From: Valery
Subject: CL vs C++ (problems with virtual template member functions in C++)
Message-ID: <3f5eea2b$1@shknews01>
Hi Lispers,

    below go context and question.

1. Context

   I know there is a plenty of Lispers reading good in C++. Some of
   them do know an old irksome issue in C++ that virtual template
   member functions are not supported. For example, it makes
   impossible the following nice "manifest typing" style in C++

// --------- start of example ------------
#include <vector>

struct aTypelessData // a base "typeless" class. Some conversion
                      // abilities are expected to be
                      // implemented in derived classes
   template<class SomeConcreteType>
   virtual void try_to_convert_to(SomeConcreteType& output) const {
     throw "this conversion is not implemented";

// a concrete type implemented basing on `double':
struct aDoubleVec : public aTypelessData {
   vector<float> vec;
   virtual void try_to_convert_to(class aIntVec& output) const {
     ... // convert double to int

// a concrete type implemented basing on `int'
struct aIntVec : public aTypelessData {
   vector<int> vec;
   virtual void try_to_convert_to(class aIntVec& output) const {
     ... // nothing to convert, thus just copy

// function which makes integer-based arithmetics with two given objects
// of a priori unknown types
void my_fast_int_function(const aTypelessData& a,
                           const aTypelessData& b,
                           aIntVec &res)
  try {
    aIntVec ivec1, ivec2;
    a.try_to_convert_to(ivec1); // object `a' should know how to
                                // convert himself to a target
                                // type aIntVec
    b.try_to_convert_to(ivec2); // object `b' should know how to
                                // convert himself to a target
                                // type aIntVec

    // here go my fast integer arithmetics for ivec1 and ivec2
  catch(...) {
   // conversion is not possible

main() {
   aIntVec iresult;
   aIntVec ivec;
   aDoubleVec dvec;
   my_fast_int_function(ivec, dvec, iresult); // so this function is not
                                              // restricted for certain
                                              // types

// --------- end of example ------------

BTW, similar problems come for data I/O, when type of the data being
read is not known yet (and even *not* needed up to a certain
last moment!)

I guess Common Lisp shouldn't have this type of boring restriction.

2. Question

   How the above given example could look in CLOS?

P.S. please make a Cc to me: v.khamenia AT biovision-discovery DOT de

Thank you.

Best regards,
Valery A.Khamenya

From: Kaz Kylheku
Subject: Re: CL vs C++ (problems with virtual template member functions in C++)
Message-ID: <>
Valery <········> wrote in message news:<··········@shknews01>...

>    I know there is a plenty of Lispers reading good in C++. Some of
>    them do know an old irksome issue in C++ that virtual template
>    member functions are not supported. For example, it makes
>    impossible the following nice "manifest typing" style in C++
>    programming:
[ snip ]

>    How the above given example could look in CLOS?

Are you asking how an impossible C++ example would look like in CLOS?
Does that mean you want a possible CLOS example or an impossible CLOS

Should impossibility be retained in the translation, or ironed away?

This is something like translating Lewis Carrol's poem ``Jabberwocky''
to German or French.

We first have to identify what kind of impossibility in CLOS resembles
the restriction regarding virtual template functions in C++. ;)

This is is a clash between the static and dynamic world. In Lisp,
there are examples of this: for instance you can't FUNCALL over a

Okay, how about:

  ;; define ``virtual function'' by indirecting 

  (defun expand-template-method (type-left type-right)
    (let ((defmethod-params `(multiply ((a ,type-left) (b
                               (* a b))))
      (apply #'defmethod defmethod-params)))

Or something... :)
From: ctu
Subject: Re: CL vs C++ (problems with virtual template member functions in C++)
Message-ID: <>
It's just a draft to see if i understood you well :

;;; using CLOS to simulate C++ template and virtual template method
;;; Corman Common Lisp 2.01

;;; i used char instead of double to see more clearly (i hope!) the point
;;; so 'cvec' is used instead of dvec & aCharVec instead of aDoubleVec
;;; it's very dirty...

(defclass aTypelessData)
(defclass aIntVec (aTypelessData)) ; todo: use macros to
(defclass aCharVec (aTypelessData)) ; simulate template

;; todo: constructeur
;; todo: method set-all, init from a list
;; todo: method get-list, get the corresponding list

(defmethod try_to_convert_to ((from aTypelessData) (to aIntVec))
  (throw 'error "conversion impossible") )

(defmethod try_to_convert_to (from aIntVec) (to aIntVec)
  ;; todo: copy

(defmethod try_to_convert_to (from aCharVec) (to aIntVec)
  ;; todo: copy & convert char->int

(defun main ()
  (let ((iresult (make-aIntVec))
	(ivec (make-aIntVec '(1 2)))
	(cvec (make-aCharVec '(#\a #\b))) )
    (my_fast_int_function ivec cvec iresult) ))

(defmethod my_fast_int_function (a aTypelessData) (b aTypelessData) (res aIntVec)
  (format t
	  (catch 'error
	    (let ((ivec1 (make-aIntVec))
		  (ivec2 (make-aIntVec)) )
	      (try_to_convert_to a ivec1)
	      (try_to_convert_to b ivec2)
	      (set-all res (mapcar #'+ (get-list ivec1) (get-list ivec2)))
	      ;; todo: string of the result
