From: Pascal Costanza
Subject: Lispniks Cologne meeting this Sunday
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The discussions with static typers nearly made me forget to announce the 
much more important next meeting of the Common Lispniks Cologne.

 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on Sunday, November 2nd, at 5.00 pm <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

This time, we are going to change the format a little bit. Instead of 
meeting at the Restaurant Borsalino, as we did for previous meetings, 
and mainly drink beer and eat Pizza, we are now going to have an actual 
presentation so that we can learn some interesting new things about our 
beloved language.

This time, _Mario Mommer_ will tell us something about _Numerics with 
Common Lisp_ and his _macro language for operator equations_.

(I hope I have got the translation from German into English right here. 
I am not a mathematician, you know. ;)

In order not to be distorted by the sometimes quite loud surroundings of 
Borsalino, we are going to have the meeting at a different address that 
is more suited for a presentation. The address is:

Heinsberg Str. 14

tel: 0221 - 9234153

This is close to Zuelpicher Strasse, near Restaurant Borsalino where we 
had our meetings before.

You will recognize the place by a big lambda on the window, and the name 
"cl-lc" put on the door buzzer.

If you want to attend this meeting, and want to know more about it 
beforehand, you could do worse than subscribe to the cl-lc Yahoo group 

We are going to have more presentations in the future. Current plans are 
to talk about dynamically scoped functions, an introduction to Python 
for Lispniks and the metaobject protocol. More to follow.

See you soon!


Pascal Costanza               University of Bonn
···············        Institute of Computer Science III  R�merstr. 164, D-53117 Bonn (Germany)