From: ilya
Subject: critics on pattern matcher please
Message-ID: <newscache$ytk89h$79h$>
Hi all.

One of the first steps into lisp - the basic pattern matcher.
I would like to hear (read :) critics on this matcher.

It should be about how to do better/different what it does,
not about what else it might include.

(defun empty-dict ()

(defun extend-dict (dict var-name var-value)
   (let ((m (assoc var-name dict)))
     (if m
       (if (equal (cadr m) var-value)
       (cons (list var-name var-value) dict))))

(defun matcher (pat expr)
   (defun kern (pat expr dict)
       ((eq dict 'fail) dict)
       ((and (null pat) (null expr)) dict)
       ((and (atom (car pat)) (atom (car expr)))
         (when (equal (car pat) (car expr))
           (kern (cdr pat) (cdr expr) dict)))
       ((eq (caar pat) ':match-var)
           (cdr pat)
           (cdr expr)
           (extend-dict dict (cadar pat) (car expr))))
       ((eq (caar pat) ':match-rest)
         (extend-dict dict (cadar pat) expr))
       ((eq (caar pat) ':match-any)
         (kern (cdr pat) (cdr expr) dict))
       (t (kern
         (cdr pat)
         (cdr expr)
         (kern (car pat) (car expr) dict)))))
   (kern pat expr (empty-dict)))

From: Geoffrey Summerhayes
Subject: Re: critics on pattern matcher please
Message-ID: <HLtY9.13702$>
"ilya" <············> wrote in message ···························
> (defun matcher (pat expr)
>    (defun kern (pat expr dict)
===> (labels ((kern (pat expr dict)

Internal functions should use FLET or LABELS, DEFUN
puts the function in the global enviroment. LABELS
allows for recursion.

>      (cond
>        ((eq dict 'fail) dict)
>        ((and (null pat) (null expr)) dict)
>        ((and (atom (car pat)) (atom (car expr)))
>          (when (equal (car pat) (car expr))
>            (kern (cdr pat) (cdr expr) dict)))
>        ((eq (caar pat) ':match-var)
===>     ((eq (caar pat) :match-var)

Keywords are self-evaluating, the quote isn't necessary.

>          (kern
>            (cdr pat)
>            (cdr expr)
>            (extend-dict dict (cadar pat) (car expr))))
>        ((eq (caar pat) ':match-rest)
>          (extend-dict dict (cadar pat) expr))
>        ((eq (caar pat) ':match-any)
>          (kern (cdr pat) (cdr expr) dict))
>        (t (kern
>          (cdr pat)
>          (cdr expr)
>          (kern (car pat) (car expr) dict)))))
>    (kern pat expr (empty-dict)))

I think you have a bit of work left ...

: (matcher '(a b c) '(a b c))
: (matcher '(a b c) '(a b d))
: (matcher '((:match-var a)) '(b c))
: (matcher '((:match-var a)(:match-var b)) '(c))
((B NIL) (A C)) ; FAIL?


You might consider abstracting a bit more as you've
already done with the dictionary, you can change the
representation of pattern variables without changing
the pattern matcher.
For example, using
      ((match-var-p pat)
instead of
      ((eq (caar pat) :match-var)
      (match-var-name pat)
instead of
      (cadar pat)

(defun match-var-p(pat)
    (and (listp pat) (listp (car pat)) ; just in case
         (eq (caar pat) :match-var))

(defun match-var-name(pat) (cadar pat))


If you recurse just a bit more you could cut CAAR and CADAR down
to CAR and CADR and eliminate :match-rest with a little trick, e.g.

(matcher '(:match-var a) '(b c)) ==> ((A (B C)))
(matcher '((:match-var a) :match-var b) '(c d e)) ==> ((B (D E)) (A C))

From: Geoffrey Summerhayes
Subject: Re: critics on pattern matcher please
Message-ID: <0QDY9.28312$>
"Geoffrey Summerhayes" <·······> wrote in message ····························
> You might consider abstracting a bit more as you've
> already done with the dictionary, you can change the
> representation of pattern variables without changing
> the pattern matcher.
> For example, using
>       ((match-var-p pat)
> instead of
>       ((eq (caar pat) :match-var)
> and
>       (match-var-name pat)
> instead of
>       (cadar pat)
> where
> (defun match-var-p(pat)
>     (and (listp pat) (listp (car pat)) ; just in case
>          (eq (caar pat) :match-var))
> (defun match-var-name(pat) (cadar pat))

Sorry, too tired when I wrote this, should be

    ((match-var-p (car pat))...

