From: Gareth McCaughan
Subject: Multi-stage joins and many-many relationships in UncommonSQL
Message-ID: <>
So, I'm building a book database, and using it as a learning exercise
for UncommonSQL. I'm using the object-oriented interface, which makes
some things far nicer than they would be without UncommonSQL, but I've
encountered a difficulty.

The relationship between books and authors is many-to-many, and I'm
modelling it in the obvious (and, I think, standard) way: as well as
a table (in UncommonSQL-speak, a view class) for books and another for
authors, I have a third for "authorships", each row of which records
the fact that such-and-such an author contributed to such-and-such a

So, I have these three book classes. BOOK and AUTHOR each have
slots called ID serving as primary keys; AUTHORSHIP has a slot
called BOOK-ID and another called AUTHOR-ID.

Given a book, I want to be able to retrieve a list of its authors.
It's easy to get a list of the IDs of its authors:

    (sql:def-view-class authorship ()
      ((book-id :type integer :blah-blah blah)
       (author-id :type integer :blah-blah blah)))
    (sql:def-view-class author ()
      ((id :type integer :blah-blah blah)
    (sql:def-view-class book ()
      ((id :type integer :blah-blah blah)
       (author-ids :db-kind :join
                   :db-info (:join-class authorship
                             :home-key id
                             :foreign-key book-id
                             :target-slot author-id
                             :set t))))

or to retrieve instead the authorship objects and then go
from them to the authors:

    (sql:def-view-class authorship ()
      ((book-id :type integer :blah-blah blah)
       (author-id :type integer :blah-blah blah)
       (author :db-kind :join
               :db-info (:join-class author
                         :home-key author-id
                         :foreign-key id
                         :set nil))))
    (sql:def-view-class author ()
      ((id :type integer :blah-blah blah)
    (sql:def-view-class book ()
      ((id :type integer :blah-blah blah)
       (authorships :db-kind :join
                    :db-info (:join-class authorship
                              :home-key id
                              :foreign-key book-id
                              :set t))))

but either of these is going to require multiple queries
if I want all the authors of a book, when in fact a single
query can do it (via a three-way join on the AUTHOR, BOOK
and AUTHORSHIP tables).

The UncommonSQL tutorial says, near the start, "later we
will explain how to model many-to-many relations", but it
doesn't appear to make good on that promise; perhaps the
intention once upon a time was that when it explained how
to model many-to-may relations it would also explain how
to query them efficiently.

This isn't insoluble; obviously it's possible to construct
a SQL query explicitly that does this, something along these

    (sql:select 'authorship 'author
                :where [and [= [slot-value 'authorship 'author-id]
                               [slot-value 'author 'id]]
                            [= [slot-value 'authorship 'book-id]
                               <the ID of the book in question>]])

But is there a way to get something like this effect more
concisely using magical slots in the view classes?

Gareth McCaughan
.sig under construc