From: Noel Welsh
Subject: Scheme UK Meeting: 5 June 2003
Message-ID: <>
Scheme UK Meeting: 5 June 2003

>>>> The meeting day has moved to Thursday <<<<

The next meeting of the Scheme UK user's group
will be held on Thursday, 5 June 2003 from 7pm
till 9pm, when we leave for the pub.  The meeting
will take place at the offices of LShift (see for

Tom Bergen and Tony Garnock-Jones will discuss how
and why they developed Scheme compilers for the
.Net platform

Noel Welsh will tell us my design patterns are
dead, and what is going to replace them.


Scheme UK is a UK based group of people interested
in the Scheme programming language in particular,
and advanced programming languages in general.  We
are interested in both practical and theoretic
aspects.  We meet on the first Thursday of each
month.  Newcomers are welcome.

For more details see: