From: Adam Warner
Subject: Hemlock: Missing a Window?
Message-ID: <ad2ebu$tgfdf$>
Hello everyone,

I'm trying to understand how to evaluate an expression in Hemlock and
instantly see the result. I think I may be missing an output Window.

1. I start CMUCL CMU Common Lisp release x86-linux 3.0.12 18d+
   23 May 2002 build 3350 (on Debian Woody)

2. Type (ed). This is the terminal output before Hemlock starts up:

        (ERROR ..)))
      (DECLARE (IGNORE #:G0))
      (IF ERRORP
           "Sorry, cannot find hemlock, please install and use ilisp. Reason: ~S" ..)))
Note: Variable RETURN defined but never used.

; Loading #p"/usr/share/common-lisp/systems/cmucl-hemlock.system".

3. Hemlock starts with a main Window called "Hemlock 1" and a smaller
secondary window called "Hemlock 3" (where's "Hemlock 2"?)

4. I start Lisp Mode (M-x LISP Mode) and Editor Mode (M-x Editor Mode).

5. I try to create a new windows (with C-x C-n). A new window pops up.

6. The new Window is called Hemlock 5. Anything I type in Hemlock 5 is
mirrored(?!?) in Hemlock 1, and vice versa.

Also, if I try to evaluate an expression in Lisp Editor mode:
(+ 1 2)
M-x Evaluate Buffer

I get the error message "Can't find ``"cmucl"'' in your path to run."
(Why can't I copy the text from Hemlock 3?)

   Sent bug report to Debian. I fixed this by creating a
   symlink in /usr/bin:
   # cd /usr/bin
   # ln -s lisp cmucl

Once the symlink is in place, and I also M-x Accept Slave Connections,
I try again.

I get the message "Spawing Slave ..." in Hemlock 3.

The original GNOME terminal window says:
Received EOF on *standard-input*, switching to *terminal-io*.

...and that's it. The output (3) is nowhere to be seen.

A few minutes later I am told "Client Lisp is still unconnected. You must
use "Accept Slave Connections" to allow the slave to connect at the

Thanks for your help.
