From: Raghuram
Subject: How to configure ACL6.2 with Xemacs 21.4.13
Message-ID: <>
  I am using ACL 6.2 Version and i would like to configure the xemacs
for lisp (ACL 6.2). After configuring the .emacs with the below code,
i am getting the following error:

(1) (initialization/error) An error has occurred while loading /root/.emacs:
       Symbol's function definition is void: make-ring

I am not able to run the common lisp on  XEmacs. 

I am using Xemacs 21.4.13. Please help me in using the Xemacs for common lisp.

Thank you in advance...

Here is the code in my .emacs file.....

;;;   Hooks for running Alleagro Common Lisp (acl) Emacs Interface
;;; Load the Franz interface
;;; ========================
(if (string-match "XEmacs"
      (load "/usr/local/acl62/xeli/fi-site-init")
      ;; This needs to be set to make fi happy in XEmacs
      (setq minibuffer-confirm-incomplete nil))
  (load "/usr/local/acl62/eli/fi-site-init"))
;; The default buffer name is "*common-lisp*" but this can be changed
(setq fi:common-lisp-buffer-name "*common-lisp*")
;; The directory should be where emacs was started
(setq fi:common-lisp-directory (expand-file-name "/root"))
;; The default buffer image name is "cl" but we use something much
(setq fi:common-lisp-image-name "/usr/local/acl62/mlisp")
;; The image arguments can be modified, new arguments can be added
(setq fi:common-lisp-image-arguments nil)
;; The host can also be specified
;(setq fi:common-lisp-host "rautavaara")
;; This is another way to start ACL
(defun acl ()
  "This function starts up Allegro Common Lisp with your defaults"
  (fi:common-lisp fi:common-lisp-buffer-name
;;; Tell font-lock about the Franz modes
;;; ====================================
(put 'fi::def-auto-mode  'font-lock-defaults 'lisp-mode)
(put 'fi:common-lisp-mode  'font-lock-defaults 'lisp-mode)
(put 'fi:emacs-lisp-mode  'font-lock-defaults 'lisp-mode)
(put 'fi:franz-lisp-mode  'font-lock-defaults 'lisp-mode)
(put 'fi:inferior-common-lisp-mode  'font-lock-defaults 'lisp-mode)
(put 'fi:inferior-franz-lisp-mode  'font-lock-defaults 'lisp-mode)
(put 'fi:lisp-listener-mode  'font-lock-defaults 'lisp-mode)
;; Hyperspec Support
(setq load-path
      (cons "/s/bach/a/class/cs253/elisp"  load-path))
;; Autoload hyperspec
(autoload 'hyperspec-lookup "hyperspec" "Load hyperspec" t)
;; Bind key M-h in Lisp mode buffers to hyperspec-lookup
(add-hook 'fi:common-lisp-mode-hook (lambda ()
                                       (if (string-match "XEmacs"
                                           '(meta h)
(setq *hyperspec-url* "")
;; use Netscape as the browser
(setq-default browse-url-browser-function 'browse-url-netscape)
;;; Set up Font Lock (the coloring stuff)
;;; =====================================
(setq-default font-lock-auto-fontify t)
(setq-default font-lock-use-fonts nil)
(setq-default font-lock-use-colors '(color))
(setq-default font-lock-maximum-decoration nil)
(setq-default font-lock-maximum-size 256000)
(setq-default font-lock-mode-enable-list nil)
(setq-default font-lock-mode-disable-list nil)
(require 'font-lock)
(remove-hook 'font-lock-mode-hook 'turn-on-fast-lock)
(remove-hook 'font-lock-mode-hook 'turn-on-lazy-lock)
;;; Turn on paren matching
;;; ======================
(if (string-match "XEmacs" (emacs-version))
      (require 'paren)
      (paren-set-mode 'sexp))
    (show-paren-mode 1)))

From: Mr. Berserker
Subject: Re: How to configure ACL6.2 with Xemacs 21.4.13
Message-ID: <>
··············· (Raghuram) wrote in message news:<····························>...
> Hi, 
>   I am using ACL 6.2 Version and i would like to configure the xemacs
> for lisp (ACL 6.2). After configuring the .emacs with the below code,
> i am getting the following error:
> (1) (initialization/error) An error has occurred while loading /root/.emacs:
>        Symbol's function definition is void: make-ring
> I am not able to run the common lisp on  XEmacs.
> I am using Xemacs 21.4.13. Please help me in using the Xemacs for common lisp.
> Thank you in advance...
> Raghuram
> Here is the code in my .emacs file.....

I don't use XEmacs (I use GNU Emacs) or ACL, but are there things that
you may have to (require)? grep is a wonderful programming tool. You
might want to start with that, grep for 'make-ring' in the appropriate
From: Wolfhard Buß
Subject: Re: How to configure ACL6.2 with Xemacs 21.4.13
Message-ID: <>
>   I am using ACL 6.2 Version and i would like to configure the xemacs
> for lisp (ACL 6.2). After configuring the .emacs with the below code,
> i am getting the following error:
> (1) (initialization/error) An error has occurred while loading /root/.emacs:
>        Symbol's function definition is void: make-ring

make-ring is defined in ring.el belongs to the xemacs-base
package. Type `M-x pui-list-packages' to check if xemacs-base is
installed. The load-path variable should include a path to the
xemacs-package (C-h v load-path). However, I'm not an (X)Emacs expert.

Good luck, and don't talk to the listener as root.

"Hurry if you still want to see something. Everything is vanishing."
                                       --  Paul C�zanne (1839-1906)