From: bigbinc
Subject: turn gc messages cmucl
Message-ID: <>
How do turn off those garbage collection messages in cmucl.  It takes
10 minutes to create an array, because of the output of those things.

Here are the messages.
GC threshold exceeded with 2,000,784 bytes in use.  Commencing GC


(setf b (make-array '(500 500)

Berlin Brown

From: Raymond Toy
Subject: Re: turn gc messages cmucl
Message-ID: <>
>>>>> "bigbinc" == bigbinc  <·······> writes:

    bigbinc> How do turn off those garbage collection messages in cmucl.  It takes
    bigbinc> 10 minutes to create an array, because of the output of those things.

    bigbinc> Here are the messages.
    bigbinc> GC threshold exceeded with 2,000,784 bytes in use.  Commencing GC

    bigbinc> i.e 

    bigbinc> (setf b (make-array '(500 500)

Well, you probably want to set *print-array* to NIL so your 500x500
array isn't printed out in full glory.

From: Adam Warner
Subject: Re: turn gc messages cmucl
Message-ID: <>
Hi bigbinc,

> How do turn off those garbage collection messages in cmucl.  It takes
> 10 minutes to create an array, because of the output of those things.
> Here are the messages.
> GC threshold exceeded with 2,000,784 bytes in use.  Commencing GC
> i.e 
> (setf b (make-array '(500 500)

It's a prominent FAQ question at the CMUCL website:
(setf ext:*gc-verbose* nil)

If it's taking 10 minutes to create an array it might help to compile the
