2003 Scheme Workshop
Friday, November 7
Northeastern University
Boston, Massachusetts
>>> Registration is now open at the above web address <<<
* Registration is free.
* Accepted papers are listed below and on the web site.
* In addition to paper presentations, the workshop will include
invited demos of Scheme-based systems (to be announced).
* A substantial portion of the workshop will be devoted to discussion
on the future of Scheme (i.e., standardization).
The purpose of the 2003 Scheme Workshop is to discuss experience with
and future developments of the Scheme programming language ---
including the future of Scheme standardization --- as well as general
aspects of computer science loosely centered on the general theme of
Accepted papers, in no particular order
PLoT Scheme
Alexander Friedman and Jamie Raymond
PICBIT: A Scheme System for the PIC Microcontroller
Marc Feeley and Danny Dube
From Python to PLT Scheme
Philippe Meunier, Daniel Silva
Dot-Scheme: A PLT Scheme FFI for the .NET framework
Pedro Pinto
How to Add Threads to a Sequential Language Without Getting Tangled Up
Martin Gasbichler, Eric Knauel, Michael Sperber, and Richard Kelsey
Unwind-protect in portable Scheme
Dorai Sitaram
Well-Shaped Macros
Ryan Culpepper, and Matthias Felleisen
Porting Scheme Programs
Dorai Sitaram
Enabling Complex UI In Web Applications With send/suspend/dispatch
Peter Walton Hopkins
Invited Demos
To be announced
Scheme Standardization
Agenda to appear
Program committee:
Robert Bruce Findler (University of Chicago)
Matthew Flatt (University of Utah)
Erick Gallesio (University of Nice)
Tim Hickey (Brandeis University)
Mario Latendresse (FNMOC)
Jeffrey Mark Siskind (Purdue University)
Mitchell Wand (Northeastern University)
Steering committee:
William D. Clinger (Northeastern University)
Marc Feeley (University of Montreal)
Matthias Felleisen (Northeastern University)
Dan Friedman (Indiana University)
Christian Queinnec (University Paris 6)
Manuel Serrano (INRIA)
Olin Shivers (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Mitchell Wand (Northeastern University)