From: ······
Subject: Emacs style backup names for ACL...
Message-ID: <>
   ACL provides a hook for renaming files when using
':if-exists :rename'; these functions make it more emacs like.


;;; --- make emacs-style backup files
;; ~/acl-emacs-vc/ ---
;; $Id:,v 1.7 2003/06/01 06:14:30 harley Exp $

;; Author:  harley <······>
;; URL:
;; License: free - no warranty.

;;; Commentary:
;; * Do Emacs style VC for backup files.  (file.~10~)
;; * To enable this:
;;   (setf  *open-rename-function* #'emacsvc-make-backup-name)
;;   and use ":if-exists :rename" in your opens

;;; History:

;;; Code:

(defvar *emacsvc-original-rename-function* *open-rename-function*)
(defvar *emacsvc-version-control*
    (or (sys:getenv "VERSION_CONTROL") t))
;; (setf *emacsvc-version-control* t)

;;; util functions

(defun emacsvc-find-backups (origpath)
  "Find the backups for ORIGPATH."
  (let* ((o-name (pathname-name origpath))
         (o-type (pathname-type origpath))
         ;; name.type as name to get the '~ver~' suffixes.
         (m-name (if o-type (concatenate 'string  o-name "." o-type) o-name)) )
        for file in (directory (make-pathname :name m-name :type :wild
                                              :defaults origpath))
        ;;do (format t "~s" file)
        collect file)))
;; (emacsvc-find-backups "./foo")
;; (emacsvc-find-backups "./foo.el")

(defun emacsvc-get-backup-version (farg)
  "Get the version out of FARG like 'foo.~100~'."
  (let ((ftype (pathname-type farg)))
    ;; bad type string?
    (if (or (null ftype)
            (char-not-equal #\~ (elt ftype (1- (length ftype)))) )
        (return-from emacsvc-get-backup-version nil) )
    (let* ((ver-end   (- (length ftype) 1))
           (ver-start (position #\~ ftype :from-end t :end ver-end)) )
      (if (and ver-start (< (1+ ver-start) ver-end))
          (read-from-string (subseq ftype (1+ ver-start) ver-end)) ))))
;; (mapcar 'emacsvc-get-version '("bar.~100~" "bar.~~" "bar.~" "nil" ""))

;;;; name generating functions

(defun emacsvc-name-none (origpath)
  "Dont make a backup file for ORIGPATH."
  (declare (ignore origpath))
;; (emacsvc-name-none "foo.el")

(defun emacsvc-name-simple (origpath)
  "Make a simple backup name -- append '.bak' to ORIGPATH."
  (make-pathname :type "bak"
                 :defaults origpath))
;; (emacsvc-name-simple "foo.el")

(defun emacsvc-name-original-func (origpath)
  "Use the original function to make a backup name for ORIGPATH."
  (funcall *emacsvc-original-rename-function* origpath))
;; (emacsvc-name-original "foo")

(defun emacsvc-name-numbered (origpath)
  "Make a numbered backup name -- append ~ver~ to ORIGPATH."
  (let ((ver-num 0))
    ;; find oldest version
    (dolist (bak-path (emacsvc-find-backups origpath))
      (let ((bak-num (emacsvc-get-backup-version bak-path)))
        (if (numberp bak-num)
            (setf ver-num (max ver-num bak-num)))))
    ;; paste name and type together to make room for '.~ver~'
    (make-pathname :name (format nil ····@[.~a~]"
                                 (pathname-name origpath)
                                 (pathname-type origpath))
                                 :type (format nil "~~~d~~" (1+ ver-num))
                   :defaults origpath) ))
;; (emacsvc-name-numbered "foo.el")
(defun emacsvc-make-backup-name (origpath)
  "Make a backup name for the file ORIGPATH.
This attempts to match the args which might be supplied via
the VERSION_CONTROL env var."
   ;; the original acl function
   ((or (eq *emacsvc-version-control* 'originalfunc))
    (emacsvc-name-original-func origpath))
   ;; let it get overwritten
   ((or (eq *emacsvc-version-control* 'off)
        (equal *emacsvc-version-control* "off")
        (equal *emacsvc-version-control* "none"))
    (emacsvc-name-none origpath) )
   ;; .bak
   ((or (eq *emacsvc-version-control* 'simple)
        (equal *emacsvc-version-control* "simple")
        (equal *emacsvc-version-control* "never"))
    (emacsvc-name-simple origpath))
   ;; foo.~100~
   ((or (eq *emacsvc-version-control* t)
        (numberp *emacsvc-version-control*)
        (equal *emacsvc-version-control* "numbered")
        (equal *emacsvc-version-control* "t"))
    (emacsvc-name-numbered origpath) )
    (error "Unknown emacsvc-version-control value: %s" *emacsvc-version-control*)) ))

;; (setf  *open-rename-function* #'emacsvc-make-backup-name)
;; (with-open-file (f "" :direction :output :if-exists :rename) (format f "barbar"))

;;; ends here