From: cr88192
Subject: early language design 2
Message-ID: <>
I have reposted, this time to comp.lang.lisp and comp.lang.scheme instead 
of comp.lang.scheme and comp.lang.smalltalk.
at present I feel this is more appropriate for these groups.

I appriciate the comments I had recieved for the last version of the spec, 
here is a slightly more updated version of the spec.

I am sorry if this is difficult to read, a lot of information was portrayed 
using the formatting, which does not really carry over to usenet posts.
I am also aware of my bad use of capitalization, however I have not really 
been motivated to go through the spec and fix it.

I have gone though and have indented sectoin headers if that is any help...

at present I am considering the design of a module system. also the 
possibility of ':' as a special syntax for reference of members within 
objects or environments.

the design is still somewhat fluid, and many issues still need to be 

INITIAL 2002-08-14/22 

I will attempt to design a language. this will be a hybrid of a functional 
and imperative object oriented language. 
much of the design at present borrows from languages of the lisp family.

        Basic Syntax 

function args... 
object args... 
the first object on a line is either a function call or an object. in this 
case object means either an identifier referring to an object or to a form 
which will evaluate to an object. 
any lower lines with a higher indentation are also considered as functional 
arguments to a given function, thus functional arguments will naturally be 
the last arguments to a function. 
a line may be terminated with '\' indicating it is continued on the next 
line. for the next line indentation is considered unimportant, however a 
good apprach would be to indent it more than one would indent any following 
subexpressions, or the same if none exist. 
I know this is a bit of a kludge, but at present I lack much better... 
parenthesis may also be used to indicate nested functional arguments on the 
same line: 
function ... (function args...) ... 
also infix notation may be supported: 
arg function 
arg function args... 
the infix notation will vary from prefix notation only in the position of 
the function call, the operations will be the same in either case (except 
in cases where the first element is an object). 
however the order of operations at present will not be defined based on the 
requirement that nested expressions require parenthesis... 
in cases where it is possible for both prefix and infix evaluation to 
occure, prefix will be the default. thus in this case prefix may be used to 
clarify certain constructs. 
in cases where the function can not easily be determined the first object 
will be assumed to be the function. 
[for now I may disallow infix notation due to issues in implementing a 
'new object' vs. 'object new'. it would seem that new would be the default 
in both, however in the second object could default to taking the 'new' as 
an argument, thus calling it's 'new' function. in cases where a function is 
being applied to an object, the function will come first. 
at present I will define symbols to contain letters, numbers, or one of the 
symbols ···@$%^*+-/<>=:?_', and will not be allowed to start with a number. 
the exeption will be + or - followed by a number, in which case it is 
considered as a sign identifier and a number. 
I will define symbols to be case insensitive, and to have lower case as the 
default. some symbols by convention will be written in upper case, but this 
has no real effect on the language. 
all parsable symbols would need to be seperated using spaces, this y:=x+1 
would be interpreted as a single token, and thus would need to be written 
as y := (x + 1). 
'object this will have the same behavior as in lisp, ie: the object will 
not be evaluated. 
#\character will represent an individual character, character will be the 
typeable character. 
#\code will represent a character by it's code. 
code will either be numeric (hex, required to start with a number), or a 
special nmonic for the character. 
in the case of numeric characters they will be under the unicode encoding. 
all characters will be required to be seperated by a space, and any value 
which consists of multiple characters will be a code. 
#\a => 'a' 
#\0A => '\n' 
#\space => ' ' 
numbers and strings will follow the usual rules. 
// will be used for line comments, with /* and */ for block comments. at 
present I will not define it as a requirement that block comments be 
the language will be dynamically typed and lexically scoped, and I will 
make the requirement that it be tail recursive. 
conceptually there will only be a few primative types: numbers, characters, 
arrays, conses, and environments. 
there will be a type referred to as a cons, this will have 2 slots called 
head and tail. this will be used largely for the construction of lists. 
strings and symbols will be considered an array of characters. 
(items...) will be used to represent a list. 
a list will be composed of cons cells, each of which will have the data 
item in head and the remainder of the list in tail. 
another form is 
(items... . item) which will represent a list with item placed in the final 
() will be an empty list, this will be considered a value in itself. 
#(items...) will represent a array containing the items. 
constructs accepting multiple forms will evaluate left to right and will 
return the value of the last form. 
if an expression is opened, ie: with ( it is still required to be line 
broken and ended with ). 
        display "1\n" 
        display "2\n") 
is valid. 
is not, and: 
(1+ \ 
a requirement is that sub expressions on lower lines still need a higher 
indentation than the parent line. 
true and false will be values: 
T and F, corresponding to true and false respecivly. 
there will also be NULL, which will be considered distinct from (). 
#t, #f, and #nil, will be considered a possible alternate syntax. 


