From: Thomas Guettler
Subject: Cyrillic Characters in Allegro Lisp
Message-ID: <b2ak2f$n52$02$>

My predecessor used the following code to display
cyrillic characters:

(defconstant *kyrill-charset* 204)

(defun modify-charset (symbol charset)
      (setf (getf (symbol-plist symbol) :charset)  charset))

(defun set-cyr-charset-for-gefa ()
   (print "_setze kyrillischen Zeichensatz")
   (modify-charset :|TIMES NEW ROMAN| *kyrill-charset*)
   (modify-charset :|ARIAL| *kyrill-charset*)
   (modify-charset :|COURIER| *kyrill-charset*)
   (modify-charset :|SANS SERIF| *kyrill-charset*)
   (modify-charset :|TAHOMA| *kyrill-charset*)

Unfortunately this only works for text fields. The menu
is still display as latin-1.

The cyrillic characters are encoded with windows-1251.

I searched the documentation of Allegro Lisp 5.0.2, but
the "magic" :charset is not explained. Can someone help?


   Thomas G�ttler