From: Paul Khuong
Subject: Franz ACL and low-level Windows event handling
Message-ID: <>
I've been fighting with ACL for over 2 hours now, and I still don't
see what I'm doing wrong. I want to have a window that never takes
keyboard focus (like the onscreen keyboard). All the sources I read
tell me I only need to return MA_NOACTIVATE on the WM_MOUSEACTIVATE
event, like this:

  BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(COnscreenKeyboardDlg, CDialog)

  int COnscreenKeyboardDlg::OnMouseActivate( CWnd* pDesktopWnd, UINT
nHitTest, UINT message )
    return MA_NOACTIVATE;

When I define win:wm_mouseactivate with 
  (defmethod win:wm_mouseactivate ((pane my-bitmap-pane) wparam
   ...                    ;;without (call-next-method)
the function is obviously triggered (I see the expected output in the
console), but the return value doesn't seem to be doing anything. What
am I supposed to do to have the event-handler return a given value to
the system?

 Paul Khuong

PS, i'd crosspost to cll.franz, but it seems pretty moribund.