From: Anonymous Sender
Subject: Australian Lisp resources?
Message-ID: <>
Lisp newbie is currently unemployed in Australia, would like to be
retrained in Lisp
I qualify for some goverment assistance for retraining.

Its a requirement that I find a formal study course and also demonstrate a
that it may lead to some kind of commercial employment.

Lisp based enterprises and training have a very low profile, so low that I
have so far
been unable to fulfil either goverment requirement.
The danger is,  that I may have to do something else to pacify the
beaurocrats, and
that would impede my lisp progress. (jumping through the welfare hoops
already is)

Apart from the applied pressure,  being unemployed bothers me not at all,
so I don't
really care if there is a real job at the end of the training. I am also
quite happy with
being self taught, but being spoon fed lisp for six to twelve months would
be OK too.
Anything longer may put me in a full time student category, which I
wouldn't want.

Any Aussie Lispers got any suggestions?
Try Anything Twice
From: Christopher C. Stacy
Subject: Re: Australian Lisp resources?
Message-ID: <>
Just be careful: the parens go the other way in that hemisphere!