Sorry for not including the OP - Usenet is acting arsey with me.
Recently, I have been looking into "distributed computing", partly
because it may be of use to clients (the fee-paying, putting bread on
the dinner table, kind), but mostly because it looked like something
that was really cool.
I scouted around for solutions on python - and there were many. Most
of them seemed tedious to implement. But then I came across XML-RPC,
and I got something up and running in double-quick time. Although not
all-powerful (I think that Soap and Corba are more powerful - but then
again, I don't claim to be an expert), I think it could well fit the
bill for what you are looking for. There's no IDL or compiling
required ala Corba.
For starters, it's a standard mechanism. I know python supports it, so
I'll bet Perl supports it. Maybe Lisp supports it, too. If not, then
maybe it should. XML-RPC is, basically, a protocol for calling other
functions over http.
I suppose a lot depends on how introspective Perl is; because
basically, if Perl knows what functions and arguments its modules
contains, then one could presumably write a small script to tell it to
expose them to a server. The server should be a doddle to write, too.
Then Bob's your uncle, Fanny's your aunt; the whole of CPAN is yours
for the picking.
Here's an example server (OK, so it's not going to win any coding
competitions real soon) written in python:
import SimpleXMLRPCServer
from random import randint
server = SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer(("dali", 8080))
keep_serving = True
class MyFuncs:
def div(self, x, y) : return div(x,y)
def echo(txt):
a = "server says that you said:%s\n" % (txt)
return a
def closeit(dummy):
#global server,
global keep_serving
keep_serving = False
return True
def getColours():
r = randint(1,4)
r1 = randint(0,255)
r2 = randint(0,255)
r3 = randint(0,255)
return ( r, r1, r2, r3)
print "server starting"
server.register_function(lambda x,y: x+y, 'add')
while keep_serving:
print "server closed"
That's the theory, anyway.
Mark Carter wrote:
> For starters, it's a standard mechanism. I know python supports it, so
> I'll bet Perl supports it. Maybe Lisp supports it, too. If not, then
> maybe it should. XML-RPC is, basically, a protocol for calling other
> functions over http.
Allegro has supported XML-RPC since 6.2. See