From: Gabor Melis
Subject: (satisfies #'(lambda (x) t))
Message-ID: <>
No, it doesn't work. And yes, it is according to the spec. Satisfies
takes a symbol as its argument, which makes it hard to write type
specifiers the like of (at-least 5):

(deftype at-least (threshold)
  `(satisfies ,#'(lambda (x) (>= x threshold))))

Mild research on this subject turned up this oldish thread:*

The conclusion of which is a compiler patch is needed to do it
cleanly. Another solution - albeit an ugly one - might be this:

(make-package "SATISFIES2")

(deftype satisfies2 (fn)
  (let ((sym (gentemp "" "SATISFIES2")))
    (setf (symbol-function sym) #'(lambda (x) (funcall fn x)))
    `(satisfies ,sym)))

(deftype at-least (threshold)
  `(satisfies2 ,#'(lambda (y) (>= y threshold))))

(typep 5 '(at-least 3)) => T
(typep 1 '(at-least 3)) => NIL

It seems to work in CMUCL and Clisp, but of course it creates a small
closure for each of its occurences in the code and that closure is
permanent, but it's not that bad. Or is it?

Cheers, Gabor
From: Kent M Pitman
Subject: Re: (satisfies #'(lambda (x) t))
Message-ID: <>
ยทยทยทยท (Gabor Melis) writes:

> No, it doesn't work. And yes, it is according to the spec. Satisfies
> takes a symbol as its argument, which makes it hard to write type
> specifiers the like of (at-least 5):
> (deftype at-least (threshold)
>   `(satisfies ,#'(lambda (x) (>= x threshold))))
> Mild research on this subject turned up this oldish thread:
> The conclusion of which is a compiler patch is needed to do it
> cleanly. Another solution - albeit an ugly one - might be this:
> [...]
> It seems to work in CMUCL and Clisp, but of course it creates a small
> closure for each of its occurences in the code and that closure is
> permanent, but it's not that bad. Or is it?

The spec doesn't require it to work.  It's not that we didn't anticipate
the need--we just didn't believe we had thoroughly enough addressed the
underlying concepts, both implementationally and philosophically, to be
able to allow it to work.

You want to read:

 3.2.4 Literal Objects in Compiled Files
read all of this Externalizable Objects
read all of this Definition of Similarity
take note of:

   Functions are not externalizable objects. 