From: Praveen Kumar K
Subject: grave doubts of a newbie :(((
Message-ID: <>
hi !
        i am freshly getting introduced to lisp.
took some pains to decide which lisp to download and install.. and finally
decided on cmucl :)))) ( geeee ! was it a good decision ???! ;))

& so here i am pressing F1.. getting stuck badly...:(((

Could any of u clear my doubts plz.
( i know these might look *too* silly, but then, am a beginner...)

* I'm just unable to understand how to use Xemacs editor for lisp
programming .the help is tooo criptic and time consuming to get going
immediately.Mine is a linux 7.2 & so has ilisp and elisp.. but just how
and where do i start ? 

* what should be the ~/.xemacs ~/.emacs and ~/.cmucl-init settings ?
could someone pls suggest something. 

Thanx in advance.


From: Greg Menke
Subject: Re: grave doubts of a newbie :(((
Message-ID: <>
> * I'm just unable to understand how to use Xemacs editor for lisp
> programming .the help is tooo criptic and time consuming to get going
> immediately.Mine is a linux 7.2 & so has ilisp and elisp.. but just how
> and where do i start ? 
> * what should be the ~/.xemacs ~/.emacs and ~/.cmucl-init settings ?
> could someone pls suggest something. 

Start simply, forget about ilisp, elisp and all the .config files
until you're more experienced.  If CMUCL has a friendly reader
interface (form history, cursor keys work, delete, end, etc...), then
stick with it, otherwise use CLISP.  Start working through making
forms work and building them up into little programs.  Making a
program to parsing words out of a text file seems a popular exercise,
though don't get too wrapped up in making it exactly right.  Once you
get to a point where you're working with several defuns, you'll need
an editor to collect them in a source file.  As long as it counts
parentheses, any editor will do.  Please don't choose an editor that
doesn't count parentheses.  Counting parentheses means the editor will
match them up for you; maybe it will highlight the entire sexp or the
cursor will blink on the paren matching the one under the cursor- it
doesn't matter, just as long as it gives you a hint in a way you like.
With the editor, put your work in a file (use a .lisp or .lsp
extension) and get used to loading it in your Lisp environment when
you want to run it.  Then if you want to, move to ilisp once you find
loading the file is becoming clumsy.  The idea is to understand the
language before you start fiddling around with adapting a programming
environment for it.

Go to and find the entry relating to Lisp programming style.
Please try to adhere to it, your code will be more managable if you

elisp is the Lisp dialect implemented in Emacs.  You can do quite a
lot with it, though I think you'll find Common Lisp more enjoyable.

For help, ignore everything in Emacs for the time being and instead
use the Hyperspec.  "Common Lisp The Language" can be helpful as well,
but CLHS is really a better reference, keep your web browser pointed
to it while you work.  If you do a google search for lisp help or
documentation or some such, you'll find the other good references and
help pages before too long.  Its OK for the process to be clumsy when
you start out; getting rid of the "f1 for language help" reflex is
really not as horrible and inefficient as it may sound.  I find I only
care about f1 for help when I'm trying to decrypt C++ routine or
remember some screwball STL notation.

From: Barry Wilkes
Subject: Re: grave doubts of a newbie :(((
Message-ID: <>
·········· (Praveen Kumar K) writes:

> hi !
>         i am freshly getting introduced to lisp.
> took some pains to decide which lisp to download and install.. and finally
> decided on cmucl :)))) ( geeee ! was it a good decision ???! ;))
> & so here i am pressing F1.. getting stuck badly...:(((
> Could any of u clear my doubts plz.
> ( i know these might look *too* silly, but then, am a beginner...)
> * I'm just unable to understand how to use Xemacs editor for lisp
> programming .the help is tooo criptic and time consuming to get going
> immediately.Mine is a linux 7.2 & so has ilisp and elisp.. but just how
> and where do i start ? 
> * what should be the ~/.xemacs ~/.emacs and ~/.cmucl-init settings ?
> could someone pls suggest something. 

OK Praveen - I suggest you go to and download Lispworks for
Linux personal edition (it's free). Concentrate on learning CL, if that's what
you are trying to do. 

From: Brian P Templeton
Subject: Re: grave doubts of a newbie :(((
Message-ID: <>
·········· (Praveen Kumar K) writes:

> hi !
>         i am freshly getting introduced to lisp.
> took some pains to decide which lisp to download and install.. and finally
> decided on cmucl :)))) ( geeee ! was it a good decision ???! ;))

> & so here i am pressing F1.. getting stuck badly...:(((
> Could any of u clear my doubts plz.
> ( i know these might look *too* silly, but then, am a beginner...)
> * I'm just unable to understand how to use Xemacs editor for lisp
> programming .the help is tooo criptic and time consuming to get going
> immediately.Mine is a linux 7.2 & so has ilisp and elisp.. but just how
> and where do i start ? 
> * what should be the ~/.xemacs ~/.emacs and ~/.cmucl-init settings ?
> could someone pls suggest something. 
Please post Emacs-related questions to comp.emacs. (ILISP
configuration - the Emacs part of it - is an Emacs question, not a CL

Possibly `M-x cmulisp' will ``just work'', and you can use CMUCL in
that way. Otherwise...

