From: Sivaram Neelakantan
Subject: Unable to build Clisp-2.31 on cygwin
Message-ID: <>

I'm unable to build Clisp 2.31 in the cygwin environment.  I get
the following error

$ make
gcc -O base/modules.o base/lisp.a -lintl base/libcharset.a
base/libavcall.a base/libcallback.a -lreadline -lncurses -liconv
-L/usr/local/libsigsegv-cygwin/lib -lsigsegv -o base/lisp.exe

cannot find -lncurses

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [base/lisp.exe] Error 1

The odd thing is , I built 2.30 version whose makefile is not
different by much.  I dont know why ncurses, sigsegv cannot be
found now.  i did try changing the order do the linking to see
whether it makes a difference and all i got was the same error
for sigsegv.  I've attached a diff of the makefiles, elided for
the relevant parts (I think).  Can someone point out what needs
to be done to fix this?


--- /home/clisp-2.30/Makefile	2002-09-17 20:24:54.000000000 +0530
+++ /home/clisp-2.31/Makefile	2003-09-04 11:27:36.000000000 +0530

 SHELL = /bin/sh
-all : base/lisp.exe full/lisp.exe
+all : base/lisp$(lexe) full/lisp$(lexe)
-base/lisp.exe :  base/modules.o base/lisp.a base/libnoreadline.a
base/libcharset.a base/libavcall.a base/libcallback.a
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS)  base/modules.o base/lisp.a -lintl base/libcharset.a
base/libavcall.a base/libcallback.a -lreadline -lncurses -lm -o
+base/lisp$(lexe) :  base/modules.o base/lisp.a base/libnoreadline.a
base/libcharset.a base/libavcall.a base/libcallback.a
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS)  base/modules.o base/lisp.a -lintl base/libcharset.a
base/libavcall.a base/libcallback.a -lreadline -lncurses -liconv
-L/usr/local/libsigsegv-cygwin/lib -lsigsegv -o base/lisp$(lexe)
-full/lisp.exe :  full/modules.o full/lisp.a full/libnoreadline.a
full/libcharset.a full/libavcall.a full/libcallback.a full/regexp.o
full/regexi.o full/regex.o full/regexp.dvi
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS)  full/modules.o full/regexp.o full/regexi.o
full/regex.o full/lisp.a -lintl full/libcharset.a full/libavcall.a
full/libcallback.a -lreadline -lncurses -lm -o full/lisp.exe
+full/lisp$(lexe) :  full/modules.o full/lisp.a full/libnoreadline.a
full/libcharset.a full/libavcall.a full/libcallback.a full/calls.o
full/regexi.o full/regexp.dvi full/dirkey.o full/clx.o
full/clx-preload.lisp full/clx.lisp full/clx.fas full/image.lisp
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS)  full/modules.o full/clx.o -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXpm
-lXext -lSM -lICE -lX11 -lm full/dirkey.o full/regexi.o full/calls.o
-lm -luser32 -lole32 -luuid full/lisp.a -lintl full/libcharset.a
full/libavcall.a full/libcallback.a -lreadline -lncurses -liconv
-L/usr/local/libsigsegv-cygwin/lib -lsigsegv -o full/lisp$(lexe)

From: Karl A. Krueger
Subject: Re: Unable to build Clisp-2.31 on cygwin
Message-ID: <bmh5q3$qe6$>
Sivaram Neelakantan <········> wrote:
> I'm unable to build Clisp 2.31 in the cygwin environment.  I get
> the following error

You have a C problem, not an Lisp problem.  However ...

> $ make
> gcc -O base/modules.o base/lisp.a -lintl base/libcharset.a
> base/libavcall.a base/libcallback.a -lreadline -lncurses -liconv
> -L/usr/local/libsigsegv-cygwin/lib -lsigsegv -o base/lisp.exe
> /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.1/../../../../i686-pc-cygwin/bin/ld:
> cannot find -lncurses
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make: *** [base/lisp.exe] Error 1

The linker (ld) is telling you that it can't find the "ncurses" library.
Make sure you have this installed and that the directory it's in is in

Karl A. Krueger <········>
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Email address is spamtrapped.  s/example/whoi/
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