definitions will be allowed within most code blocks, however within nested 
blocks they are still required to preserve the top level semantics. 
all nested defines will have a scope, this will include the remainder of 
the enclosing form and any children within the remainder of the form. the 
exception to this is redefine which may effect bindings outside the current 
form (in the case of assignment). 
define variable  
define variable value 
define (variables...) 
define (variables...) values... 
defines variable, and assigns value to it if a value is given. 
define will only create a new binding but will not change any previous 
in the case where it is given lists of variables or a variables list and 
values it will bind multiple variables at the same time. the variables and 
values are to be the same in number. 
redefine ... 
will have the same syntax as define however if the variable exists it will 
be assigned rarther than creating a new binding. 
defspecial variable 
defspecial variable value 
despecial (variables...) 
despecial (variables...) values... 
defines a special variable, special variables differ from normal ones in 
that they follow dynamic scoping rules. 
defining multiple special variables with the same name serves little 
practical purpose as only the last defined value is used. 
function name (args...) 
function name args_lst 
defines a function called name. multiple functions may be defined with the 
same name in which case the last definition which matches will be used. 
at present I will define that args may be either symbols or literals, where 
a function match is considered if the values are equal and the number of 
arguments is correct. 
_ will be usable as a value which will allways match (except if the arg is 
not present). 
thus: (identifier = _) => T 
having a symbol in the tail position, or having a symbol for an args list 
will specify that the function accepts a variable number of arguments. 
extra arguments will be passed to the function in the form of a list. 
an example of how function might be implemented: 
defmacro function (name args . forms) 
`(define ,name  
        if (bound? ,name) 
                let (lambda-list  
                        cons (lambda (,args) 
                                get (last ,name) 'lambda-list) 
                        lambda args 
                                apply-match lambda-list args 
                let (lambda-list 
                        lambda (,args) 
lambda (args...) 
lambda args_lst 
will create an anonymous function which accepts args, anonymous functions 
have the advantage that they can be passed as variables without needing to 
be bound. 
let (variable value) 
letrec (variable value) 
let ((variable value)...) 
letrec ((variable value)...) 
will bind variable to value in each list and then invoke forms with the 
variables bound. 
in let the bindings are not in effect when each value is evaluated, however 
in letrec they are, possibly allowing mutually recursive functions. 
rlet name (variable value) 
rlet name ((variable value)...) 
this will be used for implementing a named let. name will be bound within 
forms to refer to a lambda accepting the variables as values, and will be 
initially called with the values bound as indicated. 
this may be used for easy creation of recursive loops. 
lazylet name ((variable value)...) 
this will be a variation of named let. it will differ from named let in 
that execution of the named closure does not yeild an immediate result, 
rather it will return a lazy closure which may be stored in some structure. 
on reference such a lazy closure will be evaluated and it's result will be 
substituted in place. 
as such use in the form of: 
name args... 
will return a lazy closure which will be evaluated on reference. 
it may be useful in some cases to evaluate before storage (ie: when storing 
into a variable). this may be useful in cases where checking for presence 
in such fields will be considered too expensive. however it will not be 
allowed for it to be evaluated recursively, as that would have the same 
behavior as named let. 
define fiblst (list 1 1 
        lazylet rec ((x 1) (y 1)) 
                cons (x + y) (rec y (x + y))) 

