From: Stephen McCracken
Subject: examples of non-traditional source code presentation?
Message-ID: <>
Hello, all.  I am trying to gather examples of non-traditional visual
presentation of lisp and scheme code.  Examples from both typesetting and
interactive editing would interest me.

I am *NOT* interested in the significant-whitespace style of Python and
Haskell, nor in any other changes to the underlying language syntax.

Rather, I am interested in the presentation layer:  things like
two-dimensional layout, variable-width fonts, tabular layout of let
bindings, unusual notation to replace lambda, "super" right-paren,
conventions for identifier fontification, special markings for variable
scope, etc. 

I am not especially interested in heuristic pretty-printing or structure
editors, though the presentation layer of those systems could have some
relevant ideas.

Thank you very much for the pointers.


From: Vis Mike
Subject: Re: examples of non-traditional source code presentation?
Message-ID: <bnmhpp$l8t$>
Seems interesting:

found with google "source code presentation"

-- Mike
From: Jens Axel Søgaard
Subject: Re: examples of non-traditional source code presentation?
Message-ID: <3f9ebd56$0$69930$>
Stephen McCracken wrote:
> Hello, all.  I am trying to gather examples of non-traditional visual
> presentation of lisp and scheme code.  Examples from both typesetting and
> interactive editing would interest me.



Jens Axel S�gaard
From: Henrik Motakef
Subject: Re: examples of non-traditional source code presentation?
Message-ID: <>
Stephen McCracken <··········> writes:

> Rather, I am interested in the presentation layer:  things like
> two-dimensional layout, variable-width fonts, tabular layout of let
> bindings, unusual notation to replace lambda, "super" right-paren,
> conventions for identifier fontification, special markings for variable
> scope, etc. 

Not that unusal, but: 
From: Juliusz Chroboczek
Subject: Re: examples of non-traditional source code presentation?
Message-ID: <>
HM> <>

a2ps will also do that if you ask it nicely.

From: james anderson
Subject: Re: examples of non-traditional source code presentation?
Message-ID: <>
there are several files in "fred (editor) utilities" folder on the older mcl
erlease cds which attend to source-code presentation issues. 

you may need to work a bit to track it down, as digitool does not keep the
contributions online at the moment.


Stephen McCracken wrote:
> Hello, all.  I am trying to gather examples of non-traditional visual
> presentation of lisp and scheme code.  Examples from both typesetting and
> interactive editing would interest me.
> I am *NOT* interested in the significant-whitespace style of Python and
> Haskell, nor in any other changes to the underlying language syntax.
> Rather, I am interested in the presentation layer:  things like
> two-dimensional layout, variable-width fonts, tabular layout of let
> bindings, unusual notation to replace lambda, "super" right-paren,
> conventions for identifier fontification, special markings for variable
> scope, etc.
> I am not especially interested in heuristic pretty-printing or structure
> editors, though the presentation layer of those systems could have some
> relevant ideas.
> Thank you very much for the pointers.
> --Steve
From: Russell Wallace
Subject: Re: examples of non-traditional source code presentation?
Message-ID: <>
On Tue, 28 Oct 2003 11:55:59 -0700, Stephen McCracken
<··········> wrote:

>Rather, I am interested in the presentation layer:  things like
>two-dimensional layout, variable-width fonts, tabular layout of let
>bindings, unusual notation to replace lambda, "super" right-paren,
>conventions for identifier fontification, special markings for variable
>scope, etc.

UltraEdit can use a variable width font, and will also do syntax
coloring on Lisp code if you ask it nicely enough.

>I am not especially interested in heuristic pretty-printing or structure
>editors, though the presentation layer of those systems could have some
>relevant ideas.

I ended up writing my own pretty-printer as a separate command line

"Sore wa himitsu desu."
To reply by email, remove
the small snack from address.
From: Drew McDermott
Subject: Re: examples of non-traditional source code presentation?
Message-ID: <bnpalg$6sk$>
Stephen McCracken wrote:
 > Hello, all.  I am trying to gather examples of non-traditional visual
 > presentation of lisp and scheme code.  Examples from both typesetting and
 > interactive editing would interest me.

