From: Vasilis Margioulas
Subject: Q: logging in realtime
Message-ID: <>
Hi all.

What i want to do is to log some trace massages when *trace-enabled*
flag is set to t.
Due to real time requirements when *trace-enabled* is set to nil
trace code must not be present in function definition.

My aproach is the following:

(defmacro def-some-function ()
  `(defun some-function (arg)
     ,(if *trace-enabled*
           (log-to-file *trace-file* (format nil "~A" arg))

changing *trace-enabled* to t and reevaluating (def-some-function) take
the desired behavior but the code to support this is not so clean

Any better ideas?

Thanks in advance.
From: Rolf Rander Næss
Subject: Re: Q: logging in realtime
Message-ID: <>
········ (Vasilis Margioulas) writes:
> Hi all.
> What i want to do is to log some trace massages when *trace-enabled*
> flag is set to t.
> Due to real time requirements when *trace-enabled* is set to nil
> trace code must not be present in function definition.

I'm not sure this actually makes your code any more realtime, but it's
still a nice thing to be able to remove logging compile-time if you
find there is a need for it.

> (defmacro def-some-function ()
>   `(defun some-function (arg)
>      ,(if *trace-enabled*
>         `(progn
>            (log-to-file *trace-file* (format nil "~A" arg))
> 	   arg)
> 	'arg)))

I guess this is just an example, but anyway, why would you want a
function (SOME-FUNCTION) to do nothing but return its argument?

Anyway, can't you just say:

(defun some-function (arg)
   (log-to-file *trace-file* (format nil "~A" arg))

And let log-to-file be a macro (or maybe a compiler-macro?) which
expands to nil if *trace-enabled* is set to nil and to an actual call
to the log-function otherwise?

I would also let the actual log-function check *trace-enabled* to be
able to turn logging on when compiling, but on or off dynamically

You should probably also look in to log4cl

I haven't tried this myself, but I have used the java-version which it
is based on quite a bit and I'm very happy with it.

rolf rander


"Den som kun tar sp�k for sp�k og alvor kun alvorligt, han og hun har
 faktisk fattet begge deler d�rlig"   -- Piet Hein