From: Mario S. Mommer
Subject: LOCAL: Cologne Lispniks meeting announcement
Message-ID: <>
		::C O L O G N E     L I S P N I K S::
		:::::::::meeting announcement::::::::

The  Cologne Lispniks  are a  group  of users  of the  Lisp family  of
programming languages.   Although our focus is mainly  on Common Lisp,
we  welcome users  of other  Lisp dialects,  and in  fact  anyone with
interest in  the current  topics of discussion.   On this  occasion we
would like to invite you to our featured talk:

			  Python for Lispers

			    by Peter Herth
		       (University of Cologne)

   Python  is a  very popular  and fast  growing newcomer  amongst the
   programming languages.  It has many interesting traits  making it a
   very  usefull  addition  to  a  programmers 'toolbox'  -  even  for
   Lispers. I will give a  short introduction into the language itself
   and its  infrastructure. Comparing its strengths  and weaknesses to
   the Lisp world  might give some useful insight on  how to steer the
   Lisp course in the future.

	Sunday, the 1st of February (2004), 17:00pm

        Heinsberg Str. 14

        tel: 0221 - 9234153

For instructions on how to get there, go to

Hoping to see you there, your

       Cologne Lispniks Team.