From: Vladimir Zolotykh
Subject: CLIM question
Message-ID: <>

Supposing I have something like this

   (define-application-frame my-frame ()
     (:panes (display :application))
     (:layouts (default display)))

And the method

   (defmethod show-something ((frame my-frame))
     "Displays some stuff in DISPLAY pane."

What might be the way of calling SHOW-SOMETHING at frame initializing
time ? I mean when the frame (=window) eventually appears before
user's eyes it should already contains needed stuff ?

Still I have the possiblity of defining :around method on

   (let ((done nil))
   (defmethod read-frame-command :around ((frame my-frame) &key)
     (unless done
       (show-something frame))

Probably this would satisfy me if only I was sure it is correct and
all needed initializations are already done up to this moment.

Thanks in advance

Vladimir Zolotykh