place the following in ~/.emacs:
    ;; (for example, on my Debian system this is
    ;; /usr/share/emacs/21.1/site-lisp/ilisp)
    (push "/directory/containing/ilisp.el" load-path)
    (load "~/.autoload-ilisp.el")
Then, in ~/.autoload-ilisp.el:
=CUT HERE=============================================================
;;;  -*- Mode: Emacs-Lisp -*-

;;; .ilisp --

(autoload 'run-ilisp "ilisp" "Select a new inferior LISP." t)

(autoload 'clisp-hs     "ilisp" "Inferior CLISP." t)

(defun cmulisp ()
  (let ((core (file-truename "/usr/lib/cmucl/lisp.core")))
     ((string-equal core "/usr/lib/cmucl/lisp-normal.core")
     ((string-equal core "/usr/lib/cmucl/lisp-safe.core")
     ((string-equal core "/usr/lib/cmucl/lisp-small.core")

(autoload 'cmulisp-normal "ilisp" "Inferior CMUCL -- normal core" t)
(setq cmulisp-normal-program "lisp -core /usr/lib/cmucl/lisp-normal.core")

(autoload 'cmulisp-safe "ilisp" "Inferior CMUCL -- safe core" t)
(setq cmulisp-safe-program "lisp -core /usr/lib/cmucl/lisp-safe.core")

(autoload 'cmulisp-small "ilisp" "Inferior CMUCL -- small core" t)
(setq cmulisp-small-program "lisp -core /usr/lib/cmucl/lisp-small.core")

(autoload 'openmcl "ilisp" "Inferior OpenMCL" t)

(autoload 'sbcl  "ilisp" "Inferior Steel Bank Common LISP." t)

(autoload 'scheme    "ilisp" "Inferior generic Scheme." t)

(autoload 'guile    "ilisp" "Inferior guile." t)

;(setq clisp-program "clisp")

;(setq cmulisp-program "/usr/bin/lisp")

(setq scheme-program "/usr/bin/guile")

(setq guile-program "/usr/bin/guile")

(setq ilisp-*use-frame-for-output* nil)
(setq *ilisp-use-frame-for-output* nil)

;;; If you run cmu-cl then set this to where your source files are.
(setq cmulisp-local-source-directory "/usr/share/common-lisp/source/cmucl/")

(setq common-lisp-hyperspec-root

;;; This makes reading a lisp file load in ilisp.

(set-default 'auto-mode-alist
	     (append '(("\\.lisp$" . lisp-mode)
		       ("\\.lsp$" . lisp-mode)
		       ("\\.cl$" . lisp-mode)) auto-mode-alist))

(add-hook 'lisp-mode-hook (function (lambda () (require 'ilisp))))

 'scheme-mode-hook (function 
		    (lambda ()
		      (require 'ilisp))))

;(add-hook 'ilisp-site-hook
;	  (function
;	   (lambda ()
;	     (setq ilisp-init-binary-extension "x86f")
;	     (setq ilisp-init-binary-command "(progn \"x86f\")")
;	     (setq ilisp-binary-extension "x86f")
;	     (setq ilisp-binary-command "\"x86f\"")
;	     )))
=CUT HERE=============================================================

Then M-x cmulisp should work.

Please ask any further Emacs and ILISP questions in comp.emacs.

> Thanx in advance.
> Regards,
> praveen.

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From: Kenny Tilton
Subject: Re: grave doubts of a newbie :(((
Message-ID: <>
Praveen Kumar K wrote:
> hi !
>         i am freshly getting introduced to lisp.
> took some pains to decide which lisp to download and install.. and finally
> decided on cmucl :)))) ( geeee ! was it a good decision ???! ;))

i recommend the ACL freebee at that said, I have a newbie
friend who seems happy with CLisp.


 kenny tilton
 clinisys, inc
 "We have a pond and a pool. The pond would be good for you."
                                            - Ty to Carl, Caddy Shack
From: Thomas F. Burdick
Subject: Re: grave doubts of a newbie :(((
Message-ID: <xcvu1seftac.fsf@apocalypse.OCF.Berkeley.EDU>
·········· (Praveen Kumar K) writes:

> hi !
>         i am freshly getting introduced to lisp.
> took some pains to decide which lisp to download and install.. and finally
> decided on cmucl :)))) ( geeee ! was it a good decision ???! ;))

That depends.  Are you going to get frustrated and decide that maybe
lisp isn't for you, if your environment is at first hard to set up,
use, etc?  There's nothing wrong with such a reaction (working through
it is probably a sign of undue stubbornness); if so, try one of the
commercial Lisps (from xanalys or franz).  Being commercial products,
they can't get away with ignoring UI.  The Free lisps tend to have UIs
that are nice and productive once you're good at them.  At that point
you'd be able to make a nice, newbie-friendly UI, but ... you don't
really have an incentive to anymore.

Since you're not an Emacs user already, I'd say that if you want to
stick with CMUCL, you should use Hemlock.  CMUCL has a nice users
manual, and so does Hemlock (the Emacs-like editor included with
cmucl).  It's quite nice, and if you don't have any preconceptions of
what Emacs should be like, you won't mind that Hemlock has different
feeling on what it means to be Emacs :).  It *was* designed to be the
nice way for new users (and experienced ones, too) at CMU to use CMUCL.

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