From: Chris Gehlker
Subject: Re: Cons Cells
Message-ID: <>
On 11/27/02 3:20 AM, in article
································, "A.Melon"
<·····> wrote:

> How can I create a function in Lisp to count the number of cons cells that a
> list is using? For
> example, (num-cons-cells '(1 2 (3 (4 5)) 6)) => 8.

(defun num-cons-cells (lst)
  (if (null lst)
      (if (consp (first lst))
          (+ (num-cons-cells (first lst)) (num-cons-cells (rest lst)) 1)
          (+ (num-cons-cells (rest lst)) 1))))

> Also, how can I create another function to create an associative list mapping
> a symbol to the number
> of times it occurs. For example, (map '(a)) => ((a . 1))

Just a 'sec.

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