From: Adam Warner
Subject: Shadowing
Message-ID: <>
Hi all,

I need to shadow some function names so I can use them in place of some
built in CMUCL names, in particular AUTHOR. What's wrong with this

(defpackage :pkg 
  (:use :cl :cl-user))
(in-package pkg)
(export 'author)
(defun author () "test fn")

Now start a lisp session with (load "z.lisp"), and to see why we need a fix:
* (use-package 'pkg)

Error in function use-package:
   Use'ing package PKG results in name conflicts for these symbols:

OK so start again with (load "z.lisp"):
* (shadowing-import 'author)

* (use-package 'pkg)

* (author)

; Warning: This function is undefined:
;   author

Error in kernel:%coerce-to-function:  the function author is undefined.

  0: [abort] Return to Top-Level.

Debug  (type H for help)

(kernel:%coerce-to-function author)
; File: target:code/fdefinition.lisp
(error 'undefined-function :name name)

I can only access the function as (pkg:author), as if the symbol in this
package was never "used." It seems I can only use pkg:author as part of
CL-USER if I first unintern AUTHOR, i.e.:

* (unintern 'author)

* (load "z.lisp")

; Loading #p"/home/adam/t/z.lisp".
* (use-package 'pkg)

* (author)

"test fn" 


From: Drew McDermott
Subject: Re: Shadowing
Message-ID: <>
Adam Warner <······> wrote in message news:<······························>...
> Hi all,
> I need to shadow some function names so I can use them in place of some
> built in CMUCL names, in particular AUTHOR. What's wrong with this
> approach:
> z.lisp:
> (defpackage :pkg 
>   (:use :cl :cl-user))
> (in-package pkg)
> (export 'author)
> (defun author () "test fn")
> Now start a lisp session with (load "z.lisp"), and to see why we need a fix:
> * (use-package 'pkg)
> Error in function use-package:
>    Use'ing package PKG results in name conflicts for these symbols:
> (author)

> OK so start again with (load "z.lisp"):
> * (shadowing-import 'author)

Here's the problem.  You aren't using 'pkg' yet, so the symbol
referred to in the 'shadowing-import' expression is the 'author'
inherited from whatever package it lives in --- i.e., exactly the one
you don't want.  Let's call that package 'wckd'.  What you're telling
the system is: Put wckd:author in the current package, and don't let
any other package try to override it.

> t
> * (use-package 'pkg)

It faithfully carries out your request, silently squelching the
attempt to inherit pkg:author.

> t
> * (author)
> ; 

This means (wckd:author)...

> ; Warning: This function is undefined:
> ;   author

... which is undefined.

> I can only access the function as (pkg:author), as if the symbol in this
> package was never "used." It seems I can only use pkg:author as part of
> CL-USER if I first unintern AUTHOR, i.e.:

The right thing to do is simply replace the shadowing-import statement

(shadowing-import 'pkg:author)

Now it's 'wckd:author' who is left out in the cold.

                                             -- Drew McDermott
From: Adam Warner
Subject: Re: Shadowing
Message-ID: <>
Hi Drew McDermott,

> The right thing to do is simply replace the shadowing-import statement
> with
> (shadowing-import 'pkg:author)
> Now it's 'wckd:author' who is left out in the cold.

I now understand that I instructed the implementation to preserve
CL-USER::AUTHOR since the shadowing-import statement was necessarily
included before use-package was in effect. Using this expression I see it
was likely imported from ASDF (and highlights the use of string
designators): (do-all-symbols (s) (when (string= s "AUTHOR") (print s)))

Thanks for the helpful explanation.

From: Adam Warner
Subject: Re: Shadowing
Message-ID: <>
> Using this expression I see it was likely imported from ASDF (and
> highlights the use of string designators): (do-all-symbols (s) (when
> (string= s "AUTHOR") (print s)))

I was mistaken about its origin. I should have started CMUCL with -noinit.
Turns out I had interned the symbol AUTHOR in one of the files I load in

From: Kalle Olavi Niemitalo
Subject: Re: Shadowing
Message-ID: <>
Adam Warner <······> writes:

> (do-all-symbols (s) (when (string= s "AUTHOR") (print s)))

(find-all-symbols "AUTHOR") runs faster, at least on CMUCL.
From: Andrew Philpot
Subject: Re: Shadowing
Message-ID: <>
In article <······························>, Adam Warner wrote:
> Hi all,
> I need to shadow some function names so I can use them in place of some
> built in CMUCL names, in particular AUTHOR. What's wrong with this
> approach:
> z.lisp:
> (defpackage :pkg 
>   (:use :cl :cl-user))
> (in-package pkg)
> (export 'author)
> (defun author () "test fn")

My install of CMUCL (18c) doesn't include any symbol AUTHOR visible in
either CL, CL-USER, or EXTENSIONS package.

I will answer by pretending it's EXTENSIONS::DELQ that you want to
shadow and replace, while retaining unqualified access to everything
else from EXTENSIONS.  I don't recommend USEing CL-USER since there is
no telling what kind of useless junk is there, and nothing dependably
useful there.

I suggest you use:

(in-package :user)

(defpackage :pkg 
  (:use :cl :extensions)
  (:shadow #:delq)
  (:export #:delq)

(in-package :pkg)

(defun delq () 
  "test fn")                                                                                                                          
This says:

My package PKG will take everything from CL and EXTENSIONS, but will
create my own DELQ (shadow) and export it (not strictly required by
your specification; so omit if desired).  I can still access
EXTENSIONS:DELQ, but in PKG, unqualified DELQ means the local symbol.
