From: Christian Schulte
Subject: CFP: PPDP 2003
Message-ID: <b2bri4$qdb$>
[Sorry for multiple copies]

      Call for Papers
     Fifth ACM-SIGPLAN International Conference on
  Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming
    Uppsala, Sweden, 27-29 August 2003

 Submission      29 March 2003 (strict)
 Notification    12 May   2003
 Final Version   13 June  2003

 PPDP 2003:
 PLI 2003:

TOPICS (Not exhaustive): Logic, Functional, and Constraint
 Programming; Object-Oriented Programming; Concurrent Extensions;
 Mobile Computing; Integration of Paradigms; Proof Theoretic and
 Semantic Foundations; Program Design and Development; Type and Module
 Systems; Program Analysis and Verification; Program Transformation;
 Abstract Machines and Compilation; Programming Environments; and
 Application of Declarative Programming.

CONFERENCE CHAIR: Konstantinos Sagonas, Uppsala University, email: ······

PROGRAM CHAIR: Dale Miller, INRIA/Futurs & cole polytechnique,
   email: ···········

  Maria Alpuente,           Univ. Politcnica de Valencia,     ES
  Alessandra Di Pierro,     Univ. of Pisa,                     IT
  Masami Hagiya,            Univ. of Tokyo,                    JP
  Fergus Henderson,         Univ. of Melbourne,                AU
  Alberto Momigliano,       Univ. of Leicester,                UK
  Benjamin Pierce,          Univ. of Pennsylvania,             US
  C.R. Ramakrishnan,        SUNY Stony Brook,                  US
  Mario Rodrguez Artalejo, Univ. Complutense,                 ES
  Amr Sabry,                Indiana University,                US
  Konstantinos Sagonas,     Uppsala University,                SW
  Frank Valencia,           Uppsala University,                SW

 Paris (1999), Montreal (2000), Firenze (2001), Pittsburgh (2002).

SCOPE OF THE CONFERENCE: PPDP 2003 aims to stimulate research in the
use of logical formalisms and methods for analyzing, specifying, and
performing computations.  Of general interest are all aspects
surrounding declarative programming languages such as logic
programming, functional logic programming, and constraint programming.
Topics of more specific interest are enhancements to such formalisms
with mechanisms for concurrency, mobility, modularity,
object-orientation, and static analysis, as well as the fuller
exploitation of the programming-as-proof-search framework through new
designs and improved implementation methods.  At the level of
methodology, the use of logic based principles in the design of tools
for program development, analysis, and verification relative to all
programming paradigms is of interest.  Papers related to the use of
declarative paradigms and tools in industry and education are
especially solicited.  This list is not exhaustive: submissions
related to new and interesting ideas relating broadly to declarative
programming are encouraged.  Prospective authors are welcome to
communicate with the Program Chair about the suitability of a specific

PAPER SUBMISSIONS: Submissions must be made on or before 29 March
2003, noon Central European Time: this deadline is strict.  Papers
must be no more than 12 pages (including bibliography and appendices)
and in standard ACM conference format: detailed formatting guidelines
are available at,
along with formatting templates or style files for LaTeX, Word
Perfect, and Word.  Proceedings will be published by ACM Press.
Authors of accepted papers will be required to sign the ACM copyright
form.  Submissions will be carried out electronically via the Web via
a link found at the conference web page.  Papers must be submitted in
either PDF format or as PostScript documents that are interpretable by
Ghostscript.  Papers must describe original, previously unpublished
work that has not been simultaneously submitted for publication
elsewhere.  They must be written in English, must have a cover page
with an abstract of up to 200 words, keywords, postal and electronic
mailing addresses, and phone and fax numbers of the corresponding
author.  Authors who wish to provide additional material to the
reviewers beyond the 12-page limit can do so in clearly marked
appendices: reviewers are not required to read such appendices.
Submissions that do not meet these guidelines may not be considered.

CONFERENCE VENUE AND RELATED EVENTS: PPDP 2003 is part of a federation
meeting known as Principles, Logics and Implementations of high-level
programming languages (PLI 2003) which includes the ACM SIGPLAN
International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP 2003).  PLI
will run from 25 - 29 August 2003.  The meetings will take place on
the Uppsala University campus.

AFFILIATED WORKSHOPS: Proposals are solicited for PLI 2003 affiliated
workshops.  Details about the submission of proposals are available
from the PLI 2003 web site.  The deadline for workshop proposals is 14
February 2003.

STUDENT ATTENDEES: Students who have a paper accepted for the
conference are offered student membership in SIGPLAN free for one
year.  As members of SIGPLAN they may apply for travel fellowships
from the PAC fund.