    (match-var-name (car pat))

    (defun match-var-p(pat)
         (and (listp pat)) ; just in case
              (eq (car pat) :match-var))

    (defun match-var-name(pat) (cadr pat))

The CAR is definitely part of the way the matcher works,
not the variable.

From: ilya
Subject: Re: critics on pattern matcher please
Message-ID: <newscache$356f9h$227$>
Thanks for all the remarks.
Here is the new version.
It looks more lispish now? :)

... and one question: how do i make
match-special-pat-item-p visible only to
match-var-p and match-any-p ?

(defun matcher (pat expr)
     ;;; dictionary handling
     ((make-empty-dict ()
         (cons t '()))
     (make-failed-dict ()
       (cons nil '()))
     (make-failed-dict-from-normal (dict)
       (cons nil (cdr dict)))
     (failed-dict-p (dict)
       (not (car dict)))
     (extend-dict (dict var-name var-value)
       (let ((m (assoc var-name (cdr dict))))
         (if m
           (if (equal (cadr m) var-value)
             (make-failed-dict-from-normal dict))
           (cons t (cons (list var-name var-value) (cdr dict))))))
     (dict-to-values (dict)
       (values (cdr dict) (car dict)))
     ;;; pattern handling
     (match-special-pat-item-p (pat-item spec)
       (and (listp pat-item) (eq (car pat-item) spec)))
     (match-var-p (pat-item)
       (match-special-pat-item-p pat-item ':match-var))
     (match-var-name (pat-item)
       (cadr pat-item))
     (match-any-p (pat-item)
       (match-special-pat-item-p pat-item ':match-any))
     ;;; main
     (kern (pat expr dict)
       ;(format t "KERN: pat=~a expr=~a dict=~a~%" pat expr dict)
         ((failed-dict-p dict) dict)
         ((and (null pat) (null expr))
         ((match-var-p pat)
           (extend-dict dict (match-var-name pat) expr))
         ((match-any-p pat)
         ((and (listp pat) (listp expr))
             (cdr pat)
             (cdr expr)
             (kern (car pat) (car expr) dict)))
         ((equal pat expr)
           (make-failed-dict-from-normal dict)))))
     (dict-to-values (kern pat expr (make-empty-dict)))))
From: ilya
Subject: Re: critics on pattern matcher please
Message-ID: <newscache$wf6f9h$227$>
Forgot to tell you about the "keys" issue.
I've got your point ( :xx = ':xx ) but i use VIM that have
syntax highlighting, ':xx is green and :xx is black ...
I dont want to mess with vim's sytax files for now
so i'll keep the ':xx notation.
From: Tim Bradshaw
Subject: Re: critics on pattern matcher please
Message-ID: <>
ilya <············> wrote in message news:<······················>...
> Hi.
> Forgot to tell you about the "keys" issue.
> I've got your point ( :xx = ':xx ) but i use VIM that have
> syntax highlighting, ':xx is green and :xx is black ...
> I dont want to mess with vim's sytax files for now
> so i'll keep the ':xx notation.

I think this is a fine thing to do.  I use unquoted keywords when they
are the keywords of keyword arguments, but quoted ones when they are
in a `normal evaluation' position. Yes, I know that the keywords of KW
args are just evaluated the ordinary way, but I can't think of a
better way to express what I mean.  I guess an example:

(defun foo (&key (selector ':default))
  (ecase selector
    ((:explode) "bang")
    ((:vomit) "puke")
    ((:default) "what?")))

(foo :selector ':vomit)

I do similar things for NIL and '() - NIL being false, '() being the
empty list.
Some people hate this, I know, and they probably also hate the quoted
keyword thing.
From: Coby Beck
Subject: Re: critics on pattern matcher please
Message-ID: <b17bl9$1f7t$>
"Tim Bradshaw" <··········> wrote in message
> (foo :selector ':vomit)
> I do similar things for NIL and '() - NIL being false, '() being the
> empty list.
> Some people hate this, I know, and they probably also hate the quoted
> keyword thing.

I don't mind '(), though slightly prefer just () but I do hate ':keyword and
despise anyone who has ever done that.

