From: Mark Carter
Subject: newbie: initialising structures
Message-ID: <>
I would like to initialise a structure, where some of the slots depend
on the other slots.

So what I have so far is:

(defstruct blog-entry
   (date (ddmmmyy (subseq :fname 1 7))))

where ddmmmyy is some function you don't need to worry about for the
purposes of this argument.

The problem is that when I do
(make-blog-entry :fname "m031021-01.txt")

I get the message

*** - :FNAME is not a sequence.

I've tried various combinations of things, all to no avail. I suppose
you could argue that I could write a function which fills in the
dependent values - but I think it would be safer to initialise them at

Is what I am trying to do undoable, or just plain evil? Should I be
using objects?

From: Barry Margolin
Subject: Re: newbie: initialising structures
Message-ID: <Rjblb.121$>
In article <···························>,
Mark Carter <············> wrote:
>I would like to initialise a structure, where some of the slots depend
>on the other slots.
>So what I have so far is:
>(defstruct blog-entry
>  fname
>   (date (ddmmmyy (subseq :fname 1 7))))
>where ddmmmyy is some function you don't need to worry about for the
>purposes of this argument.
>The problem is that when I do
>(make-blog-entry :fname "m031021-01.txt")
>I get the message
>*** - :FNAME is not a sequence.

If it actually worked as you expected, it should be FNAME, not :FNAME.  The
latter is a keyword, which is always treated as a literal, not a variable.

>I've tried various combinations of things, all to no avail. I suppose
>you could argue that I could write a function which fills in the
>dependent values - but I think it would be safer to initialise them at
>Is what I am trying to do undoable, or just plain evil? Should I be
>using objects?

You can do it with a BOA constructor:

(defstruct (blog-entry
               (make-blog-entry (:key fname
                                      (date (ddmmmyy (subseq fname 1 7)))))))

Barry Margolin, ··············
Level(3), Woburn, MA
Please DON'T copy followups to me -- I'll assume it wasn't posted to the group.
From: james anderson
Subject: Re: newbie: initialising structures
Message-ID: <>
Barry Margolin wrote:
> ...
> You can do it with a BOA constructor:
> (defstruct (blog-entry
>              (:constructor
>                (make-blog-entry (:key fname
>                                       (date (ddmmmyy (subseq fname 1 7)))))))
>   fname
>   date)


(defstruct (blog-entry
             make-blog-entry (&key fname
                                   (date (ddmmmyy (subseq fname 1 7))))))
From: ·············
Subject: Re: newbie: initialising structures
Message-ID: <>
············ (Mark Carter) writes:

> I would like to initialise a structure, where some of the slots depend
> on the other slots.
> So what I have so far is:
> (defstruct blog-entry
>   fname
>    (date (ddmmmyy (subseq :fname 1 7))))
> where ddmmmyy is some function you don't need to worry about for the
> purposes of this argument.
> The problem is that when I do
> (make-blog-entry :fname "m031021-01.txt")
> I get the message
> *** - :FNAME is not a sequence.
> I've tried various combinations of things, all to no avail. I suppose
> you could argue that I could write a function which fills in the
> dependent values - but I think it would be safer to initialise them at
> instantiation.
> Is what I am trying to do undoable, or just plain evil? Should I be
> using objects?

I'd use object myself.

The trick is to use &AUX parameters in the constructor:

(defstruct (blog-entry
             (:constructor make-blog-entry 
                          (fname &aux (date (ddmmyy (subseq fname 1 7))))))