My YTools macro package (available at, 
with a 40-page manual!), contains the let-fun macro, which augments the 
often obscure 'labels' construct in two ways: it allows an optional :def 
keyword to signal the beginning of a definition, and it allows some or 
all of the local-function definitions to come at the end.  So you can write

    (labels ((foo....)
             (baz ...))


    (let-fun ()

         (:def foo ...)

         (:def baz ...))

My 'repeat' super-duper-looper macro allows local :where definitions also.

I recommend that for large function definitions in which :where 
definitions happen to come at the very end, one violate the usual 
indentation rules (normally sacrosanct) and write

(defun big-fcn (...)
    (let-fun ()


  (:def foo ...)

  (:def baz ...)))

That is, pull those local-function definitions back out to (almost) the 
left margin.  I find that this enhances readability and encourages you 
to make many more functions local, which is semantically clearer and 
often easier for the compiler to manage.

                                              -- Drew McDermott
                                                 Yale CS Department
From: ················
Subject: Re: examples of non-traditional source code presentation?
Message-ID: <3fa0a7e7$0$20717$>
In comp.lang.scheme Stephen McCracken <··········> wrote:

> Hello, all.  I am trying to gather examples of non-traditional visual
> presentation of lisp and scheme code.  Examples from both typesetting and
> interactive editing would interest me.
> Rather, I am interested in the presentation layer:  things like
> two-dimensional layout, variable-width fonts, tabular layout of let
> bindings, unusual notation to replace lambda, "super" right-paren,
> conventions for identifier fontification, special markings for variable
> scope, etc. 

	l2t (formerly LiSP2TeX) is an example, with a specially non-
	conventional representation: denotational semantics.

Laurent Bloch
From: Dave Herman
Subject: Re: examples of non-traditional source code presentation?
Message-ID: <>
Don't miss Dorai Sitaram's SLaTeX, a formatter and embedded interpreter 
for Scheme in LaTeX:


In <························> Stephen McCracken  wrote:
> Hello, all.  I am trying to gather examples of non-traditional visual
> presentation of lisp and scheme code.  Examples from both typesetting 
> and interactive editing would interest me.
> I am *NOT* interested in the significant-whitespace style of Python 
> and Haskell, nor in any other changes to the underlying language 
> syntax.
> Rather, I am interested in the presentation layer:  things like
> two-dimensional layout, variable-width fonts, tabular layout of let
> bindings, unusual notation to replace lambda, "super" right-paren,
> conventions for identifier fontification, special markings for 
> variable scope, etc. 
> I am not especially interested in heuristic pretty-printing or 
> structure editors, though the presentation layer of those systems 
> could have some relevant ideas.
> Thank you very much for the pointers.
> --Steve
From: Marc Battyani
Subject: Re: examples of non-traditional source code presentation?
Message-ID: <bo5r5u$>
"Stephen McCracken" <··········> wrote

> Hello, all.  I am trying to gather examples of non-traditional visual
> presentation of lisp and scheme code.  Examples from both typesetting and
> interactive editing would interest me.
> I am *NOT* interested in the significant-whitespace style of Python and
> Haskell, nor in any other changes to the underlying language syntax.
> Rather, I am interested in the presentation layer:  things like
> two-dimensional layout, variable-width fonts, tabular layout of let
> bindings, unusual notation to replace lambda, "super" right-paren,
> conventions for identifier fontification, special markings for variable
> scope, etc.
> I am not especially interested in heuristic pretty-printing or structure
> editors, though the presentation layer of those systems could have some
> relevant ideas.

Are you interested in just looking at such presentation or do you want to
write a presentation system ?
If you want to write it, you could be interested by cl-typesetting a
typesetting system written in Common Lisp above cl-pdf (a 100% Common Lisp
library for generating PDF files)


(BTW I'm still looking for contributors for cl-pdf
( and cl-typesetting