From: Win Treese
Subject: Writing secure applications in Lisp and Scheme
Message-ID: <>
I'm finishing up a presentation on writing secure applications in
Scheme. Much of the material applies to Common Lisp as well, and I'm
looking around for additional resources, references, anecdotes, ideas,
etc., that I might have missed. If you have any suggestions for
papers, Web pages, e-mail or newsgroup messages, or your own thoughts,
I'd appreciate hearing them.

After I give the presentation, I will make the slides and resource
list available (with acknowledgments, of course), and there will also
be a longer writeup available somewhat after that. If you would like
to be notified when they're available, please send me a note.

Feel free to send directly to me, or post here if you think it's of
general interest to the group.


Win Treese