        Objects, Environments, And Closures 
at present this aspect is still up for debate. 
objects, environments, and closures will be considered roughly analogous. 
an object will just be an environment with a few special functions bound. 
an environment will just be a closure, with the ability to look into it's 
as such functions which may be used on one may generally be used on 
another, thus it is possible to clone or exec code within a closure the 
same as an object or environment. 
however, the exact safety of tampering with closures can not be gueranteed, 
for example introducing new bindings into a closure will not guerantee that 
the closure will still work afterwards... 
the structure will be that of a pair of variable dimensional trees, the 
trees are to have matching structure however one contains symbols and the 
other objects. any symbol denotes a leaf and thus indicates that spot on 
the tree to contain data. I will define that either tuples or lists may 
compose an object. 
likely this will need to be optimized, however the exact implementation of 
the environment is outside this spec. 
this will use a variation of a prototype object system. 
all the top level forms of an object will be the implicit  constructor. 
in cases where any "normal" operator is being used with the object the 
object is to be used first in order to allow it to override the operator, 
placing the operator in prefix position may be used to be more explicit. 

        General Object Minipulation 

clone object 
clones an object, by duplicating both lists. it does not call a 
constructor, also it ignores any "clone proof" parts of the tree. 
self, which will be bound on clone within the object to the resulting 
parent will also be bound to it's previous self. 
one can check if an object is an ancestor of another first by comparing the 
self value, then stepping along parent and comparing each one with the self 
of the other. 
an implementation is free to create both self and parent as builtin 
variables, this may allow for more efficiency in some places (ie: checking 
for ancestory, where one could implement parent as a list). 
exec object ((variable value)...) 
executes forms within the object's environment. this will be useful for 
mutating the object. 
any references within forms will be resolved to those which exist within 
the object. 
the (variable value) pairs may be used to bind some values within the 
object, and thus exists as a means both to introduce new bindings or to 
pass values to forms... 
the introduced bindings are not gueranteed to disappear after the forms are 
another means would be to use dynamic variables to introduce bindings. in 
this case it is the dynamic variables which would follow lexical 
object args... 
[technical issues...] 
when an object is used as a function it will work by looking up the symbol 
indicated by the first arg, returning that value if it is not a closure or 
object, otherwise it will apply it with the remaining args. prefixing the 
last arg with a _ may be used to alter this behavior, in which case it will 
just return the value rather than trying to apply it. 
this is preferred means by which to interact with an object. 
[this is inconsistent. the object is not a macro and thus will not be able 
to accept unevaluated arguments. at present I will consider the invoke form 
to be preferred.] 
object (parents...) 
defobject name (parents...) 
this will work by creating a new object which will be the accumulation of 
the current bindings and all the parents. after this it will invoke forms 
within the new object. in the case of object the resulting object is 
returned otherwise the result is undefined. 
this is intended to behave much like a class in other systems, but may be 
used to create other kinds of objects as well. 
the last parent will dominate, each parent will dominate over the one 
comming before. all of the parents are considered clone proof. 
by default this will also include all bindings in place at the time of 
definition, which will be considered as coming before all the others (and 
thus will have the least influence). 

