (incf fuel))
>             (when bottom (incf fuel))
>             (when right (incf fuel)))
>           (format t "step: ~A, x: ~A, y: ~A, speed-x: ~A, speed-y: ~A~%" 
>                   (1+ steps)
>                   (robot-x map) (robot-y map) 
>                   (speed-x map) (speed-y map))
>           (incf steps)
>           (when (won map) (return)))
>     (if (won map)
>         (format t "valid solution, steps: ~A, fuel usage: ~A~%" steps fuel)
>       (format t "invalid solution, not won~%"))))
> (defun run-solution-map-file (map-filename solution)
>   (run-solution (make-instance 'mars-map :filename map-filename) solution))
> (defun run-solution-map-list (map-list solution)
>   (run-solution (make-instance 'mars-map :map-list map-list) solution))
> (defparameter *demo-map* 
>   '("#####################################"
>     "#                                   #"
>     "#                                   #"
>     "#                                   #"
>     "#                                   #"
>     "#   O                               #"
>     "############       ##################"
>     "#############        ######        ##"
>     "#############           ####    + ###"
>     "##############                  #####"
>     "###################            ######"
>     "#####################################"))

What is this application/program about? Is it about finding a way 
through a maze (planning)?

Surendra Singhi
From: Frank Buss
Subject: Re: setup of a new challenge
Message-ID: <cn7959$fqo$>
Surendra Singhi <·········> wrote:

> What is this application/program about? Is it about finding a way 
> through a maze (planning)?

The challenge is to fly to the "+" and back to the start with minimum fuel 
usage and/or minimum step usage. My program provides only a framework for 
building and testing solutions. The demo solution looks like this:

Frank Bu�, ··,
From: Wade Humeniuk
Subject: Re: setup of a new challenge
Message-ID: <h5Mld.85512$E93.84269@clgrps12>
Frank Buss wrote:

> I'm designing a new challenge, I'll publish a website in some days. For
> a GUI and interactive testing I've written a small Java program, but for
> developing solutions Lisp would be better and I want to provide some
> useful classes and/or functions for this. 
> Below is my first attempt for such a framework (just paste it in your
> REPL and try the run-solution-map-list demo call), but before publishing
> the website, it would be good to make it more Lisp-like, because
> currently it is mostly a straightforward translation of the Java code.

Maybe change init-by-list and init-by-stream to this,

(defmethod init ((this mars-map) (map-list cons))
   (with-slots (map width height start-x start-y) this
     (setf width (length (car map-list))
           height (length map-list)
           map (make-array (list width height) :initial-element 'empty))
     (loop for y from 0
           for line in map-list
           (format t "~A~%" line)
           (loop for x from 0
                 for char across line
                 (when (eql 'start (setf (aref map x y)
                                         (char-to-stone-symbol char)))
                   (setf start-x (* 10 x) start-y (* 10 y))))))
   (reset this))

(defmethod init ((this mars-map) (filename pathname))
   (with-open-file (s filename)
     (init this
           (progn (read-line s) (read-line s)
             (loop for line = (read-line s nil nil)
                   while line collect line)))))

(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((this mars-map) &key)
   (with-slots (filename map-list) this
     (init this (if filename (probe-file filename) map-list))))

From: Frank Buss
Subject: Re: setup of a new challenge
Message-ID: <cnb2n4$2bf$>
Wade Humeniuk <····································> wrote:

> Maybe change init-by-list and init-by-stream to this,

thanks, that's nice. I didn't know that you can overload methods in CLOS 
and the "across" in the loop is really better, I've changed the "run-
solution" to use the across-loop, too.

And I've changed and splitted the hit-test method. There was a bug, 
because hit-test always returned true, if the coordinates was not within 
the map bounds, which could be used to cheat, because then the target-
test return true, too. Ok, this never happens, because when testing for 
the target cell-type the coordinates are always within the map, but I 
think now it is more clear.

(defmethod in-map ((this mars-map) x y)
  "Returns true, if the (x, y), interpreted as robot coordinates,"
  "is within the map bounds."
  (with-slots (width height) this
    (flet ((in-range (x lower upper) (and (>= x lower)
                                          (< x (* upper 10)))))
      (and (in-range x 0 width)
           (in-range y 0 height)))))

(defmethod hit-test-impl ((this mars-map) x y cell-type)
  "Returns true, if the position (x, y), interpreted as robot"
  "coordinates, hits the specified cell-type. Cells not within"
  "the bounds of the map are defined as stones."
  (with-slots (map) this
    (if (in-map this x y)
        (let ((mx (truncate (/ x 10)))
              (my (truncate (/ y 10))))
          (eql (aref map mx my) cell-type))
      (eql cell-type 'stone))))

(defmethod hit-test ((this mars-map) x y cell-type)
  "Returns true, if the position (x, y), (x+9,y), (x,y+9) or"
  "(x+9,y+9) hits the specified cell-type."
  (let ((right (+ x 9))
        (bottom (+ y 9)))
    (or (hit-test-impl this x y cell-type)
        (hit-test-impl this right y cell-type)
        (hit-test-impl this x bottom cell-type)
        (hit-test-impl this right bottom cell-type))))

Now I want to make the update-robot more Lisp like or at least easier to 
understand. Any ideas?

(defconstant *speed-delta* 2)

(defmacro bound-10 (x)
  `(progn (when (< ,x -10) (setf ,x -10))
     (when (> ,x 10) (setf ,x 10))))

(defmethod update-robot ((this mars-map) left bottom right)
  (with-slots (robot-x robot-y speed-x speed-y) this
    (when left (decf speed-x *speed-delta*))
    (when bottom (decf speed-y *speed-delta*))
    (when right (incf speed-x *speed-delta*))
    (incf speed-y)
    (bound-10 speed-x)
    (bound-10 speed-y)
    (do () (nil) 
      (let ((new-x (+ robot-x speed-x))
            (new-y (+ robot-y speed-y)))
        (if (hit-test this new-x new-y 'stone)
              (setf speed-x (truncate (/ speed-x 2)))
              (setf speed-y (truncate (/ speed-y 2))))
            (setf robot-x new-x)
            (setf robot-y new-y)
        (when (and (= speed-x 0) (= speed-y 0)) (return))))))

Frank Bu�, ··,