From: Christian Lynbech
Subject: unCommonSql and MySQL
Message-ID: <>
I am trying to run the unCommonSql from the cCLan archive (version 1.1.1-1)
against mysql (version 3.23.49-2) but have run into a problem with the
tutorial from the docs.

The tutorial seems to have been made against postgress, so it is quite
likely this is just some difference between the two, but I am hoping
that somebody knows unCommonSql and/or MySQL well enough to help me

The problem hits when trying to create the first table. I get an error

        All parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; If you need NULL
        in a key, use UNIQUE instead

I can think of three solutions:

    - convince unCommonSql to say "UNIQUE KEY(EMPLID)" rather than 

    - have unCommonSql add "NOT NULL" to the EMPLID field

    - convince MySQL to do any of the above by default

Solution 2 seems right, but I do not really know how to add that to
the view object definition.

Christian Lynbech       | 
Hit the philistines three times over the head with the Elisp reference manual.
                                        - ······· (Michael A. Petonic)

From: Craig Brozefsky
Subject: Re: unCommonSql and MySQL
Message-ID: <>
Christian Lynbech <·······> writes:

> The tutorial seems to have been made against postgress, so it is quite
> likely this is just some difference between the two, but I am hoping
> that somebody knows unCommonSql and/or MySQL well enough to help me
> out.
> The problem hits when trying to create the first table. I get an error
> saying
>         All parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; If you need NULL
>         in a key, use UNIQUE instead
> I can think of three solutions:
>     - convince unCommonSql to say "UNIQUE KEY(EMPLID)" rather than 

You can change this with by defining a create-pkey-constraint method
specializing on the mysql database class.

>     - have unCommonSql add "NOT NULL" to the EMPLID field

Assuming mysql supports per field constraint specs you should be able
to define a method specilizing on the mysql database class for the
generic function sql-sys::%install-class which will append the
constraint to the schemadef for the slots.

The following is untested:

(defmethod %install-class ((self view-metaclass) (database mysql-database)
                           &aux schemadef)
  (dolist (slotdef (class-slots self))
    (when-bind (res (mysql-generate-db-definition slotdef))
      (push res schemadef)))
  (unless schemadef
    (error "Class ~s has no :base slots" self))
  (create-table (sql-expression :table (view-table self)) schemadef
                :database database
                :constraints (create-pkey-constraint self database))
  (push self (database-view-classes database))

(defun mysql-generate-db-definition (slotdef)
   ((eq (view-class-slot-db-kind slotdef) :base)
    (list (sql-expression :attribute (view-class-slot-column slotdef))
	  (slot-definition-type slotdef)))
   ((eq (view-class-slot-db-kind slotdef) :key)
    (list (sql-expression :attribute (view-class-slot-column slotdef))
	  (slot-definition-type slotdef)
   (t nil)))

>     - convince MySQL to do any of the above by default

I was thinking that making the generate-db-definition protocol
specializable per database backend is the best solution.  it would
make it easier for you to add the not-null constraint to primarykey
fields, and it would also let us add more information to the schema
versioning tables, which use generate-db-definition to populate their

Craig Brozefsky                           <·····>
Ask me about Common Lisp Enterprise Eggplants at Red Bean!
From: Craig Brozefsky
Subject: Re: unCommonSql and MySQL
Message-ID: <>
Craig Brozefsky <·····> writes:

> > I can think of three solutions:
> > 
> >     - convince unCommonSql to say "UNIQUE KEY(EMPLID)" rather than 
> You can change this with by defining a create-pkey-constraint method

I went ahead and added this to dbms/mysql-sql.lisp

I do not use mysql at all, so you may need to modify it.

> >     - have unCommonSql add "NOT NULL" to the EMPLID field

You can now add a :db-constraints argument to your slot definitions to
add column constraints, not-null and primary-key are the only
supported constraints. There is a protocol for adding universal
constraints as well as DB driver specific constraints now.

for instance

(def-view-class person (sql::metadata-entity)
  ((person-oid  :type integer
                :db-kind :key
                :reader	oid
                :initarg :oid
                :initarg :id
                :documentation "person OID")
   (userid      :type string
                :initarg :userid
                :reader	userid
                :db-constraints not-null
                :documentation "unique person userid")

Is a fragment from an application using USQL.  It will add a NOT NULL
to the column definition when creating that table.

> >     - convince MySQL to do any of the above by default
> I was thinking that making the generate-db-definition protocol
> specializable per database backend is the best solution.  it would
> make it easier for you to add the not-null constraint to primarykey
> fields, and it would also let us add more information to the schema
> versioning tables, which use generate-db-definition to populate their
> infoze. 

Well, all of that is in place now, just needs a mysql user to vet it
and get the syntax for the table constraint right.

Craig Brozefsky                           <·····>
Ask me about Common Lisp Enterprise Eggplants at Red Bean!