From: Roy Wilson
Subject: Newbie question re: ACL62 paths
Message-ID: <bcnpd3$btf$>
According to it's developer, Lisp program X "must" be (or just is) run
from directory /sandbox/D/D1/. Program X compiles a java app J and uses
jlinker to run J.class, which  resides in /sandbox/D/D1/D2. Starting
alisp in /sandbox/D/D1, doing several loads, and invoking J.class via
jlinker works just fine.

It turns out that I have a lisp program Y that resides at /sandbox/C/C1.
Y can load X and the components it needs, but when I invoke a particular
function, I'm informed that jlinker can't locate J.class. I've tried
fiddling with *default-pathname-defaults* and excl:chdir to no avail. If
I try setting *default-pathname-defaults* to /sandbox/D/D1 when I'm in
the commonlisp buffer (with the working directory = /sandbox/C/C1), I
get a seg fault.

I'm thinking about having Y initiate a shell within which X executes,
but it seems that it ought to be easier. BTW, I'm using ACL62 on a
Redhat9 box (and have installed the recent RH-related updates).
Suggestions? (Please keep it clean :-)).