From: Alex Mizrahi
Subject: meta
Message-ID: <bm4pq2$ivmnp$>
Hello, All!

i'm trying to do some metaclass stuff(just as an exercise) - i want slots to
keep track when they are modified via accessor.
i've managed to create some code, but it looks too hacky.. maybe it can be

(defclass my-metaclass (standard-class)

(defmethod initialize-instance :around ((class my-metaclass) &rest all-keys)
  (let ((slots (getf all-keys :direct-slots))
        (new-slot-defs nil)
        (affected-slots nil)
        (my-keys (copy-list all-keys)))
    (dolist (slot slots)
      (when (getf slot :writers)
       (let* ((old-sym (getf slot :name))
               (old-name (symbol-name old-sym ))
               (mod-sym (intern (concatenate 'string  old-name
          (push (list (car (getf slot :writers)) old-sym mod-sym)
          (push `(:NAME ,mod-sym :READERS (,mod-sym)  :INITFORM NIL
:INITFUNCTION ,(constantly nil) )
    (nconc new-slot-defs slots)
    (setf (getf my-keys :direct-slots) new-slot-defs)
    (apply #'call-next-method (cons class my-keys))
    (setf (find-class (getf all-keys :name)) class)
    (dolist (slot-def affected-slots)
      (eval `(defmethod ,(first slot-def) ((new-val t) (object ,(getf
all-keys :name)))
        (setf (slot-value object ',(third slot-def)) t)
        (setf (slot-value object ',(second slot-def)) new-val)))

and for testing:

(defclass my-udo ()
 ((udof :initarg :udof
               :initform  nil
        :accessor udof))
 (:metaclass my-metaclass))

(setq lamo1 (make-instance 'my-udo :udof 33))

(udof-modified lamo1) => NIL
(udof lamo1) => 33
(setf (udof lamo1) 55) => 55
(udof-modified lamo1) => T

so it appears to work on allegro, lispworks and corman..

so, is (mod-sym (intern (concatenate 'string  old-name "-MODIFIED"))) ok?
can (eval `(defmethod part be done w/o eval and `?
can i avoid doing (setf (find-class (getf all-keys :name)) class)? it's
needed to pass class name to defmethod..

With best regards, Alex Mizrahi.