From: ·······
Subject: Huffman encoding problems
Message-ID: <>

I posted on this topic back in February.  I can't find a way to post a
reply to that message, but here's a link to the thread...

I've now submitted a LISP program which performed Huffman encoding and
decoding as described in that posting. Unfortunately, though, the
program is horribly inefficient because I had to Kludge the tree data
structure.  I can't change my grade now, but I would like to learn
what the problem was.  I was stymied in building an ordered binary
tree.  I wound up having to settle for a kludged solution. In the
interest of learning, can anyone tell me why the RecursiveMerge
function in my program is building an inside-out tree?  The entire
program is posted at

This excerpt from the header block describes the problem I think I'm
;;;   The intended tree structure would look like:
;;;   (Root ( Left Sub-Tree ) (Right Sub-Tree ))
;;;      Each subtree would be triplets of the same form.
;;;   The ugly structure I wound up with and can't seem to get away
;;;   looks like this....
;;;   ((...(Root Left_Sub-Tree Right_Sub-Tree)
;;;                Left_Sub_of_Right_Sub Right_Sub_of_Right_Sub)
;;;                  Left_Sub_of_Left_Sub Right_Sub_of_Left_Sub)...)
;;;   The parents alternate to the bottom of the list with the
;;;   left parents being 2 levels deeper than their children and
;;;   the right parents being 1 level deeper.  If there is no right
;;;   parent, the left parent is off by 1 level instead of two.

I think this is the section causing me problems.  It's found in (defun
         ; Merge 1st two and recurse through remaining items.
         (t (cons (Recursive-Merge (SortBranches
               (cons (MergeBranches (first HuffTree) (second
                  (rest (rest HuffTree)))))

Thanks in advance for any assists, -Steve-

From: Kalle Olavi Niemitalo
Subject: Re: Huffman encoding problems
Message-ID: <>
······· writes:


Various comments:

* make-leaves reads message directly.  It should be given as a
  parameter instead.

* make-set can be replaced with the standard function

* countword can be replaced with the standard function COUNT.

* Functions should signal errors in the "should never happen"

* In SortBranches, you can easily get the effect of a
  non-destructive sort by copying the list before sorting.  You
  could also use the :KEY argument and get rid of TreeNodeLess:

    (sort (copy-seq SortTree) #'< :key #'Weight)

* ListAtoms is usually not necessary.  APPEND or CONS could be
  used instead.

> In the interest of learning, can anyone tell me why the
> RecursiveMerge function in my program is building an inside-out
> tree?

Well, I didn't quite figure out what the code was doing, but I
think I got it working.  First, MergeBranches should construct a
whole triplet, rather than just a leaf structure:

  (defun MergeBranches (HTree1 HTree2)
    "Makes a new node with symbols and weights from HTree1 and HTree2"
    ;; Make a node and put it in a list.
     (make-leaf :symbols (ListAtoms
                          (list (symbol-leaf (CurrentNode HTree1))
                                (symbol-leaf (CurrentNode HTree2))))
                :weight (+ (weight-leaf (CurrentNode HTree1))
                           (weight-leaf (CurrentNode HTree2))))

Then, Recursive-Merge need not worry about the subtrees:

  (defun Recursive-Merge (HuffTree)
    "Merges leaves and nodes into a complete Huffman tree"
    (cond ((null (first HuffTree)) nil)   ; Should never happen
          ((null (second HuffTree)) nil)  ; Should never happen
          ((null (third HuffTree))        ; Merge 1st two and stop
           (MergeBranches (first HuffTree)
                          (second HuffTree)))
            (SortBranches (cons (MergeBranches (first HuffTree)
                                               (second HuffTree))
                                (rest (rest HuffTree))))))))

I would simplify it to this, though:

  (defun Recursive-Merge (branches)
    "Merge a sorted list of branches into a complete Huffman tree."
    (assert (not (null branches)))
    (if (null (rest branches))
        ;; There is only one branch, so it's our tree.
        (first branches)
        ;; There are multiple branches.  Merge the first two, sort the
        ;; resulting tree to the right place among the rest and recurse.
        (Recursive-Merge (SortBranches
                          (cons (MergeBranches (first branches)
                                               (second branches))
                                (rest (rest branches)))))))

Or even an iterative version that does not assume that its input
has already been sorted:

  (defun Iterative-Merge (branches)
    "Merge a list of branches into a complete Huffman tree."
    (loop while (rest branches)
       finally (return (first branches))
       do (setq branches (SortBranches branches))
          (push (MergeBranches (pop branches)
                               (pop branches))
From: ·······
Subject: Re: Huffman encoding problems
Message-ID: <>
Kalle Olavi Niemitalo <···> wrote in message news:<··············>...
> ······· writes:
> >
> Various comments:

Thank you for all your comments.  They are quite helpful.  I tested
with MergeBranches and Recursive-Merge modified as you suggested.  As
you stated, it built a tree like the one I was looking for.  Now I'll
have to find some time after the semester to rewrite Encode and
