From: David Combs
Subject: NYC Lisp Conf -- What tutorials will there be? (no listing at site...)
Message-ID: <bm6r50$7ei$>
About the tutorials, just what tutorials *will* there be?
Nice listing of for last year's, but no link for
this year's.
Any idea?
PS: Also, the schedule shows only the speaker's name -- but
no title of the talk (other than being listed in a
day-long column named eg "artificial intelligence".
Or am I just looking at the wrong page or something?
David Combs wrote:
> About the tutorials, just what tutorials *will* there be?
Check the Sunday listings.
> Or am I just looking at the wrong page or something?
I don't think it is there, but whaddoIknow? I know Ray collected the
info from speakers. But he is pegged, may not have time to be
maintainging the site.
Sunrise With Kenny on Wednesday will be a description of the declarative
task selection/execution framework i cooked up for TeamKenny, the
all-lisp-all-the-time, from-scratch, plays-like-sh*t RoboCup team. My
emphasis will be on the beauty of the framework, in the hopes of
distracting everyone from the team's actual performance.
Not sure if I am also talking on Common Lisp day. If so, the title is
"It's Alive!: Programming With Cells". Cells make TeamKenny run
(literally) so Wednesday will touch on Cells just enough to demystify
the synatx of RoboCells.
What's everyone else talking on?
What?! You are a newbie and you haven't answered my:
Bill Clementson wrote:
> Kenny Tilton <·······> writes:
> > Sunrise With Kenny on Wednesday will be a description of the
> > declarative task selection/execution framework i cooked up for
> > TeamKenny, the all-lisp-all-the-time, from-scratch, plays-like-sh*t
> > RoboCup team. My emphasis will be on the beauty of the framework, in
> > the hopes of distracting everyone from the team's actual performance.
> >
> > Not sure if I am also talking on Common Lisp day. If so, the title is
> > "It's Alive!: Programming With Cells". Cells make TeamKenny run
> > (literally) so Wednesday will touch on Cells just enough to demystify
> > the synatx of RoboCells.
> >
> > What's everyone else talking on?
> I will be doing a talk on "Using Emacs as a Lisp IDE" on Monday.
> I've read (in various sources) that on Monday Rainer Joswig will be
> talking about CL implementations for OS X and Erann Gat will be talking
> about implementing hierarchical module systems in CL. Other than those
> (and your own talks), I haven't seen specifics about other talks.
On Tuesday at 12 (or so the schedule says), I'm giving an updated version of
the talk on Lisp & the lambda calculus which I gave recently at LispNYC.
It's an intro to lambda calculus which takes advantage of an existing
knowledge of Lisp, using examples in Lisp. It also addresses the technical
and historical connections between Lisp and lambda calculus. Assuming the
onsite projection technology can handle it, the talk will also include the
most visually stunning demonstration of lambda calculus expression reduction
ever seen in a web browser. :)