From: kazzarazza003
Subject: defining a start function for problem
Message-ID: <>
Hey, I need help defining a start function that will be used to run the
main function I have created for a problem, full of smaller functions. I
will input all of my code as you will probably not get it. It is basically
a problem to get three missionaries and three cannibals across a river
without any missionaries being eaten when the number of cannibals are more
than the missionaries. 

Here is my code:

(defun make-state (b m c) (list T 3 3))

(defun boat-side (state) (nth 0 state))

(defun missionaries-leftside (state) (nth 1 state))

(defun cannibals-leftside (state) (nth 2 state))

(defun missionaries-rightside (state) (- 3 (nth 1 state)))

(defun cannibals-rightside (state) (- 3 (nth 2 state)))

(defun safe (state)
              (cond (( < (missionaries-leftside state) (cannibals-leftside
state)) nil)
                    (( > 3 (missionaries-leftside state)) nil)
                    (( > 3 (cannibals-leftside state)) nil)
                    (( < 0 (missionaries-leftside state)) nil)
                    (( < 0 (cannibals-leftside state)) nil)
                    (( = 0 (missionaries-leftside state)) t)
                    (( < (missionaries-rightside state)
(cannibals-rightside state)) nil)
                    (( > 3 (missionaries-rightside state)) nil)
                    (( > 3 (cannibals-rightside state)) nil)
                    (( < 0 (missionaries-rightside state)) nil)
                    (( < 0 (cannibals-rightside state)) nil)
                    (( = 0 (missionaries-rightside state)) t)
              (t state)))

(defun opposite (state num)
               (cond ((>= (- state num ) 0) (- state num))
               (t nil)))

(defun MC (state)
               (safe (make-state (opposite (boat-side state))
                                 (opposite (missionaries-leftside state)
                                 (opposite (cannibals-leftside state) 1))
                                 (missionaries-rightside state) 
                                 (cannibals-rightside state))             
                     (t nil))   

(defun MM (state)
               (safe (make-state (opposite (boat-side state))
                                 (opposite (missionaries-leftside state)
                                 (cannibals-leftside state)) 
                                 (missionaries-rightside state)
                                 (cannibals-rightside state))             
                     (t nil)) 

(defun CC (state) 
               (safe (make-state (opposite (boat-side state))
                                 (missionaries-leftside state)
                                 (opposite (cannibals-leftside state) 2)) 
                                 (missionaires-rightside state)
                                 (cannibals-rightside state))
                     (t nil)) 

(defun M (state)
               (safe (make-state (opposite (boat-side state))
                                 (opposite (missionaries-leftside state)
                                 (cannibals-leftside state))
                                 (missionaries-rightside state)           
                                 (cannibals-rightside state))
                     (t nil))

(defun C (state)
               (safe (make-state (opposite (boat-side state))
                                 (missionaries-leftside state)
                                 (opposite (cannibals-leftside state) 1))
                                 (missionaries-rightside state)        
                                 (cannibals-rightside state))
                     (t nil))

(defun path (state goal been-list)
               (cond ((null state) nil)
                     ((equal state goal) (reverse (cons state
                     ((not (member state been-list :test #'equal))
                           (or (path (MC state) goal (cons state
                               (path (MM state) goal (cons state
                               (path (CC state) goal (cons state
                               (path (M state) goal (cons state
                               (path (C state) goal (cons state

(defun solve-problem (state goal) (path state goal nil))

I know it probably looks messy. Anyway...the start functions is supposed
to run the solve-problem function and produce a list of the states from
the start state (T 3 3) (t being a boat or trip..all explained in the
code) to the end state (nil 0 0) where there are no more trips. This is
states from the left-side. Therefore it is supposed to look like:

(defun start ()...)

that produces something like:

(T 3 3) (T 2 3) (T 1 2)...(nil 0 0). I hope this makes sense, and I have
asked for help elsewhere but still waiting. I don't want to be treated
like an idiot either. 

If you could help that would great. Thanx. 

From: Paul Khuong
Subject: Re: defining a start function for problem
Message-ID: <>
"kazzarazza003" <········> wrote in message news:<································>...
> Hey, I need help defining a start function that will be used to run the
> main function I have created for a problem, full of smaller functions. 
> (defun solve-problem (state goal) (path state goal nil))
> I know it probably looks messy. Anyway...the start functions is supposed
> to run the solve-problem function and produce a list of the states from
> the start state (T 3 3) (t being a boat or trip..all explained in the
> code) to the end state (nil 0 0) where there are no more trips. This is
> states from the left-side. Therefore it is supposed to look like:

Just call solve-problem at the end of the file (solve-problem '(T 3 3) '(nil 0 0)).
From: Mark McConnell
Subject: Re: defining a start function for problem
Message-ID: <>
"kazzarazza003" <········> wrote in message news:<································>...
> Hey, I need help defining a start function that will be used to run the
> main function I have created for a problem, full of smaller functions. I
> will input all of my code as you will probably not get it. It is basically
> a problem to get three missionaries and three cannibals across a river
> without any missionaries being eaten when the number of cannibals are more
> than the missionaries. 
> Here is my code:
> (defun make-state (b m c) (list T 3 3))

[cut to save space]

> (defun solve-problem (state goal) (path state goal nil))
> I know it probably looks messy. Anyway...the start functions is supposed
> to run the solve-problem function and produce a list of the states from
> the start state (T 3 3) (t being a boat or trip..all explained in the
> code) to the end state (nil 0 0) where there are no more trips. This is
> states from the left-side. Therefore it is supposed to look like:
> (defun start ()...)
> that produces something like:
> (T 3 3) (T 2 3) (T 1 2)...(nil 0 0).

Does this work?

(defun start ()
  (solve-problem (list t 3 3) (list nil 0 0)))

By the way, I wonder if your make-state function has a bug.  It always
returns the initial state, no matter what the arguments are.