Coby Beck
(remove #\Space "coby 101 @ bigpond . com")

(ok, maybe that is a *little* too extreme ;)
From: Tim Bradshaw
Subject: Re: critics on pattern matcher please
Message-ID: <>
"Coby Beck" <·····> wrote in message news:<·············>...

> I don't mind '(), though slightly prefer just () but I do hate ':keyword and
> despise anyone who has ever done that.

Assassins have been dispatched...

From: Geoffrey Summerhayes
Subject: Re: critics on pattern matcher please
Message-ID: <IdBZ9.2019$>
"ilya" <············> wrote in message ···························
> Hi.
> Forgot to tell you about the "keys" issue.
> I've got your point ( :xx = ':xx ) but i use VIM that have
> syntax highlighting, ':xx is green and :xx is black ...
> I dont want to mess with vim's sytax files for now
> so i'll keep the ':xx notation.

No problem, just wanted to make sure you were aware of it.

Part of the first version, part of the second, part mine :-(

;;;; variable handling

; (:match-any a) replaced by (:match-var) no variable name

(defun anonymous-var-p (var)
  (= 1 (length var)))

(defun match-var-p (pat-item)
  (and (listp pat-item)
       (eq :match-var (car pat-item))))

(defun var-name(var)
  (cadr var))

;;;; dictionary handling

; replaced dict as list-of-lists with list of cons/pairs
; save 1 cons cell per entry

(defun entry-var-name (x) (car x))

(defun entry-value (x) (cdr x))

(defconstant +empty-dict+ '())

(defconstant +failed-dict+ 'failed)

(defun failed-dict-p (dict)
  (eq dict +failed-dict+))

(defun assoc-pat-var (var dict)
  (assoc (var-name var) dict))

(defun add-to-dict (var var-value dict)
  (cons (cons (var-name var) var-value) dict))

;;;; The matcher

(defun extend-dict (dict var var-value)
  (if (anonymous-var-p var)
    (let ((m (assoc-pat-var var dict)))
      (if m
          (if (equal (entry-value m) var-value)
        (add-to-dict var var-value dict)))))

; eliminated kern by making dict optional argument
; gives option to pass in a partial dict

(defun matcher (pat expr &optional (dict +empty-dict+))
  ;(format t "~&MATCHER: pat=~a expr=~a dict=~a~%" pat expr dict)
   ((failed-dict-p dict) dict)
   ((equal pat expr) dict)
   ((match-var-p pat)
    (extend-dict dict pat expr))
   ((and (consp pat) (consp expr)); don't recurse when either is nil
     (car pat)
     (car expr)
     (matcher (cdr pat) (cdr expr) dict)))
   (t +failed-dict+)))

--------------- Test run ----------------

           const  var            any          rest
(matcher '(1     (:match-var b) (:match-var)  :match-var d) '(1 2 3 4 5 6))

MATCHER: pat=(1 (MATCH-VAR B) (MATCH-VAR) MATCH-VAR D) expr=(1 2 3 4 5 6) dict=NIL
MATCHER: pat=((MATCH-VAR B) (MATCH-VAR) MATCH-VAR D) expr=(2 3 4 5 6) dict=NIL
MATCHER: pat=((MATCH-VAR) MATCH-VAR D) expr=(3 4 5 6) dict=NIL
MATCHER: pat=(MATCH-VAR D) expr=(4 5 6) dict=NIL
MATCHER: pat=(MATCH-VAR) expr=3 dict=((D 4 5 6))
MATCHER: pat=(MATCH-VAR B) expr=2 dict=((D 4 5 6))
MATCHER: pat=1 expr=1 dict=((B . 2) (D 4 5 6))

((B . 2) (D 4 5 6))

From: Francois-Rene Rideau
Subject: Re: critics on pattern matcher please
Message-ID: <>
As far as LISP pattern matchers go, you may try the one I wrote,
as available on

It can trivially express ML and Erlang type pattern matching,
AND it feels like a Lisp2 and is extensible in a typical Lisp way:
  (defun my-length (x)
    (ematch x
      ((cons _ tail) (1+ (my-length tail)))
      ('() 0)))

Notice how cons, being in head position, behaves like a match constructor,
whereas tail, being in rest position, behaves like a symbol to bind.
Quoting nil was not necessary, unless you specially define nil as
a symbol-matcher-macro (which I originally did, meaning failure,
whereas T was success, but recanted and used _ for success, and didn't
provide a standard syntax for the failure case, for who wants to build
a pattern that always fail? -- noone unless matcher-macros are used
to a considerable extent, and my matcher-macro infrastructure is primitive).