        Object Utility Bindings 

which will return the current environment. 
last symbol  
last symbol num 
can be used for backtracing symbols, or to implement overriding. also for 
calling parent constructors, ... 
using last on self may be used to access parent objects. 
retrieve object symbol 
will retrieve the value of symbol within object. 
assign! object symbol value 
will assign value to symbol within object. 
bind! object symbol value 
will bind value to symbol within object. 
trace object symbol last 
will lookup a variable within object and will return an object known as a 
trace. on a subsequent call the trace may be passed via last to find a 
previous binding. 
for the initial call () is to be supplied in the last argument. 
a trace will not be considered valid between environments or after a 
destructive bind or exec... 
retrieve-trace object trace 
retrieve the value indicated by trace within object. 
assign-trace! object trace value 
assign the value indicated by trace within object. 
invoke object func args... 
this is similar to 
object func args... 
however the identity of the function is contained within func, allowing 
invokation by name. 
quote object 
this is the longhand for 'object. 
Basic Control Functions 
if (test...) 
if (test...) 
evaluate test, if T then evaluate then, otherwise if present evaluate else. 
        (predicate action)... 
will go through each argument evaluating the predicate until one of them 
returns T, when this happens action is evaluated and the result is the 
result of the cond expression. 
a final argument of T may be used to catch control if it is unhandled 
otherwise, otherwise the result is undefined. 
case key 
        ((patterns) action)... 
key is evaluated, then for each argument each pattern is compared against 
the key. if it is a match then action is evaluated and the result is 
_ as a pattern may be used to catch control, in which case action is 
evaluated and the result returned. the result is undefined otherwise. 
will evaluate each form in order, the result of the last form is returned. 
delay (form) 
delay is used for returning a closure which will return the results of 
evaluating form when applied. delay is intended to allow implementation of 
lazy evaluation. 
this may be considered synonomous with 'lambda () (form)'. 
I will define that some list stepping functions 'ltail' will evaluate the 
tail of a cons when called and it is a closure. 


operators are not technically different from normal function calls. these 
will be used in either the form 'operator a b' or 'a operator b'. 
==      the same object 
=       equal 
>       greater than 
<       less than 
~=      not equal 
~==     not the same object 
<=      less than or equal 
>=      greater than or equal 
and     both arguments are true 
or      either argument is true 
xor     only one argument is true 
nor     both are false 
not     accepts only 1 argument, returns T if a is F, F otherwise. 
:=      assignment, this destructivly modifies a given binding (a) to refer to a 
new value (b). 

like functions, macros will be allowed both within prefix and infix 
macros will be defined with 
defmacro name (args) 
a macro is essentially a function which will take it's arguments 
unevaluated. it will be called as if it were a normal function otherwise. 
macros are intended to perform the task of interpreting a piece of code and 
returning a form which will correspond to the value of the given macro 
macros will be like function calls in that they may also override previous 
definitions, in which case the last one which is the closest match will be 
macros will be called with possibly the full power of the language 
available, however it is likely that in some cases (ie: a static compiler) 
they will be called with a potentially reduced form of the language. 
because macros are code themselves any contained macro calls will be 
expanded automatically. 
I will define backquote, it is a means of constructing a list from a 
template. it will be quite similar to the normal quote except that elements 
prefixed by ',' will be evaluated normally, and those prefixed by ',@' will 
return lists that will be substituted in place. 
this syntax is annoying but at present I don't have much better. 
example: `(1 2 ,(1 + 2) ,@'(4 5)) => (1 2 3 4 5) 

        Sequence Types 

I will define a special propety of sequences: when used as functions they 
will be implicitly indexed, and when an extra argument is supplied it will 
be an assignment: 
('(1 2 3) 1) => 2 
(#(4 5 6) 2) => 6 
naturally this will extend to strings: 
("Hello" 0) => #\H 
comparisons on sequences: 
comparisons may be applied to sequences like other data types. on 
comparison of a sequence it will work by making sure they have the same 
length (in the case of =), and that the elements match the comparisons (all 
need to hold true in case of =). greater or less comapisons will compare 
either until the values differ in value or the end of the list is reached. 
the leftmost elements will be most significant. 
ci=, ci>, ci<, ci>=, ci<=, and ci~= 
will be used on character arrays and will perform a case insensitive 
+ may be used to concatencate sequences as well. 
(+ "Hello " "world\n") => "Hello world\n" 

