From: Mario S. Mommer
Subject: Cologne Lispniks meeting on Sunday, 7th of December, 2003
Message-ID: <>
		::C O L O G N E     L I S P N I K S::
		:::::::::meeting announcement::::::::

The  Cologne Lispniks  are a  group  of users  of the  Lisp family  of
programming languages.   Although our focus is mainly  on Common Lisp,
we  welcome users  of other  Lisp dialects,  and in  fact  anyone with
interest in  the current  topics of discussion.   On this  occasion we
would like to invite you to our featured talk:

 		     Dynamically Scoped Functions

			 by Pascal Constanza
			 (University of Bonn)

   Abstract:  Common Lisp  is  one  of the  few  languages that  takes
   dynamic  scope seriously  in  the form  of  special variables.  The
   usefulness of  such variables with dynamic scope  has only recently
   been rediscovered for more  static and/or mainstream languages like
   Haskell and  C++. This  talk presents an  extension of  Common Lisp
   that  goes beyond the  notion of  dynamically scoped  variables and
   presents their functional  counterparts together with some examples
   of their  use. It's especially interesting  that dynamically scoped
   functions  capture  an   essential  ingredient  of  aspect-oriented

	Sunday, the 7th of December, 17:00pm

        Heinsberg Str. 14

        tel: 0221 - 9234153

For instructions on how to get there, go to

Hoping to see you there, your

       Cologne Lispniks Team.
From: Mario S. Mommer
Subject: Re: Cologne Lispniks meeting on Sunday, 7th of December, 2003
Message-ID: <>
Mario S. Mommer <········> writes:
> 		:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
> 		::C O L O G N E     L I S P N I K S::
> 		:::::::::meeting announcement::::::::
> When?
> 	Sunday, the 7th of December, 17:00pm

Correction: It will be the on 14th of December, 17:00pm.