From: Adrian Hey
Subject: Phonecodes in Haskell (was Re: Python from Wise Guy's Viewpoint)
Message-ID: <bng9lo$arm$1$>

In the course of this thread mention of programming task from
Lutz Prechelt has been made (for the purposes of language

AFAIK there's no data for Haskell solutions for this problem so
here's my effort (about 4 years too late:-) for the benefit of
those folk gathering hard data on this topic. (Code attached
to the bottom of this post)

$ghc -O -o phonecode Main.hs
$strip phonecode
$time ./phonecode woerter2 z1000.t > results.txt
real    0m6.330s
user    0m5.110s
sys     0m0.090s

This is using ghc 6.0 on 1.2 GHz Athlon running redhat 9.
This seems to compare quite favourably to the C solutions
mentioned in Lutz paper (albeit on a completely different

I count 63 lines of real Haskell here.
BTW, all type annotation has been commented out for the
convenience of lispers :-)

module Main (main) where

import System            (getArgs)
import IO                (stdout)
import Directory         (doesFileExist)
import Char              (toUpper,ord)
import Array             (Array,array,(!),(//))
import Data.List         (foldl')
import Data.PackedString (PackedString,packString,hPutPS)

 -- Type Synonyms
type Key  = Int
type Keys = [Key]

-- main :: IO ()
main = do
  -- Get command line arguments and check they're legit
  args <- getArgs
  case args of
    [wordz,numz] -> do wordzExists <- doesFileExist wordz
                       if wordzExists
                         then do numzExists <- doesFileExist numz
                                 if numzExists
                                   then do ws <- readFile wordz
                                           ns <- readFile numz
                                           process (lines ws) (lines ns)
                                   else error ("Can't find " ++ numz)
                         else error ("Can't find " ++ wordz)
    _            -> error "Invalid Command Line"

-- Process the input words and numbers
-- process :: [String] -> [String] -> IO ()
process ws ns = mapM_ (encodeNum (encodings (makeSTree ws))) ns

-- Output all encodings of a number
-- encodeNum :: (Keys -> [[Match]]) -> String -> IO ()
encodeNum lookUp cs = mapM_ printEnc (lookUp rawKeys)
  where rawKeys = [ord c - ord '0' | c <- cs, c /='/', c /= '-' ]
        printEnc ms =  putStr cs >> putChar ':' >> 
                       mapM_ printMatch ms >> putStrLn "" 
        printMatch (MatchK k) = putChar ' ' >> putStr (show k)
        printMatch (MatchW w) = putChar ' ' >> hPutPS stdout w

-- Get the Key for a character (upper case only!)
-- getKey :: Char -> Key
getKey c = getKey' ckMap
  where getKey' []          = error ("getKey: " ++ [c]) 
        getKey' ((k,cs):xs) = if elem c cs then k else getKey' xs 
        ckMap = [(0,"E") ,(1,"JNQ"),(2,"RWX"),(3,"DSY"),(4,"FT")
-- Match data type (either a single key or a word)
data Match = MatchK Key | MatchW !PackedString

-- Search Tree data type
newtype STree = STree (Array Key (STree,[Match]))
-- Initial value for Search Tree
-- sTree0 :: STree
sTree0 = STree (array (0,9) [(n,(sTree0,[]))| n <- [0..9]])

-- Make the search tree from a list of words
-- makeSTree :: [String] -> STree
makeSTree ws = foldl' putWord sTree0 pairs where
  pairs = [let ps = packString w in ps `seq` (word2keys w, MatchW ps) | w<-
  word2keys cs = [getKey (toUpper c) | c <- cs, c /= '"' , c /= '-' ]
  putWord stree (keys,m) = put keys stree
    where put []     _         = error "makeSTree: empty Keys"
          put [k]    (STree a) = let (t,ms) = a ! k
                                     a'     = a // [(k,(t,m:ms))]
                                 in a' `seq` STree a'
          put (k:ks) (STree a) = let (t,ms) = a ! k
                                     t'     = put ks t 
                                     a'     = a // [(k,(t',ms))]    
                                 in t' `seq` a' `seq` STree a'
-- Get all matching word prefixes and key suffixes for list of keys 
-- getWPrefixes :: STree -> Keys -> [([Match],Keys)]
getWPrefixes _         []     = []
getWPrefixes (STree a) (k:ks) = let (t,ms) = a ! k
                                in case ms of
                                   [] -> getWPrefixes t ks
                                   _  -> (ms,ks) : getWPrefixes t ks

-- Get all encodings for a number (list of keys)
-- encodings :: STree -> Keys -> [[Match]]
encodings top = enc where
  enc []         = [[]]
  enc ยทยท@(k:ks') = case getWPrefixes top ks of
                     [] -> [MatchK k : e | e <- enc' ks']
                     xs -> combine xs
  -- This version does not allow key prefixes
  enc' []  = [[]]
  enc' ks  = combine (getWPrefixes top ks)  
  -- Combine all prefixes/(encoded suffix) pairs
  combine xs = concat [[p:e | p<-ps, e <- enc ks] | (ps,ks)<-xs]

Adrian Hey