        Lists And Expressions 

both lists and expressions will be considered similar structures, and will 
have similar functions for manipulation. 
data lists will not be evaluated. 
head cell 
returns the head member (car in lisp) of the cell. 
head (1 2 3) => 1 
tail cell 
returns the tail of the cell (the cdr in lisp). 
tail (1 2 3) => (2 3) 
when called and the tail is a closure (in the case of data lists), the 
closure will be evaluated and substituted in place, and the result will be 
returned. this is intended to ease implementation of lazy lists (or 
[h/t...]lst cell 
this is sort of like c[a/d...]r is lisp. 
these are defined to be arbitrarily combined up to 4 levels (thus limiting 
to 24). 
ie: caddr => httlst, cdar => thlst, ... 
ltail cell 
this will behave like tail, but with an important exception: closures are 
not evaluated if the tail is a closure. 
cons head tail 
this will create a new cell containing head and tail. this will be of the 
list type 
list args... 
will compose a data list containing args. 
list 1 2 3 => (1 2 3) 
list-length lst 
returns the length of the given list. 
list-ref lst index 
retrieve the value at the given index in the list. 
list-set! lst index value 
set the value at the given index in the list. 
comparisons may be used on lists, in which case they will be recursive. 
possible: it may be possible to allow lists of characters to be used as 
strings. this would be grossly inefficient however it could also be useful. 


tuples will be a basic type. tuples will comprise strings, symbols, and 
arrays do not necissarily contain normal objects, they may be far more 
restricted in many cases. the other types are thus specializations on 
strings and symbols will refer to arrays full of characters, no other type 
will be allowed. 
vectors will contain normal elements, and are considered as restricted as 
array-ref array index 
this will refer to a given slot within a array. 
array-set! array index value 
will assign value to a given slot within a array. 
array-length array 
will return the length of the array in slots. 
make-array type length fill 
will create a new array with the given type and length, being filled with 
        array-elem      normal array filled with elements (a vector). 
        array-character the basis for string and symbol 
        array-string    a string (strings and symbols may involve additional 
        array-symbol    a symbol (or may be types in themselves) 
        array-u1        bit array 
        array-u8        unsigned byte array 
        array-s8        signed byte array 
        array-u16       unsigned short array 
        array-s16       signed short array 
        array-u32       unsigned 32 bit int array 
        array-s32       signed 32 bit int array 
        array-u64       unsigned 64 bit int array 
        array-s64       signed 64 bit int array 
        array-float     array of 32 bit floats (assumed ieee encoding) 
        array-double    array of 64 bit doubles (same here) 
string chars... 
this will compose a string from the given chars. 
symbol chars... 
composes a symbol from the chars. 
vector elems... 
composes a vector from the given elements. 
stepper array 
this will return a closure referred to as a stepper. when called a stepper 
will step along an array, reading elements 1 at a time until the end of the 
array. it will return nil once the end is reached. 
example implementation: 
function stepper (a) 
        define x 0 
        lambda () 
                if (>= x (array-length a)) nil 
                        begin (:= x (+ x 1)) (a (- x 1)) 
one possible use for a stepper is to step along a string and read 


From: cr88192
Subject: Re: early language design 2
Message-ID: <>
I have so far added a few misc features. some minor alterations have also 
been made to the list and array handling as well (defined associative 
lists, added cat feature, more stuff relating to destructive modification, 
and some minor function name changes).

objects have been changed to be accessed through an accessor function (for 
several reasons). additionally I have done some minor design for more 
runtime type features.

I am considering seperating objects from closures, and also have defined 
that variables may contain extra "meta information", though as of yet I 
have not defined the information...

I know this does not offer much particularly new, but I do appriciate 
comments to indicate what I am doing well and what I am not.

