From: Wang Yin
Subject: Why CLX demos don't work?
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003 01:41:46 +0000
Message-ID: <> Hi,
I need some graphics utility in my code. I need only a canvas that I
can draw some lines, points, on it. I tried to use CLX with CMU
CL. And I tried the following code that comes with CMU CL source:
;;; -*- Mode:Lisp; Syntax: Common-lisp; Package:XLIB; Base:10; Lowercase: Yes -*-
(in-package :xlib)
(defun hello-world (host &rest args &key (string "Hello World") (font "fixed"))
;; CLX demo, says STRING using FONT in its own window on HOST
(let ((display nil)
(abort t))
(setq display (open-display host))
(let* ((screen (display-default-screen display))
(black (screen-black-pixel screen))
(white (screen-white-pixel screen))
(font (open-font display font))
(border 1) ; Minimum margin around the text
(width (+ (text-width font string) (* 2 border)))
(height (+ (max-char-ascent font) (max-char-descent font) (* 2 border)))
(x (truncate (- (screen-width screen) width) 2))
(y (truncate (- (screen-height screen) height) 2))
(window (create-window :parent (screen-root screen)
:x x :y y :width width :height height
:background black
:border white
:border-width 1
:colormap (screen-default-colormap screen)
:bit-gravity :center
:event-mask '(:exposure :button-press)))
(gcontext (create-gcontext :drawable window
:background black
:foreground white
:font font)))
;; Set window manager hints
(set-wm-properties window
:name 'hello-world
:icon-name string
:resource-name string
:resource-class 'hello-world
:command (list* 'hello-world host args)
:x x :y y :width width :height height
:min-width width :min-height height
:input :off :initial-state :normal)
(map-window window) ; Map the window
;; Handle events
(event-case (display :discard-p t :force-output-p t)
(exposure ;; Come here on exposure events
(window count)
(when (zerop count) ;; Ignore all but the last exposure event
(with-state (window)
(let ((x (truncate (- (drawable-width window) width) 2))
(y (truncate (- (+ (drawable-height window)
(max-char-ascent font))
(max-char-descent font))
;; Draw text centered in widnow
(clear-area window)
(draw-glyphs window gcontext x y string)))
;; Returning non-nil causes event-case to exit
(button-press () t))) ;; Pressing any mouse-button exits
(setq abort nil)))
;; Ensure display is closed when done
(when display
(close-display display :abort abort)))))
I required :clx first with (require :clx)
But when I execute the code. I get the error:
; Loading #p"/usr/local/lib/cmucl/lib/subsystems/clx-library.x86f".
#<The XLIB package, 1432/2372 internal, 560/590 external>
; In: LAMBDA (HOST &REST ARGS &KEY (STRING "Hello World") ...)
; (LET #
; #
; #))
; ==>
; (LET (#)
; (DECLARE # #)
; Note: DYNAMIC-EXTENT declaration not implemented.
; ==>
; (LET (#)
; (DECLARE # #)
; Note: DYNAMIC-EXTENT declaration not implemented.
Error in function OPEN-X-STREAM:
Failed to connect to X11 server: wangyin (display 0)
0: [ABORT] Return to Top-Level.
Debug (type H for help)
(OPEN-X-STREAM "wangyin" 0 #<unused-arg>)
Source: Error finding source:
Error in function DEBUG::GET-FILE-TOP-LEVEL-FORM: Source file no longer exists:
I've set my X server as xhost +. Why can't CLX connect to the server?
I don't think CLX suit my simple needs. Anyone has better suggestions
for a simpler graphics package?
Wang Yin
EDA Lab,
Deparment of Computer Science and Technology,
Tsinghua University,
Beijing China From: Eric Marsden
Subject: Re: Why CLX demos don't work?
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003 09:22:37 +0000
Message-ID: <> >>>>> "wy" == Wang Yin <ยทยท> writes:
wy> Error in function OPEN-X-STREAM:
wy> Failed to connect to X11 server: wangyin (display 0)
wy> I've set my X server as xhost +. Why can't CLX connect to the server?
do xlib programs work when using the same display specifier? Try
something like "xclock -display wangyin:0" to see whether that works.
It may be that your X11 server is only accepting local connections
(over a Unix socket). Check whether "netstat -an | grep 6000" has a
line saying that the server is listening for TCP connections. If not,
you can tell CLX to connect to your X11 server over a Unix socket, by
changing the line containing open-display to
(xlib:open-display "localhost" :protocol :unix)
You can avoid disabling X11 authorization by using the function
function is able to extract a "magic cookie" from your ~/.Xauthority
file and present it to the X server; see
Eric Marsden <URL:>