From: ········
Subject: Re: B-tree
Message-ID: <lBi%7.17211$>
"scorp *" <·········> writes:
> bonjour, ;-)
> Thank you for your answer and your help.
> I have read conscientiously your explanation and I believe I have bad
> express my problem. According to the rumours of my friends, our
> teacher have give us a particular B-tree.
> I give you an exemple of it (the (x y z) represent a node (or a leaf))
>                  (13)
>      (4 10)               (30)
> (3) (6 7) (11 12)   (15 20) (35 40)
> The nodes contain only integers.

In real applications, there's usually a bunch of data associated with
the nodes.  A typical use of B-trees is in implementing database
tables, which will commonly have many fields, as with:

ID    First name   Surname   Address      Phone
1      Chris       Browne    123 1st St   555-1212
2      David       Browne    456 3rd St   231-2134

And so forth.

Your tree seems to only be storing the keys, and not the other data.
Which isn't a big deal at all; you can always leave the "datum" blank.

Much more importantly, the example that you're providing does _not_
appear to be a B-tree; it appears instead to be a binary tree.

I'd expect a Btree for the above to look more like:

           (7 12 20)
    (3 4 6) (10 11) (20 40)
                  (13 15) (30 35)

> By reading your message, I don't understand one thing:

> Only the leaf contain informations? As a matter of fact, the
> structure "b-tree-node" have a slot chidren, a slot parent but not
> slot "datum"?

> May be I don't understand... certainly!

I think there's a bigger misunderstanding.

The data structures that have been outlined have been for B-trees,
where each "node" can potentially contain many elements.

It appears that you may actually be implementing a binary tree, where
each node has exactly _two_ elements.

There are a bunch of variations on B-trees (such B+-trees and
B*-trees) which vary in where the leaves are allowed to be and in the
way splitting policies work.  If you're really trying to implement a
B-tree, then you certainly need to consult your instructor and/or text
to verify what policies you need to be using.  The sample that you
show up above is _not_ terribly helpful, if the assignment is truly
about B-trees.

> If yes, can you give me, with your data structurs, the
> implementation of a simple tree, as the tree that I write above?

You need to take a step back, and determine if it's really a B-tree
that you need, or a binary tree.  That is the _crucial_ question; it's
not worth any other discussion until that is determined.

And I'm going to redirect this back to comp.lang.lisp.
(concatenate 'string "cbbrowne" ·")
Rules  of the  Evil Overlord  #227.  "I will  never bait  a trap  with
genuine bait." <>
From: Mathieu
Subject: Re: B-tree
Message-ID: <a1kk4a$955$>
>>                  (13)
>>      (4 10)               (30)
>> (3) (6 7) (11 12)   (15 20) (35 40)

> The data structures that have been outlined have been for B-trees,
> where each "node" can potentially contain many elements.
> It appears that you may actually be implementing a binary tree, where
> each node has exactly _two_ elements.

No no ! Each node can contain 1, 2 or 3 integers.

If the node contain 1 integer e, this node have two children : one will
contain the integers inferior to e, the other will contain the integers
superior to e.
If the node contain 2 integers e1 and e2, this node have three children :
one contain the integers < e1, the second the integers between e1 and e2,
and the last for the integers > e3.
If the node contain 3 integers, it's the same thing (with four children)

For example :
            (10 13 30) ;;; a node with 3 integers so 4 children
(3 4 7) (12) (15 20) (35 40)

The title of the homework is : "administration of a B-tree of integers" (in
French, "gestion d'un B-arbre d'entiers")
So I think the teacher want an implementation of B-tree ;-)

Do your data structures is correct for this work?
If yes, can you implement, with this structures, the B-tree that I write

Thank you for all,
