From: OCID
Subject: First Post
Message-ID: <b21b3t$3fc$>
Hi Folks,
This is my first post here and hopefully this will be helpful to someone. I
use it to get data
from forms on a POST method. I've used Clisp.

Take Care


-----code begin -----

;;; ==================================================================
;;; CGI Post Form module
;;; Copyright (C) 2003 Sanjay Pande
;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;;; published by the Free Software Foundation.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; ===================================================================
;;; Basic Usage
;;; The following lines are required in the cgi script
;;; path-to-lisp
;;; (let ((env "Content-type: text/html"))
;;;    (format t "~A~%" env)
;;;    (format t "~%"))
;;;    (load "cgi.lisp")
;;; On the form use "POST" in the following way
;;; <form name="input" action="cgi-bin/cgi-script.lisp" method="post">
;;; All form data will automatically get stored in a hash table called
;;; FieldStorage (like Python) and you can access it by the Get-Value
;;; function.
;;; (get-value "FieldName")
;;; This is a very lightweight package and is intended to be kept that
;;; way. For cgi 'GET' queries, consider getting the Le-Sursis package
;;; from
;;; ===================================================================

(defpackage cgi
  (:use COMMON-LISP)
  (:nicknames cgi)
  (:export get-value))

;; Just maps A-F for 11-16
(defun cmap (c)
  (cdr (assoc (string c) '(("A" . 10)("B" . 11)("C" . 12)
                           ("D" . 13)("E" . 14)("F" . 15))
          :test #'string-equal)))

;; Returns ascii character of a hex string
(defun hex2ascii (hex-char)
  (let ((l (aref hex-char 0))
    (r (aref hex-char 1)))
    (if (char<= l #\9)
    (setq ln (parse-integer (string l)))
      (setq ln (cmap l)))
    (if (char<= r #\9)
    (setq rn (parse-integer (string r)))
      (setq rn (cmap r)))
    (if (or ln rn)
    (character (+ (* 16 ln) rn)))))

;; Get the Left Part of a string from a character separator
(defun str-left (str sep)
  (let ((p (position sep str)))
    (if p
    (subseq str 0 p)

;; Get the Right Part of a string from a character seperator
(defun str-right (str sep)
  (let ((p (position sep str)))
    (if p
    (subseq str (1+ p))

;; Replace character in string "string or char"
(defun rpl-str-char (str chr sc)
  (let ((p (position chr str)))
    (if p
      (let ((l (str-left str chr))
        (r (str-right str chr)))
        (setf str (concatenate 'string l sc r))
        (rpl-str-char str chr sc)))

;; Destructive function xlate, decodes hex characters in string.
(defun xlate (str)
  (let ((p (position #\% str)))
    (if p
      (let ((l (subseq str 0 p))
        (c (subseq str (+ p 1) (+ p 3)))
        (r (subseq str (+ p 3))))
        (cond ((string-equal c "0D")
           (setq str (concatenate 'string l "<br>" r)))
          ((string-equal c "0A")
           (setq str (concatenate 'string l r)))
          (t (setq str (concatenate 'string l (string (hex2ascii c)) r)))))
      (xlate str))

;; Create a hash table to store fields . values
(setq FieldStorage (make-hash-table :test #'equalp))

;; Parse string and put in hash table
(defun str2hash (str)
  (let ((l1 (str-left str #\&))
    (r1 (str-right str #\&)))
    (if l1
      (let ((l2 (str-left l1 #\=))
        (r2 (str-right l1 #\=)))
        (if (and l2 r2)
        (setf (gethash l2 FieldStorage) r2)))))
      (if r1
      (str2hash r1))))

(setq cgi-string (read-line))

(setq cgi-string (rpl-str-char cgi-string #\+ " "))
(str2hash cgi-string)

(maphash #'(lambda (k v)
         (setf (gethash k FieldStorage) (xlate v))) FieldStorage)

;; Hash table accessor
(defun get-value (fld)
  (gethash fld FieldStorage))