Here is a test battery for the pattern matcher:
   ((my-length '(1 2 3)) :result 3)
   ((ifmatch (cons _ (cons x y)) '(1 (2 3) 4) (list x y)) :result '((2 3) (4)))
   ((ifmatch (like-when (cons x y) (eql x y)) '(2 . 2) x) :result 2)
   ((ifmatch (and (cons x y) (when (eql x y))) '(2 . 2) x) :result 2)
   ((ifmatch (and (cons a 1) (cons 2 b)) '(2 . 1) (list a b)) :result '(2 1))
   ((ifmatch (list a b) '(1 2) (list b a)) :result '(2 1))
   ((ifmatch (list* a b c) '(1 2 3 4) (list a b c)) :result '(1 2 (3 4)))
   ((ifmatch (and x (cons (of-type integer) _)) '(2) x) :result '(2))
   ((let ((res 2))
      (ifmatch (cons 'reply (cons (value (+ 1 res)) (cons msg 'nil)))
               '(reply 3 foo) (list res msg)))
    :result '(2 FOO))
   ((let ((res 2))
      (ifmatch (list 'reply (value (+ 1 res)) msg) '(reply 3 foo)
          (list res msg)))
    :result '(2 FOO)))

Note how you can build patterns that match dynamically-computed values.

Together with my quasiquote reimplementation, you can easily match patterns
that mix constants and litterals, like
   `(send ,msg ,@args)
   '(send foo bar baz)
   (list msg args))
==> (foo (bar baz))

I find it very practical to write rewrite rules.

[ Fran�ois-Ren� �VB Rideau | Reflection&Cybernethics | ]
[  TUNES project for a Free Reflective Computing System  |  ]
"Don't worry about people stealing your ideas.  If your ideas are any good,
you'll have to ram them down people's throats."		-- Howard Aiken
From: ilya
Subject: Re: critics on pattern matcher please
Message-ID: <newscache$fgcj9h$haf$>
Francois-Rene Rideau wrote:
> As far as LISP pattern matchers go, you may try the one I wrote,
> as available on
Sorry, to complicated for beginner that doesn't have much time ...
> It can trivially express ML and Erlang type pattern matching,
> AND it feels like a Lisp2 and is extensible in a typical Lisp way:
>   (defun my-length (x)
>     (ematch x
>       ((cons _ tail) (1+ (my-length tail)))
>       ('() 0)))
> Notice how cons, being in head position, behaves like a match constructor,
> whereas tail, being in rest position, behaves like a symbol to bind.
> Quoting nil was not necessary, unless you specially define nil as
> a symbol-matcher-macro (which I originally did, meaning failure,
> whereas T was success, but recanted and used _ for success, and didn't
> provide a standard syntax for the failure case, for who wants to build
> a pattern that always fail? -- noone unless matcher-macros are used
> to a considerable extent, and my matcher-macro infrastructure is primitive).
> Here is a test battery for the pattern matcher:
>   (TTEST*
>    ((my-length '(1 2 3)) :result 3)
>    ((ifmatch (cons _ (cons x y)) '(1 (2 3) 4) (list x y)) :result '((2 3) (4)))
>    ((ifmatch (like-when (cons x y) (eql x y)) '(2 . 2) x) :result 2)
>    ((ifmatch (and (cons x y) (when (eql x y))) '(2 . 2) x) :result 2)
>    ((ifmatch (and (cons a 1) (cons 2 b)) '(2 . 1) (list a b)) :result '(2 1))
>    ((ifmatch (list a b) '(1 2) (list b a)) :result '(2 1))
>    ((ifmatch (list* a b c) '(1 2 3 4) (list a b c)) :result '(1 2 (3 4)))
>    ((ifmatch (and x (cons (of-type integer) _)) '(2) x) :result '(2))
>    ((let ((res 2))
>       (ifmatch (cons 'reply (cons (value (+ 1 res)) (cons msg 'nil)))
>                '(reply 3 foo) (list res msg)))
>     :result '(2 FOO))
>    ((let ((res 2))
>       (ifmatch (list 'reply (value (+ 1 res)) msg) '(reply 3 foo)
>           (list res msg)))
>     :result '(2 FOO)))
> Note how you can build patterns that match dynamically-computed values.
> Together with my quasiquote reimplementation, you can easily match patterns
> that mix constants and litterals, like
> (ifmatch
>    `(send ,msg ,@args)
>    '(send foo bar baz)
>    (list msg args))
> ==> (foo (bar baz))
> I find it very practical to write rewrite rules.
> [ Fran�ois-Ren� �VB Rideau | Reflection&Cybernethics | ]
> [  TUNES project for a Free Reflective Computing System  |  ]
> "Don't worry about people stealing your ideas.  If your ideas are any good,
> you'll have to ram them down people's throats."		-- Howard Aiken
I'll get to it back later, after i learn macros :)
From: ilya
Subject: Re: critics on pattern matcher please
Message-ID: <newscache$xnbj9h$3af$>
Geoffrey Summerhayes wrote:
> Part of the first version, part of the second, part mine :-(
> ;;;; variable handling
> ; (:match-any a) replaced by (:match-var) no variable name
> (defun anonymous-var-p (var)
>   (= 1 (length var)))
Alternative (good?):
:match-any,anonymous-var-p can be excluded
the (match-any-p pat) check in kern too
and the dictionary handling changed to something like:

