From: Noel Welsh
Subject: Scheme UK Meeting: 12 May 2004
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Scheme UK Meeting: 12 May 2004


NB: This meeting is not held on the usual date, in
honour of our special guest


The next meeting of the Scheme UK user's group
will be held on Wednesday, 12 May 2004 from 7pm
till we leave for the pub.  The meeting will take
place at the offices of LShift (see for
directions).  This meeting will be held in
conjuction with UK Lispers.

Shriram Krishnamurthi, from Brown and PLT, will
talk about

  "a bunch of stuff that is or isn't necessarily
  related to PLT.  Sounds like a good crowd; I'll
  take liberties and talk about fun stuff that
  comes to mind"

You can visit Shriram's homepage at

to get an idea about what "a bunch of stuff"
likely to include.


Scheme UK is a UK based group of people interested
in the Scheme programming language in particular,
and advanced programming languages in general.  We
are interested in both practical and theoretic
aspects.  We meet on the first Wednesday of each
month.  Newcomers are welcome.

For more details see: