From: vijay
Subject: Loading a html file
Message-ID: <>
 I'm new to lisp,so the question might be stupid. i was wondering if
there was any function in MCL that would load an html file in a
browser like the browse-url in emacs lisp.if not is it possible to
execute sytem commands , there by  loading netscape.i'v been searching
for a week to find a solution for this,Any help would be greatly
Thanks in advance

From: Audrey Rosée
Subject: Re: Loading a html file
Message-ID: <>

vijay <·············> wrote:
>  I'm new to lisp,so the question might be stupid. i was wondering if
> there was any function in MCL that would load an html file in a
> browser like the browse-url in emacs lisp.if not is it possible to
> execute sytem commands , there by  loading netscape.i'v been searching
> for a week to find a solution for this,Any help would be greatly
> appreciated

I've hacked a really awful kludge, but at least it works, using bsd.lisp
and the osascript command (I didn't want to search too long in order to
execute applescripts from mcl):

(defun do-applescript (script &key application)
  (let ((command (if application
                   (format nil "osascript -e 'tell app \"~A\"~%~A~%end
                           application script)
                   (format nil "osascript -e '~A'" script))))
    (bsd:system-command command)))

Then you can do:

      (do-applescript (concatenate 'string 
                                   "open location \"file://"
                                   (ccl::posix-namestring file)

Cheers, Audrey

From the poppy-bole
For you I stole
A little lovely dream.
From: vijay
Subject: Re: Loading a html file
Message-ID: <>
····· (Audrey Ros�e) wrote in message news:<···························>...
> Hi!
> vijay <·············> wrote:
> >  I'm new to lisp,so the question might be stupid. i was wondering if
> > there was any function in MCL that would load an html file in a
> > browser like the browse-url in emacs lisp.if not is it possible to
> > execute sytem commands , there by  loading netscape.i'v been searching
> > for a week to find a solution for this,Any help would be greatly
> > appreciated
> I've hacked a really awful kludge, but at least it works, using bsd.lisp
> and the osascript command (I didn't want to search too long in order to
> execute applescripts from mcl):
> (defun do-applescript (script &key application)
>   (let ((command (if application
>                    (format nil "osascript -e 'tell app \"~A\"~%~A~%end
> tell'"
>                            application script)
>                    (format nil "osascript -e '~A'" script))))
>     (bsd:system-command command)))
> Then you can do:
>       (do-applescript (concatenate 'string 
>                                    "open location \"file://"
>                                    (ccl::posix-namestring file)
>                                    "\""))
 Thanks a lot for your help, but i'm afraid i was not able to get it
to work, i'm having trouble loading BSD.lisp i downloaded bsd.lisp and
tried to load it into MCL(by doing file and then clicking load file),
but i got an error message saying

  Error in process Initial: There is no package named "BSD" .
> While executing: CCL::SET-PACKAGE
> Type Command-/ to continue, Command-. to abort.
> If continued: Retry finding package with name "BSD".
See the Restarts� menu item for further choices.

so i modified the file as follows

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :eval-toplevel :execute)
  (unless (find-package :bsd)
    (defpackage "BSD")))                ; eval-when

(defpackage "BSD")

but now i get an error message

Loading #P"Macintosh HD:Users:vj:April23:bsd.lisp"...
> Error: File "ccl:interfaces;index;traps.idx" does not exist.
> While executing: CCL::IF-DOES-NOT-EXIST
> Type Command-. to abort.
See the Restarts� menu item for further choices.

i dont have aclue as to what i'm supposed to be doing,


> Cheers, Audrey