From: Stefan Schmiedl
Subject: Re: Newbie - Access arbitrary number of elements in list?
Message-ID: <ab6unr$fqjen$>

Have you looked the CLHS for list?


On Mon, 06 May 2002 18:02:30 -0400,
TejimaNoHimitsu <····> wrote:
> I'm having a tough time with a particular part of a program I have to
> write.  Please look at the following snippit of code:
> (mapcar #'(lambda (y)
>          (cond ((equal (car y) (elt x (+ 1 (position '* x))))
>                    (add-l (list j  (car y) (cddr y)) j)))) text
>                         )
> add-l is another function I defined that does stuff, but that's not
> important.  The part that bothers me is the (cddr y) part because it
> keeps returning a list when in fact I want each individual element in
> that list.  For example, the above code currently yields
> ((2 Fred (eats cake)))  
> whereas I want it to yield
> ((2 Fred eats cake))   .............. but I dunno how =/
> I would access each element in the (cddr y) separately, but the number
> of elements could be anywhere from 1 to infinity (theoretically).  
> Anyone know of a way I might be able to do this?  Thanks!
> - T 
From: Håkon Alstadheim
Subject: Re: Newbie - Access arbitrary number of elements in list?
Message-ID: <>
TejimaNoHimitsu <····> writes:

> Yeah, I've looked at the CLHS for list and that didn't help any.  If
> the (cddr y) was 1 element, that wouldn't be a problem.  As it is, it
> could be 1 to 1000000000 elements and list* only append one item to a
> list.  While that's a nice function, I'm not sure how that could help
> solve my problem as I need to convert a list to an un-list.....

Think through the chapter on CONS and LIST in your basic lisp textbook
(you do have one, right?) once more. Then evaluate the following
expressions one at a time, and try to make sense of them.

(cons 'a 'b) ;; See definition of dotted cons

(cons 'a '(b c d)) ;; Again, see definition of dotted cons. 
                   ;; This is where you should go AHA!

(list* 'a '(b c d)) ;; What is the last arg to list* here?
                    ;; Think "hooking onto a chain".

(list 'a '(b c d))  ;; Think "creating new links in a chain".

(cons 'a '((b c d)))

I believe you have a basic misunderstanding to correct, so keep at
this until you go AHA! Draw boxes and arrows if that helps.

H�kon Alstadheim, hjemmepappa.