     (extend-dict (dict var-name var-value)
       (if var-name
         (let ((m (assoc var-name (cdr dict))))
           (if m
             (if (equal (cadr m) var-value)
               (make-failed-dict-from-normal dict))
             (cons t (cons (list var-name var-value) (cdr dict)))))

> (defun match-var-p (pat-item)
>   (and (listp pat-item)
>        (eq :match-var (car pat-item))))
> (defun var-name(var)
>   (cadr var))
> ;;;; dictionary handling
> ; replaced dict as list-of-lists with list of cons/pairs
> ; save 1 cons cell per entry
That would definitely save memory but i don't like dots :)
> (defun entry-var-name (x) (car x))
> (defun entry-value (x) (cdr x))
> (defconstant +empty-dict+ '())
> (defconstant +failed-dict+ 'failed)
> (defun failed-dict-p (dict)
>   (eq dict +failed-dict+))
> (defun assoc-pat-var (var dict)
>   (assoc (var-name var) dict))
> (defun add-to-dict (var var-value dict)
>   (cons (cons (var-name var) var-value) dict))
> ;;;; The matcher
> (defun extend-dict (dict var var-value)
>   (if (anonymous-var-p var)
>       dict
>     (let ((m (assoc-pat-var var dict)))
>       (if m
>           (if (equal (entry-value m) var-value)
>               dict
>             +failed-dict+)
Hei, that was your idea to return partially matched dicts
even if the whole match fails ...
As i understand this variant wouldn't.
>         (add-to-dict var var-value dict)))))
> ; eliminated kern by making dict optional argument
> ; gives option to pass in a partial dict
That can be useful, i suppose.
> (defun matcher (pat expr &optional (dict +empty-dict+))
>   ;(format t "~&MATCHER: pat=~a expr=~a dict=~a~%" pat expr dict)
>   (cond
>    ((failed-dict-p dict) dict)
>    ((equal pat expr) dict)
>    ((match-var-p pat)
>     (extend-dict dict pat expr))
>    ((and (consp pat) (consp expr)); don't recurse when either is nil
>     (matcher
>      (car pat)
>      (car expr)
>      (matcher (cdr pat) (cdr expr) dict)))
>    (t +failed-dict+)))
From: Geoffrey Summerhayes
Subject: Re: critics on pattern matcher please
Message-ID: <lsg_9.3882$>
"ilya" <············> wrote in message ···························


| Geoffrey Summerhayes wrote:
| [snip]
| >
| > Part of the first version, part of the second, part mine :-(
| >
| > ;;;; variable handling
| >
| > ; (:match-any a) replaced by (:match-var) no variable name
| >
| > (defun anonymous-var-p (var)
| >   (= 1 (length var)))
| Alternative (good?):
| :match-any,anonymous-var-p can be excluded
| the (match-any-p pat) check in kern too
| and the dictionary handling changed to something like:

:MATCH-ANY isn't necessary in any case, all you have to
do is replace it with a named variable that is only used once
and ignored otherwise, although it would then pad the dict.

