From: Larry Clapp
Subject: Re: Still a Newbie - Existence in a list?
Message-ID: <>
In article <··································>, TejimaNoHimitsu wrote:
> Is there a really easy way to check if an element exists in a list?  I know
> I could do (member 'b '(a b c)) but what about a more complex list?  For
> example...
> '(b a (t y (q w (z c)) v) d)  and I wanted to check to see if the element v
> is in there.  Is there a lisp function that does this?  I don't think there
> is, but I thought it couldn't hurt to ask the experts :)

Warning: I don't consider myself as an expert.  :)

In Paul Graham's _On Lisp_, available from, in section 5.6,
"Recursion on Subtrees", you will find:

    (defun rfind-if (fn tree) 
      (if (atom tree)
	(and (funcall fn tree) tree)
	(or (rfind-if fn (car tree))
	    (if (cdr tree)
	      (rfind-if fn (cdr tree))))))

Called something like so:

    (rfind-if <predicate> <tree>)


    (let ((find-me 'v)
	  (look-in '(b a (t y (q w (z c)) v) d)))
      (rfind-if #'(lambda (element) (eql find-me element))
    => V

Also, just because I feel pedantic, you said:

> Is there a lisp function that does this?  I don't think there is, [...]

As you can see, such a function does exist.  Did you mean "does Common Lisp
pre-define such a function?"?  It may (see initial disclaimer), but I don't
think so.  What do you mean by "is there a function"?  :)

Probably a Lisp function exists that could read your post, understand it
(whatever that means), and answer it ... writing such a function, ah, there's
the rub!  :)

-- Larry