I will define that the runtime be persistent for a general program. there 
may be times when this is not the case (ie: when the host system is 
incapable of maintaining a consistent image). 


conceptually all streams will be a connection between 2 points. something 
written in one end will come out the other and vice versa. streams and 
sockets may be implemented similarly... 
the idea will be that streams will be composed of 3 parts: 2 ends and a 
connection. initially an end will not be connected to anything, and thus 
will not accept io (it may be that an end will just be used for it's 
typically the connection will be hidden, and interaction will be 
accomplished through the ends. 
this concept however may break down in many cases, ie: where the connection 
in itself comprises the other end or the object of intrest is not another 
the connection will serve the purpose of getting data from one end to 
another, but may also be defined to serve other purposes. 
will create a new end. 
stream-connect end1 end2 
will create a simple bidirectional connection between the 2 ends. 
read-bytes stream count 
will read the requested amount of bytes from the stream, and will normally 
block if not enough are available (or will return immediatly if the stream 
has ended). 
this will return a byte array containing the read data. 
write-bytes stream data 
will write the requested bytes to stream. data will be a byte array 
containing the structure. 
bytes-ready stream 
will return the number of bytes currently available in the stream (or the 
largest block which can be read). 


        Message Passing 
I will define that message passing will be achieved through a "socket". 
sockets will be streams which will accept the data to be sent in the 
the data to be sent will be in the form of lists. 
socket args... 
will send args to the socket indicated by socket. 
recieve socket 
recieve-nb socket 
accept a message from socket and try to match it against each pattern, 
returning the result of evaluating forms for the first match. 
if no match is found then the return value is unspecified. 
pattern will have the same structure as that of function calls, however the 
first argument will allways be a socket capable of recieving return 
messages. before executing forms all values indicated in pattern will be 
bound to the equivalent fields in the message. 
recieve will block if no messages are available, however recieve-nb will 
immediately return nil if no messages arrive on socket. 
socket type args... 
this will create a new socket. type will indicate the general protocol to 
be used, and args will be used for protocol type specific args. 
this will return the socket or nil on error. 
connect addr 
will connect to the system indicated by addr. at present if this is a 
string it will be assumed to be a url. 
this will return a socket, or nil if unable to open the requested 

I will define a basic module system. 
modules will by defualt placed in environments placed at top level. each 
module will just be a specially defined environment. 
modules will be created by binding them in their respective locations. 
ex: bind! user-modules my-module some_mod 
import module 
will import the module defined by module. this will be a reference to an 
environment, or a string in the case of external system modules. 
module location name description 
this will be a convienience function used for defining modules. location 
will indicate where this module is to be created, name is what name this 
will be bound under. 
description will be a textual description of this module, possibly useful 
when browsing modules to identify what functionality is defined. 
export name ext-name description 
will export a given binding from the module. name is the name of the 
binding within the module, and ext-name is what it will be exported as. 
description is a textual description of this export. 
exports are to be located after their respective variables have been 


threads will behave roughly as in other systems. 
thread func 
will create a new thread and executes func, the return value will be 
derived from the last form and may be retrieved after the thread 
on the creator side this returns a thread descriptor. 
threads will share the same bindings as the parent, it is the idea that a 
thread will use dynamic variables for local storage. let or similar may 
also be used. 
wait-thread desc 
will wait for thread to terminate and will return the return value of the 
thread. this will return the result immediatly if the thread has allready 
kill-thread desc 
will kill the indicated thread. 
thread-terminated? desc 
will return #t if the thread has terminated, #f otherwise. 

From: Frank A. Adrian
Subject: Re: early language design 2
Message-ID: <LXY99.77$>
cr88192 wrote:

> I have reposted, this time to comp.lang.lisp and comp.lang.scheme instead
> of comp.lang.scheme and comp.lang.smalltalk.
> at present I feel this is more appropriate for these groups.

