From: Erann Gat
Subject: CMUCL multiprocessing
Message-ID: <>
In CMUCL, what is the difference between e.g. extensions:process-wait 
and multiprocessing:process-wait?


From: Helmut Eller
Subject: Re: CMUCL multiprocessing
Message-ID: <>
Erann Gat <·········> writes:

> In CMUCL, what is the difference between e.g. extensions:process-wait 
> and multiprocessing:process-wait?

ext:process-wait is for Unix sub-processes created via
ext:run-program.  mp:process-wait is for CMUCL's cooperative threads.

From: Paolo Amoroso
Subject: Re: CMUCL multiprocessing
Message-ID: <>
Erann Gat <·········> writes:

> In CMUCL, what is the difference between e.g. extensions:process-wait 
> and multiprocessing:process-wait?

The former deals with Unix processes and is equivalent to the wait(3)
system call.  Concerning the latter, here is the relevant entry from
the CLIM-SYS package, on which it is based.

   process-wait reason predicate [Function]

   Causes the current process to wait until predicate returns true .
   reason is a ``reason'' for waiting, usually a string. On systems that
   do not support multi-processing, process-wait will loop until
   predicate returns true.

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