From: Paolo Amoroso
Subject: Rainer Joswig's weblog inaccessible?
Message-ID: <>
Is Rainer Joswig's weblog still publicly accessible?

A link to it was added at the end of September to:

and mentioned in Lemonodor. But now the link has been removed from
CLiki, and when I try to access Rainer's weblog, I get a request for
username and password. Is this a temporary glitch?

Paolo Amoroso <·······>
From: Daniel Barlow
Subject: Re: Rainer Joswig's weblog inaccessible?
Message-ID: <>
Paolo Amoroso <·······> writes:

> and mentioned in Lemonodor. But now the link has been removed from
> CLiki, and when I try to access Rainer's weblog, I get a request for
> username and password. Is this a temporary glitch?

To the best of my knowledge Rainer doesn't read c.l.l often; you'd be
better off asking him directly.  Maybe he's been lemonodored (Lisp
equivalent of "slashdotted") ...

(Anyone interested in Lisp news could do worse than keep an eye on - and judging from my referrer logs, many people
already do.  Do keep an eye on it, that is.  I don't have stats on how
many do worse)


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