Why do you feel you (or anyone else) needs your language?  What defects do 
you see in other languages that you wish to rectify with this language.  
Without this base of information, there can be no "proper" evaluation of 
this language.

What information do you want from this evaluation?  Whether we think it is 
technically sound?  Whether we think it is aeshetically pleasing?  Would we 
be willing to use it?

Again, the desired information needs to be described.
> I appriciate the comments I had recieved for the last version of the spec,
> here is a slightly more updated version of the spec.

Well, without the information 

> I am sorry if this is difficult to read, a lot of information was
> portrayed using the formatting, which does not really carry over to usenet
> posts. I am also aware of my bad use of capitalization, however I have not
> really been motivated to go through the spec and fix it.

If you are not motivated to fix the spec, why should we feel you are 
motivated to construct a language and why should we care?

All this being said and myself being a charitable type, I did avail myself 
of your specification and found the language excruciatingly ugly, 
underpowered, and ill-defined compared to Common Lisp.  There is nothing 
here that has not been done better or more elegantly elsewhere.  I see no 
reason for this language to exist other than to stroke the ego of its 
creator.  If I were to make a recommendation, it would be for the language 
designer to make a few existing languages better before he embarks on the 
perilous task of creating his own.  It may not be as satisfactory to his 
ego, but it would be more useful and more likely to be accepted.

Hope this helps...

From: ····
Subject: Re: early language design 2
Message-ID: <>
cr88192 wrote:
> I am sorry if this is difficult to read, a lot of information was portrayed
> using the formatting, which does not really carry over to usenet posts.
> I am also aware of my bad use of capitalization, however I have not really
> been motivated to go through the spec and fix it.

No problem; but if you don't treat it as something that's 
important enough to get right in the trivial matters, what's 
the point of us expecting you care enough about it to try to 
get it right in the substantial matters?

If you want feedback, respect the people you're asking for 
feedback from by investing the time to polish it up before 
you ask them to invest the time to review it.  Fair's fair, 
you shouldn't ask people to put in more effort than you do, 
nor to care more about the correctness of your work than 
you seem to.

<remainder snipped...>

From: cr88192
Subject: Re: early language design 2
Message-ID: <>
···· wrote:

> cr88192 wrote:
>> I am sorry if this is difficult to read, a lot of information was
>> portrayed using the formatting, which does not really carry over to
>> usenet posts. I am also aware of my bad use of capitalization, however I
>> have not really been motivated to go through the spec and fix it.
> No problem; but if you don't treat it as something that's
> important enough to get right in the trivial matters, what's
> the point of us expecting you care enough about it to try to
> get it right in the substantial matters?
> If you want feedback, respect the people you're asking for
> feedback from by investing the time to polish it up before
> you ask them to invest the time to review it.  Fair's fair,
> you shouldn't ask people to put in more effort than you do,
> nor to care more about the correctness of your work than
> you seem to.
it is all crap anyways...

I have no buisness trying to design a language.

if it is worth anything for a scheme vm of mine I am implementing similar 
environment and objects, sockets/pipes have been changed (and made the 
fundamental basis of io).

anymore objects and environments are just snapshots of the current bindings 
(much like closures), but vary in behavior. they are implemented as 
vectors, and clone is just an alias for vector-copy.
object specific fields are to be established by creating new bindings after 
clone (thus: new). still much cleanup work is needed.
objects are interacted with using messages (though I am not sure it is 
conceptually sensible to recieve messages from objects).

I have gone over to making sockets (or pipes) 2 sided, and sending messages 
to one end results in messages being available on the other.
conceptually at the other end something will sit and will handle messages 
flowing through the pipe. it is reasonably straightforward in concept to 
bind pipes together or to implement pools or whatever.
it is also straightforward in concept to connect pipes to objects, thus 
allowing more remote object interaction.
file/stream io would be accomplished by sending io messages over a pipe 
connected to the conceptual file.
