From: Kenny Tilton
Subject: Why do people like Lisp so much? The RtL Enters the Second Century [PING NEWBIES]
Message-ID: <%Nfmb.37402$>
1. Why do people like Lisp so much? I am up to the letter "I" extracting 
sound bites from (wait for it) the One Hundred first respondents to the 
Road to Lisp Survey:

2. Yo, newbies! When you feel ready, let us know why on Earth you are 
learning this dead language:

3. Former respondents: plz consider updating your responses if you are 
coming up to speed and have new insights to offer.

4. The count is unoffcially at 100. (I gotta count on the screen, so 
could be off by a couple.) It would be nice to have a breakdown by year, 
but when the Survey got the bum rush off Cliki all those got trashed and 
apparently Cliki indexes at page-save time, so I will have to edit and 
save each page one-by-one-hundred. <sigh>

What?! You are a newbie and you haven't answered my: