From: cr88192
Subject: ot: me and my os project
Message-ID: <>
ok, I know anymore I rarely read or post here anymore.
just figured I may as well post here as well (using a lot of the message I 
had posted on comp.lang.scheme).

this is just maybe to show that I have not disappeared altogether. no reply 
is needed, it is doubtful this is really relevant to anyone here anyways.

my lang is a bastardized scheme anyways (scheme+new syntax+prototype object 
system+erlang style messages). I know it is not cl, it is a lang only I 
really know and I have not bothered writing down what all I have done 
(maybe in time).

from all points of view it is largely wortless and it is doubtful I will 
ever really be able to write enough of a software base to compete with much 
of anything.
8 months of on and off work so far and this is all I have to show.

--part of original post--

most work has been going into improving other parts of the kernel (am 
working on os now...).

I have my fat driver improved a bit: directories, lfn, and fat16/fat32 are 
supported, along with limited write support...
persistence is working. I have added commands to allow the repl to control 
the store (I can currently wipe and disable the store). the store exists as 
a file in the root directory of the fat partition on my test computer.

the interpreter is gradually becomming more integrated with the kernel, it 
is now one of the first things started, and is thus available to most of 
the system.

there is no real database like stuff yet.
I have not recreated gui yet.

it sucks that I won't really be able to port any software to it. I imagine 
it would be quite complicated and inefficient to emulate c in my lang.

it all remains being a somewhat horrid mess...

<cr88192 at hotmail dot com>