|      (extend-dict (dict var-name var-value)
|        (if var-name
|          (let ((m (assoc var-name (cdr dict))))
|            (if m
|              (if (equal (cadr m) var-value)
|                dict
|                (make-failed-dict-from-normal dict))
|              (cons t (cons (list var-name var-value) (cdr dict)))))
|          dict))

It still mixes levels, I'd be more inclined to eliminate calling
#'VAR-NAME from the entire set of functions and adding :TEST #'EQUAL
to the ASSOC for reasons that follow. Writing EXTEND-DICT so it is
independent of what a variable or a dictionary looks like:

(defun extend-dict (dict var value)
   (if (anonymous-var-p var)
     (let ((entry (assoc-pat-var var dict)))
        (if entry
            (if (equal (entry-value entry) value)
          (add-to-dict var value dict)))))

Examples for the helpers which do know:

;; dict as list
(defun assoc-pat-var (var dict)
  (find var dict :key #'entry-var :test #'equal))

(defun add-to-dict (var value dict)
  (cons (make-entry var value) dict))

;; dict as hash-table
(defun assoc-pat-var (var dict)
  (make-entry var (gethash var dict)))

(defun add-to-dict (var value dict)
  (setf (gethash var dict) value))

Note they are independant of what an entry looks like, they
just know the dict. This is probably overkill, it depends
a lot on how much you are willing to rewrite if you change

| >
| > ; replaced dict as list-of-lists with list of cons/pairs
| > ; save 1 cons cell per entry
| That would definitely save memory but i don't like dots :)

Better get used to them anyway, they're useful.
Watch this.

(matcher '(1 (:match-var b) (:match-var) :match-var d) '(1 2 3 4 5 6))

is the same as

(matcher '(1 (:match-var b) (:match-var) . (:match-var d)) '(1 2 3 4 5 6))

So we could do

(defun var-name (var) var) ; was it ever really required?

(defun match-var-p (pat-item)
  (and (symbolp pat-item)
       (char= #\? (char (symbol-name pat-item) 0))))

(defun anonymous-var-p (var)
   (eq var '?_))

Now we can do

(matcher '(1 ?b ?_ . ?d) '(1 2 3 4 5 6))

which, IMO, is more readable. EXTEND-DICT works for either
representation without changes.

| >
| > ;;;; The matcher
| >
| > (defun extend-dict (dict var var-value)
| >   (if (anonymous-var-p var)
| >       dict
| >     (let ((m (assoc-pat-var var dict)))
| >       (if m
| >           (if (equal (entry-value m) var-value)
| >               dict
| >             +failed-dict+)
| Hei, that was your idea to return partially matched dicts
| even if the whole match fails ...
| As i understand this variant wouldn't.

Not my idea, a failed match is a failed match, AFAIC.
Your original code did return dicts for patterns that
I would have considered a failed match though.

| >         (add-to-dict var var-value dict)))))
| >
| > ; eliminated kern by making dict optional argument
| > ; gives option to pass in a partial dict
| That can be useful, i suppose.
| > (defun matcher (pat expr &optional (dict +empty-dict+))

The main point was just to avoid the extra nesting. The
additional capability was a side-effect. Its usefulness
is probably limited to anaphors.


PARSER> multiply 3 4 and 5
(* 3 4 5)
PARSER> add 6
(+ 6 (* 3 4 5))
PARSER> what do you get?
PARSER> I have a ball.
You have a ball.
PARSER> It is red.
You have a red ball.


From: Matthew Danish
Subject: Re: critics on pattern matcher please
Message-ID: <>
Even better:

On Thu, Jan 30, 2003 at 04:07:08PM -0500, Geoffrey Summerhayes wrote:
> <daydream>
> PARSER> I have a ball.
  Have a ball.
> </daydream>

; Matthew Danish <·······>
; OpenPGP public key: C24B6010 on
; Signed or encrypted mail welcome.
; "There is no dark side of the moon really; matter of fact, it's all dark."
From: Geoffrey Summerhayes
Subject: Re: critics on pattern matcher please
Message-ID: <vpi_9.4680$>
"Matthew Danish" <·······> wrote in message ··························
> Even better:
> On Thu, Jan 30, 2003 at 04:07:08PM -0500, Geoffrey Summerhayes wrote:
> > <daydream>
> > PARSER> I have a ball.
>   Have a ball.
> > </daydream>

One-upmanship, eh?

PARSER> I have Lisp.
Have a ball.
